Bosch Motorsport M4 ABS

Do the mechanics have a oscilloscope? Might be a good way of looking at the condition of the signal.

My ECU was not happy when I moved my map sensor, picked up pings from the coils.

Wow, it never stops amazing me just how tough it is to deal with modern electronics in cars :crazy:

trouble is it’s very very harsh environment; lots of magnetic fields, vibrations, and all on a very low voltage.

To be honest the real issue is that we were at Oulton to test the Bosch ABS and Sean is not used to Syvecs with most of his cars running Motec Ecu’s. The car is back with SD Motorsport on Wednesday and wouldn’t surprise me if Steve knew the problem within 10 seconds of looking at the logs, if he doesn’t then we’ve had some good suggestions here to have a look at, the logs can also be bounced to various mappers for their thoughts too.

It can be frustrating when a gremlin scuppers a track day but this is far outweighed by the performance gains, reliability and fault finding a good ECU gives back. When we compete their is always someone there who can tweak the map or use the logs to fault find and its getting smarter, for £150 we are fitting the Syvecs Wifi module to enable maps to be downloaded and tweaked whilst driving through the pitlane, that’s professional level technology in my mind.

That’s very cool,…when your mates are out in the car you could turn the wick down a bit if they were taking the piss :laughing:

Roll on this time next week :sunglasses:


I fully expect race engineers to turn the wick up if they think the driver is not going quick enough or give full boost at part throttle etc!
then reset the ECU before the car gets back into the pits and go home with a wry smile!

that’s why F1 regs have a rule that torque delivered must = torque demanded…

Coulthard had a corner in the V10 era that he just couldn’t stop having a little lift for on the way in, most of the time he wasn’t even aware he’d done it. So the engineers programmed the ECU to maintain 100% throttle at that point of the track as long as he had at least 80% of the pedal travel down, thus ignoring the lift.

Ha, brilliant and i bet they didn’t tell him till after the race?
Good race engineers are basically very clever sneaky bastards… keep it up :smiley:

Any update?

Thanks for asking, hopefully tomorrow. Everyone has had a good look at what has been written on here and by yourself in particular to potential problems and fixes, certainly very helpful mate!

300 mile round journey to get it to SD Motorsport, feels longer with a trailer on.
Steve will have a look tomorrow as he was on his way out for a celebration :slight_smile:

It was still doing it, pump went mad as soon as you turned the key so just pushed it onto the trailer.
Will come back with pics of setup and Syvecs logs tomorrow.

Track focused workshop… doing a track day in November at Anglesey with the 2 Ferrari’s, 600bhp but heavier…should be fun :smiley:
Porsche went backwards into the tyres at Donny…ouch

New inner wheel arches fitted on all corners, should stop the engine getting covered in sh…

how do you find the rear arb changes things?

TBH it was left off for some reason and i didn’t notice the difference!!
Hopefully more seat time will allow us to play with the settings and find out what difference it makes.

If its messing around while engine isn’t running that ruled out noise and points to sensor / wiring damage or ecu parameter incorrect

Basically its got worse, as before it would work intermittently.
You’d assume the ECU parameters were set correctly initially as its worked flawlessly and haven’t been changed? Which leaves the sensor and wiring.
First time out it was the sensor and the car has had a lot of tinkering and its easy to catch a wire, so either good possibilities.

The only other gremlin was a low battery warning last time out (Motec dash flashed up) so we’ve changed out the lithium battery for a ‘heavy’ odyssey one.

I reckon it getting worse and doing it all the time is the best thing that could of happened. I hate intermittent stuff.


was sensor!!!

Thanks for all the inputs, The Cable Guy especially (apologies for not knowing names yet)
Steve has changed the type of sensor being used and rewired it. On a positive note the failsafes are working, protecting the gearbox.

ah glad to here it, its nice when its a simple fix.

I have been on here 8 years and don’t know most peoples name :crazy:

Firstly, thanks to Ben for encouraging people to go and organising a curry a night before, great company and food though not quite the “best curry in Britain” as was the owners mantra!

As for the track day it was good to meet up with a few people i’d not met before and put some faces to names, in particular JDS and Johnnyfox :slight_smile:

Ready to go…

After fixing the sensor issue the car felt good, was a damp track but it felt solid with just the odd wobble!. Its getting better, not huge strides but its getting quicker. The Bosch ABS is awesome, you can feel a little bit of vibration through the pedal so you know its working and in summary it lets you brake later and later, miles more to come from that.

Unfortunately, an outer CV disintergrated just before craner curves, a tow of shame was needed and that was the end of the day for me. Not down hearted, it was good morning session and can honestly say for the first time its coming together :slight_smile:

couple of vids…

damp track…


thanks to Steve too :smiley:

Great meeting you too Chris, you fit right in here buddy. Cracking car and it sounded awesome.