Bosch Motorsport M4 ABS

Cheers buddy!

Looking forward to seeing you out on track if that meeting with ‘a man with a cat’ goes well :wink:

enjoyed a poke around the car, it’ll be epic once it’s all ironed out

Great to see you Chris and loving the car,…like you say it has the look of something now that is really coming together. What a fantastic machine and it looks and sounds mean-as out on circuit, top man :clap: Can’t wait to see it out again soon, hopefully with ChrisB’s MS Elise too that is on it way back… day next year is looking like it’ll be a cracker already !!

Heya guys, ok was pondering the engine position question were talking about in the pits:

Ok there is stock honda box:

usually what limits how far back you can get the n/s engine mount is the gearbox casing to chassis leg clearance, to the point where lots of people don’t use the 3 bolt hold (the one that’s a hole not a stud, on the bottom right) so they can trim the casing like this:

however looking like the quaife the casing seems more petite at that point and the 3rd mount lug kinda hangs out, ripe to being sliced off. I dare say the extra 10mm or so rearwards (subject to subframe clearance around the diff casing) would take the pressure off the joints. I dare say the heat and forces don’t rise linearly with the angle, so any reduction will really help, well certainly can’t hurt!


I see what you mean you now. I think you should give Momentum a call as they are Quaife dealers and have been down this road with their own Exige i believe.
Steve called them this morning, they have actually made a one off space frame back end to overcome some of these issues and seem to have tackled these issues first hand already.

From our perspective we will replace the outer CV and when the engine comes out, fit stiffer engine mounts as we think on a right hander everything could be moving over on the shorter shaft side (left) which has little room to play with anyway but we are open to suggestions as i’m sure this is a well trodden path.

JDS recommended S2 uprights and changing everything over, which would have been fine from the start but i’ve gone so far down this road, as he pointed out selling couple of sets of S1 wheels would fund!

PS Andrew at momentum has had a look at a picture of the mounts and said they’re ok so i guess just carry on and see if problem persists (and carry spares!!)

Too long to wait for that! Anglesey, October 23rd?..i got some Bookatrack credits to spend :smiley:

You might need to book under a different name :laughing:

Pretty sure we are doing 23rd yep :smiley:

When you rebuild your CVs (do both sides otherwise the other one is bound to fail next time out!) - make sure the guys use ‘Neo HPCC’ Grease for the outer CVs - and also put breathers on the CV boots.

yeah I’ll see what Andrew thinks, also it might mean the dirveshafts are then too long :frowning:

Welsh police will be on high alert if they know are on the way :smiley:
Cheers for the advice Dave :slight_smile:

might try to escape work

Do it ! :smiley:

What model was the Motec dash you run Chris ? - looked great!

I just realised that you should have gone and raided my car Chris as the inboard is fooked on mine not the outboard and the TC boys there with the V6 would have had grease…ho hum.


We’re going to finish the link up between Dash, Ecu and Bosch via Can and that will enable Syvecs to see the Bosch sensor readings for better Traction Control.

No worries, we learnt more than enough in the morning session…

Happy with the Quantums, geo setup.
We can get more out of the ABS system.
Traction control can be fine tuned.
Splitter has made a difference to handling (we will use the template for now and put the carbon version on after the winter).
We need more rear end grip:

DJ Race Cars SM183 Dual Element wing in construction…

Aesthetically not a fan of big rear wings but needs must.

If we can keep refining all the handling/aero aspects we will be in a good position for when the 2.2 stroker goes in.

Does anyone know the difference?
Old one on the right, new EP3 one on the left (which we thought it would be) but clearly different.
Any help appreciated!

You bought a Honda CV ?

What Honda conversion kit are you running Chris ? - it won’t be a Honda CV I don’t think.

Thanks Dave…

Bought the car with the Quaife in so don’t know?
Didn’t know there were different kits, any idea what it could be?

Are you running S1 or S2 uprights ?

I think the original S1 CV’s were from a Ford diesel if I remember correctly… I’m now on S2 uprights, so running S2 CVs on mine.

The wing off the 2-11 prototype above now resides on the back of my car. Spotted it lurking on top of a cabinet at Lotus Motorsport and managed to buy it from them, end plates were missing though… :slight_smile: