Poll: VHPD rebuild vs. conversion

And another thing, my conversion cost me an awful lot less than �10k!

Well done , lucky you, ever spoken to Dynamics, Arena, or Halfords teams? You should.

I’ll walk all over you with a 2L K though…


At the risk of sounding twattish, I doubt whether you could “walk all over me” with a pair of wellies.

And when does “lucky” change to standard?

And another thing - do you realise how much more you could get across to normal people if you could just alter your attitude a little? The reason you got a rise out of me (and I normally try to avoid even reading this crap) is the way you come across, like you know everything about everything, and everyone else is wrong?

If I were you and I wanted to get a message across, I would stop acting like a complete and utter pillock, (which you may or may not be in real life) and be a little more humble when trying to persuade people that your theories are correct.

This is not meant to be a personal slur but just the opinion of someone who could have been a potential customer and who almost certainly would not want to deal with the kind of attitude which you are putting across.

Oh and if you stop pushing your book I might have a slightly less pessimistic view on your theories.

Simon, how old are you?

“you stick to your red tractor engine”

“we will sort it out on track”

“when people stop…I will change my approach”

Was not the response I expected from an adult who is trying to prove a point on a forum mainly inhabited by adults. This is a pleasant forum to be part of and I suspect the reason you come on here to have your argument is that you do not get told to f*** off as you have been on SELOC because most of us are too polite.

And in addition to my other post…

Attacking Bernard and Dave is one thing, having a pop at Pesky and Russ is REALLY going to loose you friends fast!

The K may be better than the Honda, but the Honda is clearly made better more often. Let’s just hear about how to put that right hey!?

Humour, that’s what’s lacking here!


well just come to this post from the other post…I thought that it had simmered down nicely and there were concilitory postings starting to be made.

This thread is running completely counter…

I second alot of what Russ and IDG have been saying - calm down, calm down Simon - (as a born & bred Scouser I believe I have the birthright to say this )

… having a pop at Pesky and Russ is REALLY going to loose you friends fast!

Cheers Ian, but no need to worry I expect to be prodded - if you can’t take it, don’t give it, is my motto

Russ is also ugly enough to look after himself

Russ is also ugly enough to look after himself [/quote]

ha-ha…Rob, I think you know that you are uglier than Russ…
that is why you did stick your head into the sand…innit

… having a pop at Pesky and Russ is REALLY going to loose you friends fast!

Cheers Ian, but no need to worry I expect to be prodded - if you can’t take it, don’t give it, is my motto

Russ is also ugly enough to look after himself

Oh I have no problem with him taking the piss out of you!

seconded, Ian…

I thought the exchange with RUSST was fairly even, but what I meant was sort it out - see who is quicker on track…that’s not personal.

No, but it’s doesn’t come across exactly friendly. I enjoy reading your opinions and want to continue to do so.


Actually Pesky that’s exactly what you’ve done stuck your head in the sand, but then I guess the problem is that the VHPD in standard trim is a disaster just as all the engines from other tuners [ with the exception of Judd and increasingly QED] - K is botched so badly that you and many others have no idea what a K should be like.

If you knew Pesky on any level you would also know that he is the last person to stick his head in the sand. You should also know that if he is publicly giving you grief then you really must be an arsehole. The only thing you have right is that the standard VHPD is a dog but it doesn�t take a genius to work that one out.

I should make some apologies to those who were expecting a post I promised on HGF and it’s causes. I have all the data and stress analysis now and all the relevant parts which have been going into my engines since april - everyone’s except Uldis in fact,

So is this one of the many excuses as to why Uldis�s engine is remarkably unimpressive?

So can’t post now, am busy too - with 5 2.0L race engines, but promise the post as soon as I can plus detaled posts on Marchhare’s engine, and a thorough lesson in casting and foundry practice to enlighten DVA of all the spurious nonsense he keeps posting on “porosity”.

To my eyes Dave has posted up more than enough evidence to back up his claims. What�s more I would suggest that if Dave�s hypothesises were ever disproved he would be intelligent and considered enough to take any new information onboard unlike some.

Briefly though since he put up a whole post on the subject - DVA’s liners. He is absolutely right that the OE Rover liner is supplied by Federal Mogul who own a number of subsideries including Goetze [aquired in '97?] who actually make the post '98 OE liner and also AE. AE however is a completely self contained company in Fed M’s ownership which exists to supply and retail NON OE, RECONDITIONING parts, these are cheap non OE parts designed for the aftermarket only - great if you want to get a few more miles out of a knackered old engine. DVA’S liners are made in India, they meet none of the tolerances for the OE Goetze liner are made of a cheap iron, and in fact Fed M have had such trouble trouble with these liners even the reduced spec that these liners are made to, that they had to change the source of manufacture within India last year. Don’t use them, and if he put them in your engine anyone - go get your money back, they are terrible. These liners were part of the problem in Marchhare’s DVA build.

On the subject of this post the problem is that the VHPD is a hopless build, fails regularly, most of the aftermarket tuners have been doing as bad or worse a job - Marchhares build was butchery, and conseqently the likes of Pesky have no experiance of what a properly built K feels like or how it goes, he thinks there is no alternative and goes for the red option.

Can you please stop spouting about aftermarket tuners being the only reason the k is bloody unreliable. You must have taken apart a few Rover engines now so surely you can see that the quality of the component parts is piss poor. They might be light but only because most of them have been made from what appears to be sculpted corel reaf. Every single car which has been fitted with a Rover K series has a reputation for unreliability and HGF.

I suggest you get some direct experience of some of the engines which you slate in comparison you your blessed K series. Look at some Honda parts in details and you will soon realise that the bog standard stuff is excellent quality with sound engineering and good quality manufacture.

The reality is that the honda in na form is only 200/220? bhp [scuffhams at emerald was only 208 I believe] - Ks have been doing more than that for years, the problem is just to avoid the bad builders.

HELLO� HELLO� anybody there? In the front of a standard Honda Civic shopping trolley the K-20 makes 197bhp and in an Elise with performance exhaust/filter and mapping to suit it makes 220bhp. As standard a K-series makes 118bhp � which is pathetic. So many of your posts suggest that you are being oh so scientific about your engine building then you throw in these dick head comparisons. What does spouting this tripe tell anyone� absolutely bloody nothing. If you want to compare one of these wonder K�s you have built (you know the ones that have so far been underperforming by some margin) then compare them to something of a similar ilk or shut up.

The honda is let down by it’s rediculous weight - again scuffham claims 118 kg complete, I don’t believe that since Arena give me 118kg for their BTCC honda k20 with all the bits that scuffham claims are in his weight. - the BTCC honda uses a TOCA flywheel and carbon clutch which togeather weigh 4kg, they use a carbon inlet and plenum, and dump all the ivetec mechanism - so scuffhams claims just don’t add up - we will see, I will get a k20 to strip and asses, so the truth will out. However if we accept his 118kg for now, that compares to Marchhares prepped K in identical trim, at 75kg! - 43 kg difference, and thats hurting handling and braking, So… the whole point of Marchhares build ? an hydraulic engine - an absolutely base K, that has similar power [at the moment 202bhp but nowhere near run in , still suffering lots of blowby because the coated rings take time to bed - I expect at least another 8/10bhp - and the cars going back to Emerald to get a second figure in a few weeks time] to the honda, slightly less torque but much less weight - I have absolutely no doubt in a like for like comparison in terms of car [ suspension, chassis weight, tyres etc] a car with a K of this spec is quicker than the honda, it’s a much better build than any mere production engine - ie less stressed longer living, much much more responsive and smoother than the honda and much much more satisfying to drive.

Yet more absolute rubbish. The only comparison you can make here is by taking a bog standard rover K and a bog standard Honda K20 with the same ancillaries etc and put them on the weigh bridge. Whining on like this proves nothing and is a complete waste of time. Rough before/after comparisons suggest that the Honda conversion adds ~20kg and that is the best info we all have to go by. To my mind 20kg is a small price to pay for a huge increase in reliability.

I note that the argument is beginning to change somewhat and it’s less that " K will blow" to “if the honda goes it’s a cheaper fix” at - is it 700 quid or 1500?? Rubbish - firstly Marchhares is a blueprinted engine - it’s going to be much less stressed and hence reliable than any production engine - and I absolutely guarantee, provided that engine is properly maintained it will NEVER SUFFER HGF. But further I am told that scuffhams honda has blown up - who’s reliable? - because a ring broke?? Well all my engines have top quality race rings but had a ring broken in my engine - it would cost a new piston and ring set [85 qiud] a new liner [ 15 for an OE rover {Goetze} liner or 87 for an interferance fit, coated, steel Chromoduro one] and concievably 4 new valves and guides [ 50 odd quid] plus the labour and a few gaskets so at worst 250 quid for parts, labour - not much?? and you’ve got to pull the engine out in either case. Case for the honda totally blown!!!

Until you start making/repairing engines commercially then the figures you are talking just aren�t credible. Marchhare has given us costs over on Seloc and there is no engine build labour involved and even then it cost him more than it cost me to have mine Honda�d. Not exactly a cheap route and he has come out with 20bhp less and a shitty 5-speed gearbox still and if his engine is anything like Uldis�s it�s nowhere near as capable on track or on the road.

On the subject of the blown motor of Simon�s� That engine was of completely unknown origins. When we fitted it initially the oil which came out was a vile, vile colour to the point of concern. It had obviously been badly mistreated and also had some dubious modifications to the induction which had to be corrected. This engine was never as sweet as the engine which we ran for most of the year (the bog standard one which did most of the Britcar rounds and the whole 24 hour race also with many many testing miles). We ran the engine supercharged with max boost for the A1 GP event and one of the rings went causing blowby. The engine was still running when it was removed from the car.

Furthermore I hear that people are starting to slaughter the holy cow of the honda/audi/duratec argument - of not touching a std production engine by whipping off the flywheel and replacing it with a lightweight one - can’t do that without balancing the flywheel to the crank ie knocking engine down, otherwise all the production tolerances are lost and you’re going down the slippery botched VHPD route with the honda /audis - shows how little scuffham has learn’t or understood.

The lightweight flywheel has been extensively tested on the Honda with no ill effects. It�s a very nice bit of kit and at some stage I will fit one on my car. Remember that the Rover K (seemingly the only engine you have had any experience of) is very marginal at best and certain other engines are somewhat more robust.

Finally Marchares engine was expensive because of a number of unneccessarily expensive bits that he wanted - Arrow rods for instance - I’ll explain in the forensic to come on his engine, but which added 1600 odd quid to the cost of the engine that was not strictly neccessary, in addition there were the costs of the install which were embellishments - ie a beautifully reworked boot the Plans did that some might not bother with. Even so Marchare has a much better engine than the honda, smoother, more responsive, at least as fast, and quicker on track because the car is so much lighter, that will give a carefree 150,000 roadmiles without any trouble, has a far higher specification of part quality than the honda … and for less money. Norman phillips has a similar spec ie power output, but with totally standard Rover bottom end , excepting forged pistons, oil rail, baffle, and lightweight flywheel for 5 grand total, again this engine will beat the honda around the track. It could be done without any of the nice Flywheel etc for less still.

�5K total with no labour included� need I say more? And if it�s so much better why did he, like Uldis, bail out of the Tuner GP where we had the opportunity to have a fairly direct comparison.

Question for you� Have you ever built an engine to Marchhare�s spec which has lasted 150K miles? If not can you shut the [censored] up and stop posting conjecture.

These two engines , with the exception of a 1.4L K for gravel racing are the lowest spec of that I will write about in the book. In my workshop now are the 2.0l engines which should significantly eclipse the Judds - no BTCC regs to hold me back, Am going to try and win 4 maybe 5 race championships next year, during which time I expect Norman and Mark [Marchhare] to be consistantly quicker than the hondas on trackdays.

Significantly eclipse the Judds?!?!?!? What like the rest of your engines which have significantly eclipsed Dave�s engines of a similar spec? PLEASE!

Mark is doing a Plansmotorsport track day at Brands - I think on 6 december? - go down and see the engine…

I tell you what, seeing as you are so confidant in Mark�s car, lets strike a deal. I do this trackday in my Honda powered car and if I go quicker than him you pay for my day? Come on� put your money where your mouth is.

Jonny Walker, Norman Phillips, Mark Bowles, Martin Bloxham, and Uldis, all have cars with my engines running round now for you to cross swords with on track, and I bet they’ll all be quicker than a reasonably standard Elise/Exige on A048s , with a na honda. There are 3 1.8L engines going in now that you can fence with next year, and then there are the 1.9Ls and 2.0Ls which are a whole other story…

What complete bollocks. Don�t know if you noticed the Tuner GP � that event that all your cars bailed out from with pathetic excuses. My bog standard NA Honda was doing sub 20�s around Donington with shagged out A0 39�s on. Do you really think that Uldis could beat that on equivalent tyres? If you do I�m willing to put up a VERY large bet. What�s more I did a 1:17.2 with Christians SC car with NO proper setup. I did a geo on it the following day and the wheels were pointing in some seriously dodgy directions, it had over 4mm toe out at the front and I dread to think what the corner weights are like as it hasn�t been reset since the Nitrons were fitted. There is at least a second in that car just with a baseline setup and I suggest there are probably 2 secs if I spent a day on it and this is his day to day car which has NO weight saving or fancy parts whatsoever. So what makes his/my car so quick if the only major difference from standard is the engine?

Well I apologise to RussT if it didn’t sound friendly, on track is where I want the competition, and I need honda friends to borrow their cars to beat in EVO tests and down at Plans , without them constantly turning up on slicks, or with superchargers [I can do that too, it’s where I started]

Do you really think we would be willing to hand over our cars keys to your idiot bum chums at Evo? These guys are the King of misinformation� only second to you.

Well said Randy. Good of you to take the time to set out the facts like that.

I guess Simon will go quiet for another 3 months now.



And there I was thinking that you had a moderately better grasp of some of these principles than scuffham , who was elequantly described by Simon up at QED as having the mechanical expertise of a monkey and who couldn’t be trusted with a lawn mower engine!

Every sentance of yours is redolent with a mindless lack of intuition or knowlege and as such is not worth the time of day. Had anyone of the owners I have built engines for been able to get to the tuner gp I would have supported them in that. Alex has been invited by Plans to pitch his car against Marchhares since they are all but identical cars but for the engine, Alex has repeatedly declined the invitation - sadly.

The day you rode in Uldis’s car, it was strangled by a collapsed cat that he’d put on for fear of the noise regs, go head to head with him now and he’ll beat your honda - no doubt. He also has proper long trumpets and an airbox I made for him that I wish he’d had at Croft - but he had wanted to make them himself. They have given him another 18lbft of torque, so don’t think you have a handle on that, you don’t.

But to hell with this merrygo round. You know I am deliberately entering a car in the 24hr endurance race next - specifically to beat scuffham.

Let it be settled on track


There was no reason either Uldis or Mark’s car couldn’t have made the Tuner GP. Put things into perspective… Simon and I rebuilt a car with a new chassis from the ground up in 10 days and Mark’s engine was finished weeks and weeks before the Tuner GP… the excuses are worthless AFAIK Uldis’s car had no problems whatsoever. The fact you didn’t show said an aweful lot about you.

‘Let it be settled on track’… I think that has already been done Simon, you should look at the results from the Tuner GP, the Silverstone 24hour and maybe you should get the video from Croft. You are very good at talking but I havn’t seen any of your cars acheive anything. Love the excuses too and FYI my car was running a CAT at Croft too - always has done.

You are welcome to pronounce QED’s opinions of SS over the interweb but personally I wouldn’t like to repeat what certain top line British engine builders have to say about you… it ain’t pretty.

Good luck in the 24, I hope you do better than Joe McCarthy.

But to hell with this merrygo round. You know I am deliberately entering a car in the 24hr endurance race next - specifically to beat scuffham.

Let it be settled on track


The invective apart (I think I know what that word means but don’t ask me to explain!) - I think this has been a good thread and now this has been announced then its going to be a fantastic race…where do I book my ticket?

Can’t help thinking Tony Curtis should be driving one car and Jack Lemmon the other - cue Henry Mancini…


don’t forget that great piefight scene