2006 Exige S

Plate sets car off great Kyle :thumbup:

I like but my OCD would go nuts with trying to keep it all clean.
I’d love the pops and bangs of the Stage2 , the Larrini misses that drama.

Wrong thread? :mrgreen:

Oh FFS. :blush:

I thought I had a trackday coming up (it got cancelled :frowning: ) so I put some time aside to swap my brake pads over.

The novelty of working on the new floor hasn’t worn off yet, can just plod around in the garage in socks (not advised for safety purposes) and roll around on the floor without needing to wash the clothes immediately afterwards.

I made an early start, turns out the upper balljoint makes a good cup holder - which makes four in the whole car, that must be Cayman rivalling.

Not much to say about a pad change other than they were tiiiiiight! I measured my discs and found that they’ve worn an amount “less than measurable” on my cheap caliper. So in a year of 5k miles and multiple trackdays I’d gone through two sets of RS42s (or at least, through 70% of two sets) which have made approximately bugger all of an impression on my discs.

Once the world awoke I needed to tend to a domestic issue and get some spare parts for a toilet, so decided it was as good a trip as any to bed in the new pads. First impressions were very good, even whilst bedding in which is usually a bit of a ‘snatchy’ experience. I have to be careful not to be too harsh on the RS42s as the set I had in were ‘hanging’ as the kids would say.

People often refer to the 42’s as feeling ‘wooden’ which I can best describe as having an area of ‘numbness’ that you need to push through to get the sharper stopping power, this leaves you little room for modulating the brakes on track but ultimately they still have excellent performance on even longer sessions. The 14’s seem to have a linear braking power from the very beginning and this gives the brakes less of a binary feel. Obviously the big test will be on track, hopefully they’ll wear a bit better too - even if that’s at the cost of a bit of disc wear.

One of my big concerns about racier pads is squeal, but so far so good on that front too. I had a bit of a chirp from the NSR for the first few stops but they seem to have vanished since getting some bedding in done. Fingers crossed that continues because my tolerance for it is quite low.

This is adding nicely to the positive vibe I have about the car at the moment, I’m sure it’s just sofa time that has numbed my senses but the car is feeling properly on its toes and ready for action. Hopefully that comes soon!

Just to prove I wasn’t joyriding…

Great input, Kyle. Love the plate. I’m not a big number plate fan but having said that we have three on the three cars at our disposal!
One came with the Exige, the other two were pure indulgence,. I hope Mrs Thommo’s is worth more than we paid for it. I fear that it might be worth more than the car that carries it. :open_mouth:

Ha! Snap! I fitted my RS14s yesterday too! My old DS2500 had done 3000 miles including 3 track days and were absolutely destroyed - almost on the back plates… haven’t been out to bed the new pads in yet. Very jealous of your garage!!!

Just bedded my pads in - they squeal. A lot. Lol! Oh well… :confused:

Obvious question, did you put copper grease on the back of the pads? You don’t need much but it must cover the piston ring which pushes on to the pad.

Sorry if you have done that, always worked for me for many years of Lotus cars.

Mine went for a mooch through the village this morning and they didn’t make a peep.

I use ceratec paste on the back of mine, it’s just a fancy brake specific stuff. Fingers crossed they stay quiet for me.

If you’ve already greased them up, might be worth just taking them out and refitting them. It sounds daft but sometimes you just subtly change their angle or position which eliminates the sound.

I found that mine squealed like a stuck pig when the discs were excessively worn.

Yeah, nice thin smear of copper grease on the contact point but my old RS42s also squealed with these rotors - something about them maybe? Not the end of the world, will see how they go :slight_smile:

Took the spoiler off as I had a sloshing sound whenever opening the boot… turns out the bloody thing was full of snowfoam, there’s half a kilo saved there by draining it!

Spoilerless Exige looks freakishly good… or have I just been kept indoors for too long?!

Will be staying off for a couple of days, fixings were a bit rusty - so obviously they need swapping over for stainless :slight_smile:

I prefer the car with the wing. It looks strange without it in my opinion.

However , beauty in the eye of the beholder and all that

Definitely indoor for too long.

S1, S2 and S3 all need a spoiler. But that’s just my opinion :sunglasses:

Edited for you.

This is a wing

That’s just showing off!!

I always knew the Exige bootlid was a heavy old lump from when I had to support it with my head during the double to single strut install, but I can now see that most of that weight it in the spoiler. The boot no longer closes under its own weight (when the strut is unlocked) and needs pushing down.

I reckon that spoiler would be a good place to start for some useful weight saving (high up, towards the rear). I don’t mean going spoilerless completely, I nearly crashed already whilst backing onto the drive due to the loss of down force… but there must be some tasty carbon stuff out there somewhere :think:

If you really want to save weight high up the roof and boot lid is where you should start, from memory there is over 12kg to save there, finding carbon roofs and boot lids now is tough though if you want genuine, there is a thread somewhere when I did mine with weights etc