Bosch Motorsport M4 ABS

Don’t know on direction changes, would need to cross check logs of G vs pressure.

Spa however has three brutal long lefts.

i was just wondering with most UK tracks being clockwise its not something that happens till you get to somewhere like Spa?

Indeed, when I pulled the coil out of 1 it made a proper queef noise and oil went everywhere

Post office card through the door today, so send Mrs Muu off to collect what I hope is my new seal kit and carbon plug cover (why not).

I’d never heard of a ‘queef’ before.

Urban dictionary helped me out

“an expulsion of wind from the vulva during coitus; a vaginal fart”

There is even an explanatory video on You Tube

How To Queef - YouTube

:laughing: :laughing: :clap:

Inlet manifold arrived back, cleaned up and polished…

Spa is also clockwise? or are you watching in Australia? :wink: :mrgreen:

Never said Spa wasn’t clockwise! :wink: :mrgreen:

Queef :astonished: Would a dry sump help this or is it better to go with baffles… I guess this is only on Volvo’s :smiley:

Intake looks neat :sunglasses:

yeah I doubt they queef when dry :angel:

Really it is key to ensure adequate lubrication throughout the session :smiling_imp:

Spooner restorations have a very nice cam cover in production in Lotus Sport colours :wink:

Looking good :sunglasses:

I guy named Bren from the Civic forums did my camcover. I asked for white and he (naturally) did it Honda Championship White. I liked it and may paint the car to match :smiley:

Still gonna be ready for the noisy day in Oct?

i think they cool in white, especially ones with a Honda logo on in red/silver, and would have been my colour of choice had i not seen one Paul (spooner restorations) had done for another customer. basically i nicked his idea and swopped in my colours!

There has been a delay on the engine build, AT Power recalled the dry sump, they wanted to check an ‘o’ ring, fair play to them they arranged collection and returned within 48 hours but means Graham won’t be able to start as he’s on holidays now. So the plan now is just get the car out and get some seat time on the standard k20 and fine tune the Bosch system. There is no rush for the new engine to be in as we’ve missed the season so will be good just to get to play out so definitely at Donny!

Update: Bosch ABS just needs an anti-vibration plate which is on its way from Germany, didn’t come with the kit for some reason, Yaw sensor sits on it in the middle of the car

ps just looked at booking Donnington 6th Oct, £295 with trackdays is that who you’re booking it with? 110db :open_mouth: love it!

pps ignore have booked with Johnny “jap barge” bookatrack :slight_smile:

Yup book with Jonny.

Aye it’s a noisy-day so expect some ear-bleedingly loud machines. Every time I’ve been to one of these noisy days there’s been some interesting cars…

Cam cover back with new plug cover…

Wow super blingy :sunglasses: It makes my Champ White with Carbon plug cover look quite dull.

I’m looking forwards to seeing the car on the noisy day Chris!

Actually I’ve just gone and found a pic of mine and I’d forgotten the gold dome-nuts/washers which does raise the bling level on mine :smiley: I got them from Tegiwaimports,…I reckon some black ones would look good on yours bud :sunglasses:

Got some silver ones already :wink:

We’re out at Oulton on the 23rd to play with the ABS system and shakedown a few other parts, ready for Donny on the 6th!

Few other bits have arrived, only dry sump and engine parts now, hopefully everything will be ready for the 2.2 to go in straight after Donny.
Also bought a 4 port boost solenoid to enable a bit more boost control, think we might need it :slight_smile:


HAHA That’s pretty rich coming from you matey!

that’ll be the Morrisons vinegar fumes :wink: