S1 Manufacture

Mine’s number 474, first registered on 9th April 2001.

And mine is # 407

And mine is # 407

Are you sure? That’s the number already posted by Mark A

The last 3 numbers stamped on the chassis? they are definately 407?

And mine is # 407

Are you sure? That’s the number already posted by Mark A

That’s my fault, I quoted last 3 digets of the Engine number, oops

Chassis number is 460.

And mine is # 407

Are you sure? That’s the number already posted by Mark A

That’s my fault, I quoted last 3 digets of the Engine number, oops

Chassis number is 460.

thank god for that, that could have left one exige owner very worried and upset

And mine is # 407

Are you sure? That’s the number already posted by Mark A

That’s my fault, I quoted last 3 digets of the Engine number, oops

you pineing already…

you pineing already…

For the car, yes, for the K-series, unlikely .

you pineing already…

For the car, yes, for the K-series, unlikely .

just can’t get that serial number out of your head tho eh…

More to do with it being on the line below the chassis number on the V5.
Guess I need to change that soon.

LOL… only pulling yer leg…

LOL… only pulling yer leg…

I know but K-series is king…

…K20A that is.

…but the King is dead! (Swindon have stopped making them)

So that’s both K-series currently out of production then

and mine is 506 - 1/3/2001

and mine is 506 - 1/3/2001

Tone, we’re discussing cars in this thread, not wives

No, that would be a much longer discussion

No, that would be a much longer discussion

It certainly would for ol’ Tone

Mine is 245 and one of the few lefthanddrive ones produced, fitted with aircon, 190 upgrade. New silver, one owner from new and 27k kms

Aftermarket addons fully adjustable suspension (including high and lowspeed rebound settings) sports exhaust removedable steering wheel

Does anybody know how many lefthand drive cars were made?



I thought 4 wives and 3 divorces was quite normal - you mean you are supposed to stick with the same one forever!!
My favourite chat up line a few years ago, when women looked at me horrified that I had been married 3 times (at that time) was to tell them I had only ever had 3 girlfriends but had taken each of my relationships seriously. Chat up line worked every time!!!