Exige S2 Ordered?

stealing the a dealers demo… so next week if I can twist their arms further

I wanted a lairy colour, Chrome Orange, but since I am taking a dealers car , its either Yellow or the dark Purple…
both sexy though… cannot decide

Thanks a lot Simon … I lurked about on the VX board , Seloc and also here reading opinions. Most opinions where, �totally worse than the S1�� true but the intention was to make it an every day car, with the ability to do several hot laps�.
Its about 2BHP down and about 50 lb / Ft down (I think ) but 100kgs overweight�
But then it does the road thing as well… not many cars give you that option� besides as Brendan said you can delete the elec windows and junk the trim, lose the hydraulic arm in the rear clam� and I am sure most of the 100kgs will fall�

Other opinions were that it was no better than the 111R, which I drove , but they are different cars no doubt… Not sure what it is… The price difference is �3k must be Dampers / tyres / semi fixed roof / Wing�.
You will have to spend close to that if you are going to mod the 111R

I have to say for �34k It matches the Vauxhall turbo, the Boxsters, the 911, the 360, M3 for comfort and betters most for lap times.
�20k less than a Noble and it shaded the Noble in the handling department�
For that price its pitched in a competitive sector but it handles and handles and handles�.
I was thinking about the supercharge conversion, brakes this and geo setting this and that , camber that� but to be honest I will keep it standard and learn to make it dance�
It is fast out of the box�.

Brendan, (find the extra pennies… ) I see you have been in the S2�s corner… I agree�
What it loses in its current guise it makes up for in overall ability�
Not so sure Lotus will develop a supercharged version… how much will it sell for� ?
The Blitz conversion is about �5k so the car as everyone has said will hit the �40K… now that is strictly Noble territory…
I think they will offer a 220BPH upgrade… Cams / induction kit / remap / exhaust�.250 bhp to the Tonne… Now that will make it a giant killer…
But it is that already. !!! Its like the 177 bhp S1 Exige and the 190 version… Most people will upgrade via the factory…
Lotus will be happy� more coins coming in�. Customers get a quicker car�

You’d best take the purple one. I want yellow

Can I ask what dealer it is?

How about this for a deciding factor:
How will you feel in your S2 the first time you see someone driving an S1 !?

heee heeee Brendan, best go get the Purple one…
Christoper Neil in Manchester… spent 5 hours in the last two days doing eneee mini minee mow…

How about this for a deciding factor:
How will you feel in your S2 the first time you see someone driving an S1 !?

to be honest I dont care what the next man is doing… some people are better looking than me… have more money, but I may have a better looking girl / house / cat… some have six packs , some jumbo packs… why should that be different for cars… When I see an S1 I know I could have bought one, and he / she probably will know they could have an S2 as well…

Perhaps I should ease your decision by buying the yellow one myself

The real question everybody should be asking you is: performance pack, or girly pack?

Perhaps I should ease your decision by buying the yellow one myself

The real question everybody should be asking you is: performance pack, or girly pack?

with a name like mine… what ya fink ???

and he / she probably will know they could have an S2 as well…

Nope, skint…

Okay the S1 Exige was a track car only� never ever saw, nor will see many of them doing the daily grind to work as they just don�t do that, for what ever reason, engine reliability, comfort levels take your pick�

Welcome BGB!, you’re going to have the honour of being the first S2 member here (that must count for something)

And although I like your logic, and if I was jumping into the Exige scene I would probably buy the S2, the statement above is not necessarily true.
I know a few that use the car as a daily driver (Me, Rox and a few others) and drive long distances to lots of trackdays.
No trailer here. Trailers are for poofs!

So there, the S1 is not as compromised as other would think.
I say it’s just the perfect road car, and actually not the perfect track car. That honour goes to the Radical IMHO.

I’m with Uldis on this one.

Although I would admit if I was taking the plung now I think I’d go for the S2, not having got to love a S1.



I’m with Uldis on this one.

Although I would admit if I was taking the plung now I think I’d go for the S2, not having got to love a S1.



Hi Guys, thanks… but driving it every day ? to work and back ? to the Shops ? WOW !!!
No insult intended but assumed it was in a pretty high state of tune like say a 360… Now I could feel that diminish a tad in my hands after every drive…
Besides, dont you need to really drive it, like the Fiat, there is no inbetween… I think its going to be a cracker, shame most people have written it off though…

And although I like your logic, and if I was jumping into the Exige scene I would probably buy the S2, the statement above is not necessarily true.

but what if they still made the S1 … ?

No insult intended but assumed it was in a pretty high state of tune like say a 360… Now I could feel that diminish a tad in my hands after every drive…

You’ve not seen how hard I drive my 360 !! No mercy

Hi Guys, thanks… but driving it every day ? to work and back ? to the Shops ? WOW !!!

Besides, dont you need to really drive it, like the Fiat, there is no inbetween… I think its going to be a cracker, shame most people have written it off though…


Welcome along… in fact MOST WELCOME… i like your style … so far… but… no-one here as written the S2 off, (Brendan apart… plus a few lurkers no-doubt… oh and … i think maybe RemarkLima is in the closet…:wink: its just that we are all immensley dissapointed because we cherish the name and think it stands for raw, bare faced, light purposeful rockstar and the S2 missed the target… and although i hear what you say… and trust Vortex… it can’t be that far apart from a 111R (certainley not in th esame way S1 exige stands from a 111)

But anyway, none of this is bad-mouthing the S2 'cause we’d all have one if we were new to the market and didn’t have 2-3 years attachment with the REAL exige… we just didnae want a Coupe…

BTW - I drive mine everyday… except at weekends, unless i’m at the track or scaring the sheep in the wilds of SW Scotland…

Anyway, I hope you stick around 'cause you sound like a laff and have petrol in yer vains…

Hi Guys, thanks… but driving it every day ? to work and back ? to the Shops ? WOW !!!
No insult intended but assumed it was in a pretty high state of tune like say a 360… Now I could feel that diminish a tad in my hands after every drive…
Besides, dont you need to really drive it, like the Fiat, there is no inbetween… I think its going to be a cracker, shame most people have written it off though…

Yep, drive it to the Gym, my previous and now my new job, supermarket -you’d be surprised how much stuff you can fit in the passenger side, granted, no passenger, and only things that can get warm in the rear-, to leave and pick up the girls (one by one, different classes) at TaeKwonDo, both girls relly enjoy taking them to the parties and picking them up on the “cool car”

And no, with the ECU correctly mapped I can pottle along almost at idle and pull cleanly. Mind you. mine is not one of the highly tuned ones, with basically the 190 conversion but still a sports Cat.
But yes, it can be a daily driver, and I’m 6’2". Most comfortable seats I’ve ever had by the way. Done 3500miles round trips without feeling half as tired as in our previous beemer.
But yes, I wear earplugs.

And Dave,

but what if they still made the S1 … ?

Then I would get the S1…

But if Trudy gets her way she will be ordering one tomorrow !!

oh and … i think maybe RemarkLima is in the closet…> :wink:

Sussed immediatly! Anyway there’s no closet mon amie I’ve always said I like the S2 Exige… Plus the Toyota lump swung it for me

Still the S1 is for me for that raw factor… Oh and once the MR2 is gone then that’ll be my only car. But will probably get a sh1tter to tow stuff in, need it for the racing I’ll be doing at the end of the year

But if Trudy gets her way she will be ordering one tomorrow !!

Phil aren’t you tempted by one of each?

I agree with Rox, I don’t think anybody has written the S2 off as a bad car, I’m sure it’s excellent, it’s just few really want to upgrade (which Lotus say wasn’t really the intention anyway). To me the S2 has evolved into a more grown-up car, and why would a bunch of wannbe racers pitch their cherished escapist toys in for that!?


and now my new job,

Nice one Uldis, good to hear you will be staying