Bosch Motorsport M4 ABS

forza honda projects

Oh my, not good news on the dyno failure, hope the replacement engine can be sourced and in in time :smiley:

Long day and lots of miles covered but engine collected, big thanks to Simon Deaton (competed in TA) of Deaton Metal Centre (& salvage yard). Complete engine which is handy as alternator is on its way too.

Thanks for positive comments ^,^^,^^^ will do everything we can to be in the bar thursday night :slight_smile:
Good luck to Muu and everyone else fighting to be fit but after reading some of the non-motoring problems some are having an engine replacement is insignificant and i send my best wishes should you read this.

Engine number 2…

I was just getting on the train wondering if you had a successful mission today Chris…great news that engine no2 is on it way to a more inspiring use than in athe front of a Civic :sunglasses:

Was like a civic graveyard in there, poor little things…funny feeling i may be back so i hope others find their way there to die too!

Bugger!!! What bad luck.

All the best with getting it up and running again very soon.

Thanks Jamie

Nightmare. Fingers crossed all goes well with the new engine!!

Cheers :slight_smile:

Quick update…

Big thanks to SD Motorsport for taking on the job of swapping out the engine, they’ve brought in some help for the weekend as they have other cars to prep but without their help there is no way i would have been ready for next Friday.

They’ve sent over a few pics,

confirmation if needed…

believe this is clockwise motion sump baffle…might be paying ian a visit soon :wink:

engine 2 with old rocker cover…

If only engines were see-through!..

Big, Big thanks to all the guys at EXEDY RACING EUROPE they work at the pinnacle of motorsport but are genuinely just as interested in grassroots motorsport, top guys and their support is appreciated.

Hyper series compe-R…

Engine number 2 in… :clap:

Oil cooler is apparently full of bearings despite constant cleaning so better safe than sorry and new one ordered, Rotrex supercharger oil needed and ordered from TTS (Rotrex SX150) and new CV Boots on the way too.

I wouldn’t risk an oil cooler or the pipes from a blow up. It just isn’t worth the risk. If you can get the pipes out and be 1000% sure they are clear then fair enough, but cooler rad needs to go straight in the bin.

Great effort over the weekend - hopefully we’ll see you in the bar on Thu with the car finished sitting outside on its trailer :sunglasses:

Cooler binned, will discuss pipes tomorrow, cheers.

Had a manifold blasted & painted a couple of years ago which nearly went on still full of the little abrasive beads from the process which would have made a nice mess!

In the hands of suppliers & delivery companies now!
Also EP3 engine has different compression to the old DC5 so we’ll need a tweaked/safe map as there is no time to get it back on the dyno but thats the least of our problems. A lot of good people have gone above and beyond to get to where we are now and have a shout of being at the bar, hopefully a couple of them will be there having a pint too! (my shout :slight_smile:)

Did I hear free bar? :wink:
Oil cooler in the bin.
Pipes have been cleaned thoroughly and inspected with camera/borescope and all good.

If you boys pitch up with the car on Thu I don’t reckon they’ll be any shortage of people to buy you a beer!

TBH if we didn’t aim for something like Anglesey i could see the car being sat for a while due to commitments everyone has so a good event to spur us on. (Beer helps too though!)

PS Welcome Steven :slight_smile:

I just want to see you drive it more!
see you on Wednesday

All the parts arrived on time… (cooler from speedflow hope you approve SeanB :slight_smile:)

and thanks to SD Motorsport…

See you all there :slight_smile: