Prototype Racing Conversion

I know its just some sad ass troll but you know me, never one to miss the opportunity to point out what a clueless, scamming fool Joe @ Protohype Raving is


ermmm… WTF has Uldis got to do with this saga ? I think you made a mistake and it would be nice to know who you are…

Mr Admin - can you stop Anonymous people posting ? it dusnae seem fair…


we already read all this stuff on other forums… could you please give it a rest around here… usually we keep things a bit more helpful and lightweight… you said it all before

okay ??.. would you mind ?

i mean do you search the World Wide Wait H24 for anything remotely connected to this subject… you nevr came round here before… well at least not that i can recall

Hey Ian! You now “involved” in the honda conversion? I thought you just drove one

So did I…

I guess all us money bags ex-prototype customers spent all the extra money on re-conversion simply to play the field so to speak. Maidstone’s conversion is so last week anyway - can I drop my car of at your place next week John. Joe’s told me yours is a shed and I feel like slumming it next week

Hey Ian! You now “involved” in the honda conversion? I thought you just drove one

So did I…

I guess all us money bags ex-prototype customers spent all the extra money on re-conversion simply to play the field so to speak. Maidstone’s conversion is so last week anyway - can I drop my car of at your place next week John. Joe’s told me yours is a shed and I feel like slumming it next week

Ghetto conversions are were its at.

Yo are such a slut - I know once you have spent a fortune on my kit you will be slagging it off and consying up to Komotec next week.

Apologies Uldis, meant to write ian wilson and wrote your name by mistake as was reading a post by you .

Maybe if you go back to the post soon you can edit it and take Uldis name out of it then… rather than leave it there… i mean Uldis is big enough and ugly enough to stand up for himself but (call me anal) i don’t like the inferences about someone who is VHPD and exige to the core…


we already read all this stuff on other forums… could you please give it a rest around here… usually we keep things a bit more helpful and lightweight… you said it all before

okay ??.. would you mind ?

i mean do you search the World Wide Wait H24 for anything remotely connected to this subject… you nevr came round here before… well at least not that i can recall

Check out the posts on my account - 14 whole posts

Its the alternative engine bit so I tend to stick here but fair point but if my name is taken in vain I do tend to wade in a bit.

can you edit anon posts?

seems not (johnboy posting)

Check out the posts on my account - 14 whole posts

Its the alternative engine bit so I tend to stick here but fair point but if my name is taken in vain I do tend to wade in a bit.

Yeh… i know, but without counting it looks like you made em all in the last half hour…

can you edit anon posts?

I don’t know but i’d guess if you were the original author it would recognise your IP address and let you edit… did you try ?

You can’t I tried when I stuffed up my post. Yet another good reason not to post as a SPINELESS ANON TWAT!!!

yep gave it a go, lost a few posts for the count as well

ffs who cares, im not the guy who wrote that above but anytime a honda topic comes up you guys come out against this mccarthy guy. He may be a con artist but can you post about other things as im sure everyone knows your views on this topic. This is the reason i dont look at seloc anymore cos i dont want to hear the likes of Johnboy and Simon constantly voice the same rubbish over and over

Well welcome to the Internet Mr Anonymous! This and SELOC are public community forums, people can post what they like and, if it doesn’t break the rules of those controlling the forum, they can say what they like - tough!

I hope everybody enjoys this post while it lasts as I very much expect Admin5 to delete it shortly, as it’s not really in the spirit of the site (however entertaining ).

I just hope Luke (or anybody else) isn’t too put off and comes back soon (and registers). The Exige is a GREAT car and (generally) so are the people that own them.


BTW, does anybody know what happened with Ricardo’s supercharged conversion? AFAIK he is still the only one sticking with Joes kit, but it’s been months off the road now.

Anybody knows if he finished it?

Also, I would like to see how Joes kit differs from the Scuffham-developed one.
Never seen any, are there really differences?

"(Not my car, know nothing about it, and not interested in buying it, but thought this might interest some here…)

For those of you with access to Bloomberg, there is a 2001 Exige (reg x11age) with a honda supercharger conversion for sale. Says 350hp and 180mph…

Has anyone seen this car in action?



That’d be this car then - clicky

What happened there Ricardo?


Don’t know, if the result was that good, you would expect he would at least enjoy some time and trackdays with it.

If I had the ONLY Exige with 350 BHP, I would surely make it known, post RR figures, etc.
I always thought he was an expert in Honda engines, so could believe it, but just advertising the sale like this, out of the blue…
Hope he comes soon and tells us all about it.

BTW, from the pics, he needed stiffer springs, and other tyres than A039’s…

BTW, does anybody know what happened with Ricardo’s supercharged conversion? AFAIK he is still the only one sticking with Joes kit, but it’s been months off the road now.

Anybody knows if he finished it?

Also, I would like to see how Joes kit differs from the Scuffham-developed one.
Never seen any, are there really differences?

SELOC Forums

"(Not my car, know nothing about it, and not interested in buying it, but thought this might interest some here…)

For those of you with access to Bloomberg, there is a 2001 Exige (reg x11age) with a honda supercharger conversion for sale. Says 350hp and 180mph…

Has anyone seen this car in action?

Can’t work out how to copy the add and post it in full here, but the contact details are Ricardo on


Uldis, I’m still here and it has certainly not been months. I’ve done a trackday and picked a few more producers along these few months. the car has also had a respray since the last time I chatted on here.

Just incase you are wondering, I am doing ok and the car is still very sweet, had nitrons fitted and all. the usual stuff.

Jeff, that would be me. thanks for posting the information onto

Do you know why I did not post on the Lotus forums?

the reason the car is forsale is due owning 3 other Hondas and the girlfrend forcing me to focus on the future and also owning a Lotus is getting a little bit too much for my liking, I thought I got away from the muppets that just contantly whinge and complain on the Honda forums, by buying a Lotus, thinking maybe the grass is greener with a more gentleman-ly car, guess not! So…, from London. signing off.

oh, for anyone who would like to have a chat or to see how I am getting on with owning a Lotus . email me on, [email protected] (promise I’ll reply)

Sorry you feel like akhi.

I felt there was some genuine interest in what you were doing/have done.
