2017 Car prep begins...

Just dropped mine off with Ollie today straight from the ferry over from Germany!

Now that’s commitment!

Thought it might be yours but Ollie was too busy to chat. It’s a long way to come for an MoT!

Busy day at Phoenix


Not looking too bad for 50K on the clock. Nitrons to be added, new rear discs and Ollie’s toe links, plus new bushes all round and fresh brake lines. Assured all ready in time for Anglesey. Whoo Hoo !

I see that old 911 is still there. Lovely car.

Sounds like its gonna be fighting fit for next week! It will feel like a new car with fresh dampers, bet you can’t wait!

Will be a bit of an eye-opener, I dare say. Certainly looking forward to trying it out.

You will be flying past everyone at Anglesey with your new suspension set up Steve :wink:
I am sure you will notice a big difference once Ollie has set the car up for you :sunglasses:

Nice Steve.

Thanks, fellas. Just a bit worried that time will run out before I get a fix for my engine cover which is lifting on the leading edge. Masking tape does not work in the long term. And my spare is slightly scratched and a different colour :unamused:

Thomm, I’ve got some cloth straps that I use for holding my ladders on my van. Would there be room to put one round your hatch then shut it? It might just help bend the edges down? Or how about 2 bricks and a heat gun? only kidding.

You know, I think that might work . . . a sort of corset

Car ready for collection from Phoenix! Beat the Wednesday deadline :smiley:

Just got to fit the sun strip on the Clio, no sun visors and a very low seating position will mean I’ll be blinded a lot.

Wow great news Steve we were getting used to you picking it up the day before Anglesey though :laughing:

Oh, yes! I forgot about last year.

Can definitely tell the difference with all-new Nitrons, bushes and powder coating. I reckon it’s the powder coating that’smaking it handle so well!
Shame it’s all out of sight. . .
I’ve certainly “added lightness” – if only to the wallet :open_mouth:

MOT - yep
Tax - yep
AA Cover - yep
Insurance - yep
New rear panel - yep
Oils - yep
Geo - yep

Should be good to go


Great job by Ollie at Phoenix. But how can I keep it that clean?

Pretty! Love that Steve.