Bosch Motorsport M4 ABS

:smiley: looks superb. Anyway I was referring to Bens car :lolno:

Yeah yeah yeah. Wait til mines resprayed and on TMRs bud,…it will be time for the bling-off :sunglasses:

Ready to go…

Oulton Park tomorrow, new splitter on,Enduro seat belts and most importantly Bosch ABS all ready to be tried and tested.

Looking good.

Looking awesome Chris. I hope you’re having fun at Oulton, the weather down here is perfect let’s hope it extends up to you.

I’ll be interesting to hear how you’ve got on with yer fancy ABS setup.

Not a good day at Outlon!

We think the pressure sensor controlling the compressor/air tank was playing up (did the same thing on the dyno, luckily then we had a spare but not this time). It would work fine then the compressor would stay on and the paddles stopped working, if there is not enough pressure the Ecu will not change gear to save the dogs in the gearbox, which is what we think was happening. However, the canister blew up on the dyno and made a bit of mess so i wasn’t all that keen to carry on with it not 100% (especially as it lives in the passenger footwell!)
We will have a look and see if there is another issue, the sensors that have failed are decent honeywell ones so a bit strange.
Also failed the noise test, 105.9 and had to use a bung, will repack the exhaust, at least Donny will be 110dB!!

On a postive note ABS seemed to be working fine but never really got to push it, so will have to wait for a report on how good it is.

Thanks to Sean at Trackfocused for all the work and Kev at APM Graphics for re-striping the car!

Sounds like a frustrating day bud…think of it as a shakedown for the Donny noisy day eh!

Car is looking very tidy :sunglasses:

Could be noise on the sensor. We’ve had that before when looking at the data. The harnesses connecting sensor to the GCU is that a manufactures harness or something that you’ve had made?

Where is the GCU block located? Close or ontop gearbox? Is the pressure sensor for GCU monitored by ecu?

We removed the Geartronics GCU when the Syvecs was installed which lives behind the passenger seat flush to the bulkhead, it is connected to the valve block (which sits adjacent to the gearbox not on top) via a custom made harness.

The pressure sensor is monitored by ECU.

Keep going!! this sounds promising…

Looking forward to seeing it on the 6th. Hope you get things sorted.

Cheers :slight_smile:

hopefully we can find the route cause, its either something underlying or 2 sensor failures. Either way plenty of spares will be in the kit bag from now on!!

Forget to mention, the engine is now being built up by TDI North in Warrington, will go through their plans for the heads, valves, porting etc but suffice to say it will complement the 2.2 bottom end.

One thing i did learn, the Schroth Enduro harness is easier to adjust in the car, especially as its a bit of squeeze for me anyway! The adjustment feels quicker and the yellow tipped straps are easy to find especially when you are looking through the view of a full face helmet. i know its only small details but if you’re thinking of getting new belts or a HANS upgrade certainly have a look at them (if you have an in date Hans belt already i wouldn’t spend the money just to change though).

Roll on noisy day! we will keep going till we have ironed out all the little issues by which time the engine should ready :smiley:

I would check the data from the pressure sensor to check it’s not a spiking. Causing the pump to run all the time or over work.

We had it that the noise would cause the pressure signal to fluctuate massively. meaning it wouldn’t shift as pressure was too low and hitting false neutrals when it would shift.

What your saying describes the symptoms, will check the logs on Wednesday and let you know what we find.
What was causing the noise for you and what did you do about it?
Appreciate the input.

We put it down to sequential hewland gearbox noise. To be honest we didn’t spend too much time trying to find the source. Rather a solution and ran screen cable to the the sensor which cured the problem as the data trace from the signal before and after was night and day

Also check signal from gear position sensor for same issue.

Spot on.

microphone cable works well, or the raychem screened stuff is very good

Yeah I always use 55a raychem screen twisted cable.

Given your profile name that sounds like solid advice :wink: :slight_smile:

Thanks again, will take pictures of every item in the whole system and post up when i collect the car on Wednesday, perhaps more eyes looking will see something we have missed. Have also had issues with the steering wheel (paddles) cable plug popping out as well, it all just needs tidying up. Will explain further with the photos.

Thanks tim :slight_smile:

Happy to help where I can.