2006 Exige S

Yeah I’m not on a serious weight-saving hunt quite yet… but high and back is certainly where I would start.

I have the full roof scoop from JS, it’s not carbon but i’m fairly sure it’s a little bit lighter than OEM (helps that it doesn’t have head lining) but I’d be interested to find out.

My biggest issue with carbon is that I don’t like the aesthetic of it (I should hand in my petrolhead card, I know). I mean it looks great on the exposed parts of a McLaren chassis, or on the shaped wishbones of an F1 car - but when it’s just a replacement part for a bit of plastic in a road car it doesn’t quite have the same appeal. What I do like is when it’s painted over in body colour, with the odd bit left exposed in a hidden area just for those that ‘know’… The 260 cup clam/roof absolutely nails it for me with that strip down the middle.

There is a chap on facebook that produces the wings , bootlids , roofs , access panels , side pods and cowls …

See if I can dig him out ( this is why facebook is poor. You simply cannot find information easily … )


I’ve seen that guy and at a first glance his stuff looks OK - but really struggling to track down legitimate first hand reviews of his stuff. Seen one FB thread which went downhill quite quickly because he shipped some stuff (to the US maybe?) and it arrived broken, but he just cut all comms so the buyer is out of pocket.

For stuff like this I really do think I’d need to see it in the flesh first. It’s a lot of $$

Thats a shame. I missed that.

Agree on the review thing.

Nothing much to report on the hands-on front, other than I swapped my spoiler fixings over.

Looks like they had been molegripped last time the spoilers was removed/refitted and I had to follow in those footsteps to remove them once more. I removed the spoiler because it was full of water, yes it appears that’s a thing.

Aside from that I’ve just been getting some driving done, no big distances yet just a few ‘long way round’ essential trips around the local area. I am starting to get a bit more familiar with the new setup of the car and I am starting to build up some feedback.

  1. Brakes - I commented that the RS14s were squeal free but it doesn’t seem to be that black and white. Anecdotally it seems that when I’ve been “on it” for a while, then later do some low intensity braking that they chirp up a bit. Nothing too bad yet, and it may just be part of the early lifecycle of the pads. I’ll try not to judge them properly until they’ve done a trackday.

Aside from that the pedal feel and consistency (as far as it can be tested on road) is excellent, it’s probably one of the more significant drive-ability changes I’ve made to the car so far.

  1. Suspension - I think I’m getting excessive bump steer with the new rideheight/geo. I say ‘think’ because I’m not really what you would consider a “car whisperer” and although I (now) understand the concepts of it, I’m not sure that I know exactly what it feels like.

To give the best description I would say that the car feels a bit like it’s hunting out undulations and bumps in the road. Typically I would attribute tram lining like this to a change of tyres (usually going wider/stiffer) but I’ve run the same brand/type of tyres across both my Elise/Exiges). I wouldn’t say that it’s severe, but the car certainly feels a bit more sensitive to it. Secondary to that, on a longer sweeping bend where the suspension can get ‘loaded up’ a bit, I feel the wheel is darting a little bit in my hands, again nothing severe - this is a very minor trait.

Ultimately this doesn’t seem to be hurting the road holding or handling of the car, so I’m reluctant to make any further changes until I can explore it a bit more first. Get the (brand new) front tyres scrubbed in and see how it feels on a snooker table race track, but in the meantime I may evaluate my options which seem to be:

a) Steering rack riser plates, cheap change which will just raise the rack 10mm, so no adjustability as such but might get the bump steer curve back towards centre a bit.
b) New rack and/or steering arms. A few options exist on the market, the Spitfire ones being adjustable via shims. A bit more money, but ultimately would give the most control.

The other issue that I have is being able to measure changes, I’ve worked with loads of ‘geo’ people over the years and not once have I discussed the measurement or adjustment of bump steer… but maybe that’s because I’ve simply not asked.

I do welcome the opinion of the forums though, I don’t feel my ride height is too extreme but I do need to measure it again to see where I’m at.

I have the same thing with the car following undulations. Its particularly bad on heavily trafficed A roads and motorways where the trucks have worn a groove.

I dont get the wheel moving in your hands thing though when loaded up. The steering just gets heavy and I go round the bend.

I think a certain amount of tramlining is just inevitable from a performance/track focussed tyre but it just seems marginally worse than my Elise did… rose tinted specs perhaps.

As for the wheel movement, it’s probably not even visible if a passenger was to watch it… but I can just feel it ever so slightly. There’s a very fine line between the usual journalist comments “OMG Lotus I can feel the road so amazing” and what I’m experiencing here, it just seems to be that I’m feeling a little ‘too much’ where I just want the wheel to load up and feel ‘grippy’ as you describe.

Are you running 205 fronts? I found a marked difference in tramlining between the 195 and the 205

No still 195s, I’m guessing you mean it got worse going from 195 to 205?

They are brand spanking new, so perhaps they just need a bit of a beating?

Yes, I found it worse between the two sizes going from the 195s to the 205s. Maybe as you said a stiffer sidewall means its less compliant??

Yeah perhaps, I’ll resist the urge to make any big changes/decisions until I get a trackday done - hopefully very soon! I’ve got so many variables that have changed recently, damping, spring rates, new tyres, rideheight/geo, etc -I risk just getting lost with everything!

If I was to go for the riser plates as an early option, they seem pretty low cost/effort but I imagine they’ll throw my front toe angle out slightly so should probably get the geo checked again. :question:

I just had a look and the part number for the riser plate is listed under the following models which I then cross referenced with known ride heights. (I removed the V6 based cars because I believe their reference for rideheight is totally different)

340R (100/110mm)
Elise S1 with Motorsports suspension (100/110mm I think)
Exige S1 (112/122mm)
Elise S2 135R (120/120mm)

For reference my S2 Exige would have come at 130/130mm ride height from the factory - all the cars listed are a fair bit lower. I just measured my current height and it’s in the ballpark of 115/125 currently.

This does seem to suggest that Lotus consider the riser plate an improvement for my current ride height, whether it fixes my perceived “issue” or not who knows.

this ^

Might have a minor problem (that could turn into a catastrophic one!)…

I was having a bit of a pre-trackday inspection of my front suspension settings/spanner check etc and noticed that the back side of the oil cooler had the slightest hint of oil residue on it. The union at the top/rear of the cooler was bone dry but after shining a torch through the front grill I could see that there was a trace of damp on the front/lower union. Bugger!

Bizarrely I checked the other side and found exactly the same there too… if a cooler/thread was damaged or just “not done up enough” I could accept that, but seems very odd for both to be like this. The front/lower unions are extremely difficult to access (especially with a 32mm spanner…) but I could just about get one on and nip them up - probably not even 1/16th of a turn so I’m fairly confident that they’re done up correctly.

There’s a chance this could be nothing to worry about, I tried to ‘prime’ the oil circuit when I refitted everything during the charge cooler install by funneling in some oil to the top of the coolers and it’s fairly likely that I sloshed some around a bit, perhaps it’s just worked it’s way down and pooled on top of the union. There’s also a very, very tiny amount - I’ve had no drips on the floor, no drips on the back of the wheel arch liners and no drips on the front undertray/inside the front clam. There’s not even enough to break surface tension around the union and with the amount of airflow running through there I’d expect to see a bit of a mess up front if there was even just a small amount leaking.

With that in mind I’ve cleaned things up a bit and I’ll just have to monitor it. Annoyingly there’s no real way to ‘test’ this without getting the cooling circuit fully active which means giving the car a good kicking… not the sort of conditions I want to be in if I suddenly start spraying out high pressure oil.

Annoyingly I’ve got a spare set of coolers in my box of bits, but it would be clam off again to replace them. Although that’s only probably 2-3 hours effort all in to remove/refit I’d rather not do it right now. In fact as a backup plan I’d be more inclined to take the front mounted coolers out of circulation completely and fit a rear mounted air/water laminova setup instead. I might even be able to retrieve all of the plumbing to save a good chunk of weight, and then I can just retrieve the dormant coolers at a later date if/when the clam comes off again.

Annoying :unamused:

That is slightly frustrating. Its the not knowing bit that is the worst!

Yep, if it is a problem and it fails fully - then my best case scenario is engine failure, worst case scenario is I crash into a wall with front tyres covered in 5W-40 :blush:

I’ve gone to town with the brake cleaner on the coolers, I’ll rinse them off with a hose shortly and then at least I can be sure I’ve got a nice clean baseline. I’ll then aim to get some gentle mileage in over the weekend and take a view on it before Monday.

If I’m still at all nervous, a Laminova setup will be ordered.

Be interested to see any laminova results you get. Not convinced by them at the mo.

I think I’ve/we’ve discussed this before but (particularly in the US) the twin air/oil setup seems quite frowned upon. Over cooling yada yada. Not sure whether I fully get that, I monitor oil temps and unless you’re bouncing it off the limiter in the first 5 or 6 miles it heats up just find. The Oil/Water setup is definitely more popular in the US though (or rear mounted air/oil kits) but it may just be a case of a small number of paranoid enthusiasts being the most vocal. :laughing:

I thought they worked on thermostic plates with the oil coolers? I am curious as to where these guys are measuring from as well. I, like you monitor and find no issues. It warms up as I would expect and stays constant.

We all know the mericans know more than lotus