Exige S2 Ordered?

I got stopped by a Tuscan driver in a car park last summer and asked if the roof came off mine!


What gives? Is it a flop?
Are we going to see a repeat of the Exige S1 slow sales performance? until… they retire it again?


Of course it’s ridiculously early to condemn the Exige 2 as a flop. However, it’s interesting that in over 970 hits on this thread we haven’t found a punter prepared to take the plunge.

I confess that I am very surprised by this. The S2’s not totally my cup of tea, but you can sort of sympathise with the Lotus rationale of marketing the new Exige to a wider potential audience.

I’m still also keen to hear from anyone who frequents this website who was consulted by Lotus as to what they should have done with the S2. Come to think of it, exactly WHO did they consult other than themselves - this alone could explain the apparently sluggish start.

Perhaps we’ve put people off a bit from saying they’ve placed an order. Maybe an anonymous poll is needed. Please participate.

Click here


Mrs E is up for a car change at the mo’ and the Elise S2 is at the top of her (or should that read mine ) list, maybe, maybe

Perhaps we’ve put people off a bit from saying they’ve placed an order. Maybe an anonymous poll is needed. Please participate.

Good idea. I’ve cast my vote already.

Let’s hope new S2 owners aren’t shrinking violets about ownership. In my experience if people are proud of their cars they usually like to talk about them.

Are we going to see a repeat of the Exige S1 slow sales performance? until… they retire it again?

Buy now! It could be a Future Classic.

Hmmm, where have I heard that before…

Voted !

And I would help Lotus. I’ll try to convince my wife that she needs an Exige S2…

I dont think u need a ballot, results will prob be the same.

what exactly is that cars target audience? i really fail to understand its existance at all!

for me no exige s1 owner will upgrade - no real performance advantage, you all have 80pc of your depreciation priced in, softer and looks… well …castrated in comparason.

box s owner - you must be joking, i cant see porsche drivers migrating in any significant numbers full stop! and iam talking levels of after sales service not even performance.

lotus elise s1 owners upgrading - possibly but its expensive and at that price a blink conversion is better value in my opinion.

so who??? after all, it is �35k!!! and at that price there are better track or road cars… iam being serious about this… for the life of me i cannot work it out! i would really like some one to clarify this for me please.

but if it had 250bhp the whole thing would change somewhat.they would be flying out the doors like hot cakes, all u s1 owners wouldnt be secretly laughing u assssses off… i would have got rid of my 996… oh well, gutted!

I think that in one post you’ve summed up many people’s feelings about the S2

Perhaps we’ve put people off a bit from saying they’ve placed an order. Maybe an anonymous poll is needed. Please participate.

Click here >



I reckon you are correct… anyone round here who is considering purchase of the S2 coupe will most likely only lurk because by-and-large all we have done is show dissapointment with it… on the other hand the VX-S looks like the new king if they ever get it to production… which I doubt… well maybe a few cars…

Well looking at the results so far it certainly appears to have allowed a few people to share their postion with us that hadn’t previously.


Another weekend has come and gone - a bank holiday weekend indeed and no-one has yet come forward as a definite buyer.

Any takers yet?

Well according to the poll there’s at least 3, with about another 20 interested.


Sorry missed that - that’s better then!

It might not be enough to persuade many of us to part with our S1’s - yet - but it’s still a very fine car and deserves to sell well.

Yep ordered one. !!!
Okay here goes� most of us have done the track day car thing�
Big brakes , custom dampers, different cams� light panels�
Seen and burnt a big fortune doing this as well�
God knows how many other cars you have to keep as well… A 4x4 to trailer the damn thing, and a nice saloon to drive to work in�
Summary �xxxx,xxxxxxxxx

Okay the S1 Exige was a track car only� never ever saw, nor will see many of them doing the daily grind to work as they just don�t do that, for what ever reason, engine reliability, comfort levels take your pick�
Summary �xxxx,xxxxxxxxx

Now the S2 Exige, forget about top gears time, but if it could get close to a Gallardo / better a 911GT3 and see off most other cars then it is flipping fast…
Coupled with the fact it will do the daily grind then you have an awesome tool.
What other �35k road going car is going to post times like that ?
Most of the magazines bear this out as well�

No need for big brakes, no need for Dampers, no need for a trailer, and it can be run as an only car�.
(my intentions) all this for �35K
Summary �xx ( I Pray)

Small background intro;
Currently own a Ferrari 360M with uprated brake pads and a sports exhaust. There is no finer sounding car out there� FULLSTOP.
The stradale version is �40k more and weighs 100kgs less, has 425 bhp so 25 BHP more and the F1 paddle shift./ ceramic brakes, and a whole host of trick parts�.

I owned a paddle shift 360 prior to the manual and it was fast, probably the way most manufactures will go in the future, but the clutch lasted 6k miles and at �2k � heee heeeee watch your wallet evaporate…

You cannot launch it properly , look at all the test times on the 360 CS. 0-60 in 5.3 seconds… WHAT !!!

However the defining moment was when I went out for a blast with a pal who owns a standard VXt.
Now I could not keep up unless the road was relatively straight and I had to hit 120mph to get past… on A and B roads� !!!

Errrrrrrrrrr best case scenario I could loose my licence and freedom for a year, worst case I could kill someone�… I know who had more fun. !

Take away the badge there is no better way to burn �100k than being at the helm of a 360. We swapped cars and the 360 had problems keeping up again�
950kgs V 1300kgs�… forget the power deficit as there is only a certain amount of power one can put down on A and B roads…
Summary �xxxx,xxxxxxxxxxxxx,xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx,xxxxxxxxx
I also owned a Radical and feel the right way forward is a decent amount of power in a light body is the best combination. Times have moved on, so has the Exige.

I drove a Noble, a Porsche GT2 GT3 a 360CS, have owned a Box S / 2.7 variant, a Lancia Integrale with 290 bhp with all the best bits I could stick on it�
But value for money the Exige 2 has it covered…

You want a fast lap time no problems�
You want reasonable looks�… no problems�
You want to ease about in the rush hour crawl no problems…
You want something to supercharge / stick hot cams / monster brakes / dampers on … no problems
What more do you want�
Oh yeah ,Forgot… a full custom exhaust�Manifolds and all… . WTF is the standard one all about�
Even with when the second cams kick in… DIRE !!!
Summary looks like �xxxx,xxxxxxxxxxxxx


Nice one

As a matter of interest, what is the anticipated delivery date?


Nice one

As a matter of interest, what is the anticipated delivery date?

Sounds like you have found your perfect car . What colour are you going to have?

Nice One can’t argue with your logic

They represent such great value for money. You’d have to pay helluva lot more to get as big a smile on your face - when do you get it and out of interest, colour?

Sounds much like my reason for wanting to swap for an S2. Along with the fact I’ve had my S1 for well over 3 years, and I’m just starting to fancy a bit of a change.

Just need some money…