Exige S2 Ordered?

Imagine an S2 Exige with a bigger wing on the back, an extended roof intake (similar to the ones you see on some of the S1 racers), a properly loud exhaust, braided brake lines, a few of the engine tweaks which will inevitably come along soon…

And just imagine the total cost when you’ve done that.

Of course there’s a difference between wanting one, and actually being willing/able to pay for it.
I’ll be very interested to compare used values in a year’s time.


I’d assumed that you were thinking of getting a brand spanking new one, & as you say, it’ll be interesting to see what the score is in 12 months time.

Or you could consider this one Brendan: -

Another week begins and STILL no-one has reported placing a firm S2 order. You’re the nearest to date!

hi guys, i had one on order but since its basically an s2 with a floppy wing i didnt complete… its no advance on the s1 so why bother, infact as soon as i found out they were using cut slicks i thought the car was gonna be a bit of a lemon… plus the s1 looks 10 times better… foot shot the in themselves and missed opportunity?

ciao d

infact as soon as i found out they were using cut slicks i thought the car was gonna be a bit of a lemon…

If you mean the Yoko 048s (developed by Lotus & Yokohama specifically for the Exige), they are superb & have been used by most Exige S1 owners for the last 2 years.

pesky…no the tyres are very good! thats not what i meant… what i meant was is the s2 quicker (if infact it really is???) as a result of the tyres or development… when i saw the stats sub 200bhp more weight and trick tyes…well…lets just say i was dissapointed.

putting those tyes anything will shave 2 secs plus a lap. all relitive really.

I agree Pesky (saying that far to much at the moment! ).

I assumed Diego meant that he thought it was a sign Lotus were trying to make up for handling deficiencies with better rubber. An interesting point, although I’m not sure it really was what they were doing.

I was a little surprised they fitted them given the new market they’re apparently trying to hit. The dealer almost gave me a written warning when I fitted them, as they felt they could be more trick in the wet.


agreed IDG… the new market (or excuse) is supposed to be softer right … trick tyers on a softer exige from standard??? eh??? anyway… the car wasnt enough in terms of development for me to complete. and i was absolutely gutted about that! iam sure for others it will be perfect… although i doubt the sales to date reflect that. such a shame…

actually i would like to ask u guys a question as no doubt you lot are more in the loop than me… do u think there is there a supercharged s2 exige on the way? thx d

Maybe, but meanwhile if I was in the market for something really radical I would take a look at this.

There is lots of talk from people in the know about a more powerful ‘motorsport’ version coming. Nobody is saying how they will achieve the extra power. I would guess at supercharging because there is an official supercharged version from Toyota. I don’t know if it will be available as a bolt on kit, only as a complete car, or an engine swap.

Didn’t somebody say it could be another engine?!

Only going to put the price up!


price is relitive if the car performs accordingly… how much would you pay for an exige s2 with a lightish v6 pushing out 250bhp??? i would never buy another 911 and they are 60k+!

Somebody not so keen? - see here

A punter, or a dealer thinking there’s not enough demand out there and jumping ship quicko

So, let me get this.
The car is a very good one, but we can’t find ONE person that has ordered one.
Even on Seloc some Elise owners like it but has anybody ordered one?

We find the odd one that has been sold and it’s being re-sold.

What gives? Is it a flop?
Are we going to see a repeat of the Exige S1 slow sales performance? until… they retire it again?


Isn’t that the dealer’s (Wilsons) demo car, which was driven by “Felix7” to/from the recent Donington show?

I haven’t heard of any dealers actually receiving “customer cars” yet, only their own demonstrators. Anyone know any different?

As Hethel says, it’s going to be interesting to see just what the uptake is over the few months. Apart from on Exiges.com, every other bbs seems to swamped with people (& I seriously doubt many are genuine potential punters!) who seem only to be bothered about whether or not the roof panel is removable - talk about missing the point of the Exige.

Slightly incorrect Mr Pesky, Felix7 was driving the Castle Lotus demonstrator, but I do seem to remember a recent Wilsons advert in top marques flogging an S2 .

I also see that Stratton Motor Company has a demo car in mustard yellow (is that its name these days?) - I was keen to try it, but really love my S1 too much for this to be anything other than a time wasting exercise for the dealer.
Plus I don’t fancy spending something like a 10k difference on what could become a difficult car to sell if the 250bhp version breaks water.

Agree with you about the obsession in some quarters about the removable roof. Those people could just save themselves some money and buy a 111R

Slightly incorrect Mr Pesky, Felix7 was driving the Castle Lotus demonstrator

You’re toooo polite - I was talking bollox (again!!!)