Your £50k trackday weapon of choice..

Awesome an Aussie V8 now you’re talking :sunglasses: Donny have at least 2x noisy days a year right :wink:

I’ll take this one and save up to get the spares listed later…

Your game…but you’re a little over budget. :slight_smile:

I thought you might sub me if I let you have a go :smiley:

How about we split the cost of a container to the UK? :wink: Hey Andy, what’d it cost to get your bad boy out there?

OK there’s no price but it can’t be more than £50k and it would be perfect for Sean :sunglasses:

Sean’s New Car

Who knew, looks like im a race car manufacturer

I’ve actually been thinking long and hard about this. It’s a tough one. I still fancy an early Elan. I reckon a bit of old would be good fun!

Oi, that’s my line! :laughing:

Yeah but dynamically isn’t that just an expensive MX5 without the ABS? (Think Pesky without the Viagra. :smiley: )

And with an MX5 you can go nuts on engine upgrades.

:laughing: I just can’t see Sean in an MX5.

Yeah but dynamically isn’t that just an expensive MX5 without the ABS?

Ian how very dare you? expensive MX5 indeed, don’t you mean a heavy slow un-dynamic copy of a proper British icon…

Hey Dave, Keep Calm and drive a Lotus! :wink: :smiley:

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and the MX5 is just a modern Elan that I’d personally feel far more comfortable giving a hard time. (I doubt Sean hasn’t given up wanting to enthusiastically ‘enjoy’ a car a little :smiley: )

Admittedly it’s a third(!) heavier but it’s still under a ton and in BBR turbo form has a much higher bhp/ton, even in std form that was about on par. You can pick up a refreshed BBR for £7,500. What’s a reasonable Elan, £30-40?

I remember seeing the original MX5 pre-release at the London motor show and being amazed how they could produce something with sooooo many identical points to the Elan without getting sued. I seem to recall the wheelbase is the same down to the millimetre. One of the selling points was that it wouldn’t slide down the road in to the back of a truck, as I understood Elan’s used to.

Ian :slight_smile:

New entry (after some depreciation)…


Nice try Ian but the only way I’d see that coming in at £50k would be after a trip through the armco. One for the collectors rather than the drivers.



Pretty good shout there sir!

5k spare to get Steve to paint it blue too