Track Preperation Part 1

Wonderful Sean.
I hope you�ll sort out that problem with the gearbox.
I was considering using the same structure for the fuel, but like I said, I was afraid that the fuel would get hot inside the rail. But after what you�ve said, I think I will try it!

By the way, what fixing did you use for the engine cover to the rear clam and roof? I am looking for suitable fixings for this case, but I can�t find something that really suits this application.

Cheers Nath, Yeah I have one of the Lotus Motorsport rear wings. It was on the car the last few times it was out, so that will be going on when I get it back, as I have lent it out.

George, My engine cover came from Lotus with a small bag of fixings and they do work great. I have no clue what they are called, so I will take some pictures later and post them up so you can see. I am led to believe they are an easy to get hold of fastner though.


Just got in and George, I forgot to take a pic of the fixings and Roxx I forgot to measure the fan. lol. I am so crap. Sorry.

Well a bit of a mixed day on the car today. I took it to Pro Shift to get the paddle shift sorted. They plugged in a new control baox and hey presto, all the lights lit up and the paddles worked. But unfortunatly they only worked for about two dozen gear changes and that was that, the control box blew again.

The problem seems to be that the Solenoid that is attached to my gearbox that actually changes gear is the biggest one they have ever used to date and it draws some serious current when you pull the paddle. The control box is like a big relay I guess, but the standard one can’t handle the current for very long.

So they are making me an uprated control box, evidently they have some in the pipeline that can handle four times the current of the current control box as they have two even bigger solenoids that they are using for a Leman project or something. Those are due in by the end of the week.

So basically I have bolted the gear lever back in and the car will go back to Pro Shift next Tuesday for a new control box to be fitted. Fingers crossed it will all be sorted and working for Donnington.

So anyway, I fitted the lever back on which only took about half an hour and I went for the first drive in it. It was awesome, well relitively speaking. lol. It had no rear wing, no under tray, no rear diffuser and the suspension heights and geo are all over the place, but I did about 10 miles in it and it ran as sweet as a nut. It doesn’t rattle or squeak and nothing fell off!!!

I have a few little jobs to do on it tomorrow and a few little first drive niggles to sort out:

Clutch bite point seems very low, so I am gonna bleed the clutch again

the front left indicator doesn’t work for some reason (probably bulb or something)

Then give it a bit of a clean!!!

Then on the trailer with it for my trip down to Plans to have it set up on Wednesday!!!


Lookin good - can’t wait to see it in the flesh

Cheers Mike!! Was good to see you the other night!!

The problem seems to be that the Solenoid that is attached to my gearbox that actually changes gear is the biggest one they have ever used to date and it draws some serious current when you pull the paddle. The control box is like a big relay I guess, but the standard one can’t handle the current for very long.

Sean - your supplier probably have it sorted but if you need the best heavy duty solenoids then this company Albright International Ltd do the best ones for 12 volt winches etc which can pull 400+ amps

see you at donny

i’ll bring a measuring tape…

Cheers Steve,

They make the solenods inhouse and that part of the conversion seems well up to the job, it changes gear literally instantly. I think they are just having a few teething troubles with what is a new product. Time will tell I guess.


Just got back from Plans, had a great day down there as usual, great bunch of lads. The car is now all set up CHEERS JOHN!!

It feels awesome now with the resprung and revalved dampers. Roll on Donnington at the weekend.

Oh, I am changing the dash by the way, not 100% happy with what I’ve done, so its gonna change. Will post some pics of my latest purchase as soon as Santa (the post man) delivers it!!!

think you should bring it down to my place, so i check things over for you dude

good to hear its all finished too

whens the first outing???

Well have done all of my final tinkering over the last couple of days, plus fitted my new dash.

The old dash (well it has been in for about a week, lol) looked like this:


Basically I wasn�t 100% happy with it. I thought it looked a bit dated as all of the stuff in it was left over from my Escort Cosworth, plus I have been looking at data loggers and stuff on the web and I fancied one of those.

So I have bought and fitted this:


That is with the flash on (sorry not much good with cameras)


Flash off

It basically does everything. Obviously revs, it will also take 8 analogue inputs from any kind of sensor, so the SPA�s will be going when the extra connectors I have ordered arrive (bloody bank holidays!! Lol). It will also (and this is rare) take a reading from my Quaife gear position sensor. Most of these dash�s do gear number by simply calculating speed against revs. But that aint much good when your sitting on the start line and you can�t remember what gear your in.

It will also do lap times and predictive lap times and it will draw the track and lay all of the data from everything over that track map etc etc etc. I haven�t waded my way through the manual yet.

It will also take inputs from the ECU, so you can also map any ECU data aswell

At the moment the SPA�s are still in


I did have to make a new drivers side switch panel though, as obviously the two dials for the Stack aren�t required anymore, plus I needed to move my auxiliary light unit somewhere. I would love to get rid of this altogether, but you obviously need a battery light for the alternator to work properly and I guess it is nice to have indicators and main beam lamps and stuff.


I also washed it today, well sort of. Lol. It is now sitting on the trailer waiting for Donnington tomorrow!!!

This is a proper racing dash Sean. It looks really nice. Fantastic job.

Beam me up Scottie

Hi Sean, your car are work are fantastic!

I’ve been using AIM dataloggers for some time and they’re very good value for money. I had the earlier Mychron version, but I also ordered the MXL Pista for a friend last week.

I don’t think AIM features predictive lap times. It’s a Stack patented function, which is only available in Stack and Farringdon loggers.

According to Andrew at Dataspares, Emerald hasn’t made the M3DK compatible with the MXL yet, although I hope you can prove me wrong.


Sean - might be interested in those Spas - if they are going. Although leaving them there might be a backup option for you if the main unit ever went pear shaped?

New unit looks great - have you kept in within the original shroud? I take it from other posts its an AIM unit?

Thanks guys.

Hubert, to answer your question yes it does do predictive lap times in a similar way to how I understand the Stack does. It uses an internal accelerometer along with the speed and the odometer to work out where you are on your lap (using the track side beacon as a start reference) and it knows where you were on your quickest lap and if you are up or down on that point and from that info predicts the lap times. I had the feature running today at Donnington and it works pretty well. I spoke with AIM and the next (free) upgrade is for it to do GPS.

If you have a look at the manual here:

Page 14 describes how it works

I haven�t tried interfacing it to the Emerald yet, but I will give it a go. I know the emerald isn�t listed, but how many RS232 protocols can there be. Like I said I will give it a whirl.

Steve, sorry mate, the SPA�s have already been �bagsied�. Yes I used the original shroud, I cut a piece of carbon as a backing plate and mounted the dash to that.

Well the car had its first proper outing today at Donnington. I did three 25 minute sessions at full hammer, showing it no mercy and I am glad to report that nothing feel off, or got to hot, or leaked or anything.

The suspension setup was all new and I had a bit of understeer in the first session. A quick call to John at Plans (Cheers mate!!! ) had me twiddling the bump and rebounds and on my second session it was a different car.

With the firmer springs and damping it really feels planted on the track, Craner curves was awesome, as I could get round Redgate quicker than before and it was flat out all the way to old hairpin. Slowing down for old hairpin was a differnt matter as I barely had time to get the thing straight. I’m sure my line could be improved through there, so if anyone has any advice on the 29th I will be taking it.


Great to hear that the motor is up and running well. Can’t wait to see it at Donington. I’ve found your log fascinating. Top marks!!

Thanks Thommo, I have enjoyed doing it actually and if it helps anyone else out or gives them a few ideas then all the better.

A couple of pics of the car from Donnington yesterday.



I have to say the new pit garages and press rooms and stuff are excellent! Well done Donnington!!!