Bosch Motorsport M4 ABS

Or the fourth way…retail the original K series :unamused:


Ahh, you could be right Tim… was thinking it was just the corner of the box stopping it going further back but yea, I guess the chassis legs will be the next thing in the way…

And have to replace engines rather than CV joints ? :wink:

Ok, we think we’re running too low, splitter is sharpened to a knife point, so we’ll raise it.
Also going to stiffen up the car, spoke with EP and 700/850 springs (maximum suggested) on the way as well as the 1" adjustable anti-roll bar, lets hope that helps too.
I only have single way Quantums but as they are the new zero type they can be rebuilt and upgraded to 2 way and then i could run an even higher rate but hopefully not needed.

Picture from Monday…

There is a company some of the RS3 owners are going to for prop shafts, they apparently supply the BMW touring car team and are rated to 3500nm!
Might be worth a call, I can find out who they are if you want?

Would certainly be interested to see who makes these!

Went for a fancy carbon prop once, lasted 2 laps of donny. typical

now it could be bollocks, but I’m told the pilbeam ARB is more linear than the EP 1" one

also if the EP one is solid the pilbeam one will be lighter

I was certainly sucked in and bought one, not fitted it yet tho

Ok confirmed, the EP sequential has the inner CV centres pushed out towards the subframe by 20mm, as to soften off the driveshaft angle slightly. It also allows you to run a single O/S shaft further softening that angle. Other advantage is one more gear too.

That being said, the Track Club guys still keep spares on their van, go figure.

I saw the comments from Chris Randall on the VX220 forum regarding these 2 anti-roll bars and it’s pretty hard to ignore advice from someone like him, although i did, EP one was £100 cheaper :smiley: I’ll let you know what my thoughts about the bar once fitted, for what little thats worth!

Guess that’s the difference, as JDS said EP started with a blank canvas and the Quaife isn’t even designed for the car it’s in!!

Pat from Syvecs was up yesterday working on the car, primarily to sort out a conflict between the Motec dash and the Syvecs GPS, and all sorted.
However, what i didn’t know is that the Syvecs ECU is actually pre-programmed to work with the Bosch ABS system, its just a matter of setting it up which has now been done. The Bosch canbus is now fed into the ECU and each wheel speed and G reading are showing on the Syvecs.

New tyre warmers are on the way, been dealing with a fella called Johann from Hungary, £550 delivered for a bespoke set (colour & size) which is cheap. Company is called TAG Racing ([email protected]). They do a lot of german GT3 teams and i’ve pointed him towards a few a uk websites to advertise.
He’s been superb to deal with and hope they work as good as they look!

best get traction control working now then :wink:

:wink: we were using the 2 front wheels and gearbox before but now it will be taken from all 4 wheel speeds.
It doesn’t look like the syvecs uses the yaw data for TC which I thought was strange?
The bosch plug and play is only available on the Syvecs S8 ecu I believe but possibly on the new s6 plus.

yeah, i’ve wired a few bosch systems, but only using motec or cosworth.

bosch system as you’ve found out is phenominal.

I will just be using the 4 wheel speed’s and motec’s TC stratergies.

Looking to tidy up all the electronics, potentially some sort of control panel, any ideas?

PM sent also

Drag car window latches are now on, hopefully stop the lexan windows flapping about. Open by flicking the latch internally or pushing the button externally…

video from Steve…

some loverly details in your car buddy

A membrane panel is a neat way to tidy up instead of a lot of switches. Most do them but nicest ones imo are either cosworth or obr. These are just switch panels so a pdm or relays are still required but there of moderate cost and Gets rid of a lot of switches. Also its illuminated so helps with night racing/driving or poor lighting

Will reply to pm shortly

Cheers Tim :slight_smile:
Windows needed solving once and for all.

Car is waiting for the new engine to be built up by Tdi-North, should be anytime soon.
You can see the new inner arch liners in this photo hence looking a bit cleaner than usual…

Cheers :slight_smile:

Was looking at what looked like an iPhone sized panel by Cosworth, suppose it depends on how many buttons are needed…