Prototype Racing Conversion

Sorry that I bring up a question that has probably been answered 100 times already, but I am new to this Group and could not find the answers I was looking for searching the forums…

As some of you already noted there is an Exige on ebay with a Prototype Racing Conversion. Has anyone experience with this conversion? How is the quality of the workmanship etc? I keep finding posts that reference older posting that state that the work is not very good and the Honda engine does not generate the power claimed. If someone can shed some light on this, I would be very grateful.

I wouldn’t touch a prototype conversion with yours. The kits aren’t well developed and the guy who makes them is a crook.

Although the figures that Prototype Racing quote are complete bull the Honda engines do give the Exige/Elise much much more ooomph and reliability. The N/A engine is 210bhp and the supercharged one is 265bhp.

If you want a Honda car go to Maidstone Sports Cars.

If you want a Honda car go to Maidstone Sports Cars.

Or the Blink guys, who did a good job on mine and give great aftersales.

End of advert.

go to Komo-Tec, they have done the most conversions i think, eaven Lotus buys parts like dry sump systems from there for the new 111R & Exige S2 !!!

Thanks for the messages. Would be great to hear if there is someone out there who actually has some experience with the Prototype conversion.

BTW - nice vid Fabian - and even nicer car I found on your website

I had the Prototype conversion on my car. I can’t be bothered typing up the whole saga go here’s one of the many threads dealing with it. Engine swap | The Lotus Cars Community

My car now has the Maidstone Honda kit.

I had the Prototype conversion on my car. I can’t be bothered typing up the whole saga go here’s one of the many threads dealing with it. > Engine swap | The Lotus Cars Community

My car now has the Maidstone Honda kit.

oops that was me honest Didn’t realise you could post as anon here - scary


Now I’m on the list!, and I don’t even favour the Honda conversion!

This anon guy should have made his homework, as I’m sticking with the VHPD!

Come on anon, tell me what dark secrets you found of me.
Tell me dirrrty secrets

Bring on the internet gossip!

BTW, I can surely see that Joes kit is better value for money, if it had good reviews… only God knows, maybe I would have ended up buying one from him!

BTW, does anybody know what happened with Ricardo’s supercharged conversion? AFAIK he is still the only one sticking with Joes kit, but it’s been months off the road now.

Anybody knows if he finished it?

Also, I would like to see how Joes kit differs from the Scuffham-developed one.
Never seen any, are there really differences?

As I understand it is running - dunno why he hasn’t posted anything about it, he seemed very keen at one point. Lord knows Prototype needs a story with a happy ending.

May see you at Ring Uldis - remember to check your mirrors

Apologies Uldis, meant to write ian wilson and wrote your name by mistake as was reading a post by you .

Have looked into this extensively over last 2 months and will reveal all by xmas. However have examined all honda kits and the differences are small. Seems a funny situation when 7-8 uk and european guys come on saying they bought prototypes kits and they all messed up. When i have spoken to 12 US prototype customers who have had no problems. A kit that certain companies agreed to sell in uk for prototype at a certain price. Then they make some minor changes to the kit,name it their own, raise the price of it, get some people (all who are now involved in the honda conversion) to rubbish it , all to make themselves a lot of money. Proof will be out soon.

Oh well, it seemed that this is truly a hotly debated topic. I guess that I will stick to some “standard” Exige S1 when I will (hopefully) buy one soon. Many thanks for all your posts though.

Has anyone any experience with the Lotus motorsport kit that apparently lifts the hp by about 20?

Hmmm, all we (external-to-the-Honda-issue) dudes can do then is wait, read and evaluate for ourselves.

Perhaps you can post the results with your details as well? like name?

But regardless if the efficiency of Joes Kit, there is the issue that it hasn’t been proprly trashed on the roads (being non-road legal), and the complaints from some customers in the UK who have given money and not received anything…


Now I’m on the list!, and I don’t even favour the Honda conversion!

This anon guy should have made his homework, as I’m sticking with the VHPD!

Come on anon, tell me what dark secrets you found of me.
Tell me dirrrty secrets

Bring on the internet gossip!

BTW, I can surely see that Joes kit is better value for money, if it had good reviews… only God knows, maybe I would have ended up buying one from him!

Snigger - always knew you were a crook Uldis - all this prentending to favour the VHPD was just part of the global conspiricy to discredit that poor saintly, genius engineer (NASA regularly ask his advice you know) whose earthly temporal presence is konwn as Joe McCarthy.

Oh well, it seemed that this is truly a hotly debated topic. I guess that I will stick to some “standard” Exige S1 when I will (hopefully) buy one soon. Many thanks for all your posts though.

Has anyone any experience with the Lotus motorsport kit that apparently lifts the hp by about 20?

the ebay exige is basically a left hooker with a dodgy honda conversion - take a standard exige, spend about �13k and you have a supercharged K20 exige, job done properly.

Joe at prototype isnt a crook, the guys at blink stole his conversion, after they agreed to sell his kit, now do all they can to rubbish it as his kit was better value for money. Dont listen to Johnboy, Uldis, Scuffham, and a few others. Ive investigated them and found some odd business dealings that will soon be revealed

Joe steals customers money - that makes him a crook, pure and simple. You take someones money and then fail to supply - that makes you a crook.

Ultimately the kit breaks - all the euro guys have direct, proven, experience of this. Sadly value for money does not apply to what ends up as a pile of rusty cr8p on the floor.

Me, Uldis and Scuffers - what a mange et trois

However have examined all honda kits and the differences are small

which kits are those - I bet you don’t even know what kits are avaliable.

A kit that certain companies agreed to sell in uk for prototype at a certain price. Then they make some minor changes to the kit,name it their own, raise the price of it, get some people (all who are now involved in the honda conversion) to rubbish it , all to make themselves a lot of money. Proof will be out soon.

Excellent - I get to make a lot of money soon, can’t wait.

You mention me by name yet neglect to mention that I don;t make any money out of kits - I have sold a fair few engines (not just k20s) but then thats to guys having a conversion done - makes no odds who is doing the conversion to me

Raise the price - don’t make me laugh you muppet - the only reason Joe was cheaper was his willingness to defraud HMC&E (but not a crook eh?) and becuase the quality of the materials was substandard.

Hey Ian! You now “involved” in the honda conversion? I thought you just drove one