Bosch Motorsport M4 ABS


onto the back…

tidying up has begun…

fuel inlet pipe,gem of a discovery, black was actually inside the orange pipe!

Looking great :sunglasses:

Looks like you might meet another of your TimeAttack Lotus peers at Anglesey if you’re able to make it.

Turbotoaster? if so they’ll think a jet has missed the runway at Valley!

think ben means the automek exige as well

Just googled, looks a nice bit of kit!

on a side note, has anyone ever tried to put a Lotus team together for Ten of the best? (TOTB)

Yup I was referring to the Automek car. If Lee’s bewinged machine turns up too that will 3x TA cars at Anglesey!

Chris Pearson did TOTB with his Rotrex Honda car many years ago, I think he said it did pretty well. To my knowledge nobody has tried to put a Lotus team together…

Cal 2 then :mrgreen:

I hope Lee does, would like to see what he’s done with all the aero improvements (and copy :wink:)

[quote Chris Pearson did TOTB with his Rotrex Honda car many years ago, I think he said it did pretty well. To my knowledge nobody has tried to put a Lotus team together…[/quote]

Have watched for the last 3 years, some awesome cars and drivers!
You’d need cars that could compete on the drag strip, top speed and handling but most teams have specialists in one or two disciplines but no matter what, it would be a good laugh whatever the result.

That TOTB looks kind of fun, no mega pressure in the RWD class, all the really fast 1/4mile and top speed is in 4wd.
Wonder what the regulations are like?

the essentials…

“All cars that compete in our main road competition class are road legal, taxed, tested and insured”
If you enter for the Sunday you get to practice on the Saturday at “bootcamp” where you can practice all 3 disciplines.
You’d (I’m avoiding saying 'WE" and having ownership of this!) need 10 competitors and a couple of reserves in case of breakages and no-shows (selection of that 10 is an event in itself for other teams but more of that later) and then ancillary help and volunteers.

In an ideal world you’d have…

  1. Team captain/organiser/dogs body who will get all the blame if you fail and no thanks if you succeed and be slagged off for his or her selection of the best 10.
  2. A Sponsor (Name to go on official T-shirts etc) who might also be able to help with organising a few people or support.
  3. Various friends/members to help with maintaining the cars (even better to have a professional garage involved)
  4. Gazebo & BBQ and of course beer (should this be number 1?)

probably lots of other stuff but some basics there to start with!

Rear nearly finished, have protected some vulnerable parts from the heat with a new type of foil which is supposed to be the dogs nuts (its not baco foil, honest!)…

Front end…all fuses and relays tidied up, extinguisher bottle being serviced and anderson plug fitted to keep the lithium battery on charge when not in use…

Can anyone confirm an S2 quick rack will fit? appears to marry up well…

GT rear view camera wired in, will be placed as close to central without obstructing view…

Ecu, Bluetoth module and iPad all communicating…

as the stack dash is no longer being used we need to wire in a couple of pressure sensors but it seems to be working fine, rev lights too.

Spent the day at a very wet oulton yesterday, few things solved but a few new problems resulted in limited track time but the car went home in one piece which was the priority given the conditions. I managed to get a set of wets the day before but with no time to fit was lucky to find a mobile fitter who would come out to track first thing but a series of glitches kept us in the pits till late afternoon.

I’m hoping we have got on top of the major issues but getting frustrated with the niggles.

good points from the limited time i spent on track…

car feels solid, quantums & nitron bushes have made a difference (thanks to scuffers for advice on spec) although difficult to say how much as kerbs where generally avoided. but looking forward to pushing on a dryer surface.
Quaife sequential did not miss a beat and gear changes were really smooth and didn’t unsettle the car.

bad points…

ipad dash is fiddly, when you stop the engine the app crashes and you have to reopen the app but race gloves don’t work with the touchscreen so you need to take them off etc. was worth a try but new dash needed i think.
Pads took a while to get up to temp, very cold day and we have brake ducts perhaps block off ducts in certain circumstances and or change pads, PF1’s?

On a personal note the lotus is a completely different drive to the old 4WD car, much more finesse is needed and i’m honest enough to know i need more tuition to get to grips with it all so thats where i’ll be concentrating. Must also admit i was shitting it in the conditions given it was also Friday the 13th!


pics from the day…

ps before ben says anything, the headlight lenses will be on next week!

Car look lovely and well done for getting out there so early before the start of the season!!

Regarding brake ducts, we never found we needed them, especially for Time Attack events. Even on test days etc the car was fine for several years running at around 350bhp, although probably on the limit at the end of a longer session with 700bhp. This is with 4 pots front and rear and 304mm AP discs front and rear, so nothing that large.

Look forward to keeping up with your progress this year and I’ll be in touch about the dry sump system when it’s ready. We’re hopefully almost there now!!

cheers Jamie, thanks for the advice its a steep learning curve for everyone and we’ll be honest when we get it wrong! Having said that the ducts were also there to enhance the car for racing (hoping we ca do a couple races if eligible) so they’ll stay but we just need to tailor it better to a specific event/conditions i.e. block them off when not racing and perhaps choose a pad with more initial bite?

Great news that you’re getting there with the Dry Sump system, sooner the better!!

The car is looking great, I’m looking forward to seeing it.

To be honest Oulton in the wet in a SC Honda Lotus is always gonna be something to focus the mind. I’ve only been to Oulton a couple of times but it scares the bejeezus out of me.

We managed to get a few glitches resolved whilst sat in the paddock but in desperate need of seat time now so Anglesey is really helpful Ben.

few other updates…

Not sure whether its just the design of car but the lexan glass doesn’t seal properly and they’re flapping about so fitting the same latches i had on the previous car, designed for drag cars but really useful…

Car is hopefully off this week to have the mapping finished, this time by Romain Levesque, will let you know the result :slight_smile:


MOTEC C125 race kit arrived, was a toss up between this and the AIM MXG but the aim is just a bit too big whilst the motec is roughly the same size as the mini iPad. It will link via CAN BUS to the ECU, real shame about the iPad route but it just isn’t suited to a dedicated race car but it is definitely a useful tool and was worth the try.

will take a video of it working once installed, Youtube clip of one…