Prototype Racing Conversion

Ian, I genuinely do love the car and the smiles it brings to me. It will be a sad lost if it sells, a lot of fond memories, but surely no matter how good I think the car is with the combination of handling, honda power and reliablility, or how great I feel about the Prototype Racing kit is. The fact is that there a lot more voices for other kit. As you may or may not know Joe is also a friend.
which does not help in his cause or mine.

Did I tell you my experience when I tried to mediate between Joe and an Ex-customer of his at a Seloc Trackday at Brands? And when I said I was going to be a customer, well? I was so welcomed, he even offer to have my car taken apart if I got a PR kit fitted.

I goto trackdays to have fun or even make some new friends, who love their car for what they are and the joy it brings to them. I don’t need to be threatened or ignored because I have a PR kit! It’s F’ing ridiculous!

It’s funny how people make a big fuss about the PR kit yet nobody says anything about the build quality of their Lotus’s

msg for Mr Anon (Jeff - Tullett Liberty PLC) can you kindly remove my work email address from the post. thanks.

  1. I’ve stopped “anonymous” posting.

  2. Unsubstantiated comments about Blink etc. have been removed.

akhi, when we get round to another, come along to an gathering, I’ve never known them be anything other than Lotus fans enjoying each others company.


Hmmm, don’t understand, but I kind of get the message you’re tired of drivel. Not too much from here, I hope.

-we’re interested in the Engine mods. How did you manage to get to 350BHP? how difficult was it?
-what was the power curve like? (plots?)
-how was the handling with the extra weight?
-did anything break? this thing of wrongly designed bits, is it true?
-was it really faster on track? or were you at the same pace as a well driven 190?

Remember, I’m absolutely neutral, and intend continuing the VHPD development for now.
But have always said �10K is too much to pay for an engine conversion. Maturally I feel Joe’s kit price is more acceptable. If it works.

PS - I can’t imagine being treated bad just by liking Joes kit. It would be like being laughed at by preferring the VHPD.
Oh, wait a minute… I see what you mean

No, but really, nobody should treat anybody bad because of preferences. Certainly not threatened

msg for Mr Anon (Jeff - Tullett Liberty PLC) can you kindly remove my work email address from the post. thanks.

Erm, admin had already cleaned it up but that was me I am afraid, sorry just did not think and cut and pasted the whole post from SELOC. you might want to get it edited on SELOC as well then to save your privacy.


i am really sorry you feel the way you do about this, although i can understand it. It’s the same story with our Simon Erland… I have been waiting on you coming back to us with stories for a while now… but it now looks like that won’t happen… our loss i guess.

I for one am genuinely interested in your car and its conversion - i’d have liked to have heard more from you on everything about it… but it seems that you don’t want to comment probably because a few people are likely to reiterate the same old same old. It all made interesting reading the first half dozen times i read it but i like to think that the folk here on are able to pick thru the shite and draw their own (hopefully balanced) opinion. Although it can be tiresome sifting the hyperbole and rhetoric…

Anyway, if you have a change of heart, i would be really interested in hearing more about your car.


I don’t understand.
If I had a car that was my pride, my creation, that I put weeks and weeks of effort in building, and it turned out to be the quickest Exige in the world, AND I didn’t like a bunch of cyber guys, would I:

-fight the to$$ers back and be proud, probably clear Joe’s name because I’m very happy with the kit.
-stop visiting the sites and enjoy my car? probably be admired at the track meetings?
-sell the car and forget about the whole issue?

Hmmmm, somehow it doesn’t compute…

BTW, some of us were looking forward to a successful Joe conversion…

look, heres the deal…

my mobile number is 07798860388. don’t call me during 7am-6pm

find someone neutral, in London, try and see the thing for yourself.

what more can I say?

I don’t understand.
If I had a car that was my pride, my creation, that I put weeks and weeks of effort in building, and it turned out to be the quickest Exige in the world, AND I didn’t like a bunch of cyber guys, would I:

-fight the to$$ers back and be proud, probably clear Joe’s name because I’m very happy with the kit.
-stop visiting the sites and enjoy my car? probably be admired at the track meetings?
-sell the car and forget about the whole issue?

Hmmmm, somehow it doesn’t compute…

to answer your question,

  1. I won’t lower myself to the same level. i don’t need to clear Joe’s name, he’s a friend, regardless of what others say. and Yes, I am happy with the kit.
  2. I do enjoy the car, until it sells.
  3. It relieves stress, keep my licence and keep the other half happy!

does it compute now?

my pride and joy is my Honda civic.

IIRC certain people were only getting snotty with Ricardo and PTR because they felt Ricardo had queue jumped - the story was that some others had paid deposits ages before Ricardo and had not recieved any kit (and in some cases still haven’t apparently). Hence the whole “if you get your kits first we should take it off you”.

I am not condoning that sort of comment but it sort of explains why people were getting snotty with Ricardo and his finished PTR conversion if they felt that they and others were getting ripped off and left with nothing.

Added to that the confusion over wether or not Ricardo was actually a PTR dealer or not.

Basically messy and smelly and impacting unfairly on Ricardo but does go to prove the saying “you lie down with dogs you wake up with fleas”


When will we all meet with all conversions done and do a track test. I am also very interested to see how the conversions are done, and what are the differences about them. I am very happy to come over to the UK with my car, or if you want to drive the most beautiful race track “NORDSCHLEIFE” come to Germany…

Would anybody else interested as well to compare conversions, for example. Audi & Honda and all other attempts to make the cars just even more fun as they have been before !!!

Where and when can we meet, how would join this track meeting?


When will we all meet with all conversions done and do a track test. I am also very interested to see how the conversions are done, and what are the differences about them. I am very happy to come over to the UK with my car, or if you want to drive the most beautiful race track “NORDSCHLEIFE” come to Germany…

Would anybody else interested as well to compare conversions, for example. Audi & Honda and all other attempts to make the cars just even more fun as they have been before !!!

Where and when can we meet, how would join this track meeting?

Hmmmmmm- NORDSCHLEIFE, that would be special.

It sounds like a good idea to me - there are at least 3 makes of the honda conversion in the UK now so shoudl lbe able to get one of each of those, and I will bring my ghetto conversion along as well , some Komotec cars would be great as its hard to get many details about what they are up to over in the UK - is there another German supplier of honda conversions as well now? Also be good to see a pure PTR car if there is one around now in europe.

Then there is the Audi conversion, and maybe try and get one of the Duratechs along as well and maybe even Sinclairs RV8 conversion if its done.

I’m up for this werever it is - NORDSCHLEIFE would be special though but might be hard for everyone to get to?

Be nice to get back to basics - enjoying the cars and the work and pleasure that goes into modifying them.

Be nice to get back to basics - enjoying the cars and the work and pleasure that goes into modifying them.

Spot on, matey

enjoy the cars…


When will we all meet with all conversions done and do a track test. I am also very interested to see how the conversions are done, and what are the differences about them. I am very happy to come over to the UK with my car, or if you want to drive the most beautiful race track “NORDSCHLEIFE” come to Germany…

Would anybody else interested as well to compare conversions, for example. Audi & Honda and all other attempts to make the cars just even more fun as they have been before !!!

Where and when can we meet, how would join this track meeting?

There will be a couple of Honda powered Elises at the Nordschleife in a couple of weeks for a 2 day trackday, as well as my and a couple of other VHPD Exiges.

I’m planning to be there as well

where and when will this be? How can you register for it, i am happy to come with my car as well!!!

SELOC members got a special price of �300 forboth days. Don’t know if that’s still on.
See if you can get that price.

where and when will this be? How can you register for it, i am happy to come with my car as well!!!


I have sent you an email, with some details.

See if you can get that price.

Why should Fabian pay?