Your £50k trackday weapon of choice..

I like your scooby, that looks like the kinda vehicle that has absolutely $$$$$ poured into it.

Thought this could be fun
Not convinced I could afford the fuel bills though!

Buy one of these and spend the rest on RACING!!!

Good to see you out in it Bruce!

Cheers Gav, thanks for the chat we had a few months back, I was so tempted with the Elise Trophy but I’m loving the sequential goodness of the Clio!

The cross on the back will soon be gone :thumbup:

I do love them but don’t you hanker after RWD?

How have you found the racing Bruce? I recall you were a bit concerned pre-season when that numpty that was using that Brands trackday for testing and hit Tim’s car. I presume you were running it in the Clio Cup?

The Clio Racecars are certainly quick little cars on circuit and they are probably a good call for getting a real racecar as a trackday special for well under £50k. The Seat SuperCopa racecars also fall into this category too and are good value at £25-30k like this one.

Gotta love Andy’s idea of a proper full-fat touring car, even though there is the threat of ruinous problems with it.

Would prefer a 60’s Alfa 101 or 105 historic race car, but in the absence of finding any currently I think for FUN driving this has to be a good contender!
: :smiley:

Yup that Escort is money in the bank too (as long as you don’t bend it).

Was going to suggest the Leon, but couldn’t find one in not gloss yellow :smiley:

[quote=“Benja”]How have you found the racing Bruce? I recall you were a bit concerned pre-season when that numpty that was using that Brands trackday for testing and hit Tim’s car. I presume you were running it in the Clio Cup?

Hi Benja, I’m really enjoying the racing although it is battering the wallet somewhat! My aim is to race in the BARC Michelin Clio Cup which is for the older shape clio, it is the ‘new 2014’ clio which is the support series for BTCC. Trying to find a series to run in that allows a sequential gearbox has been tricky but I have enjoyed 3 races with the CSCC so far and I am at Donington GP on Saturday with Britcar - should be fun with Ferrari 458’s, 911 GT3, M3’s etc lapping me every 10 minutes!!

In response to IDG, yes I do miss RWD! …although you would be surprised at how twitchy the clio can be, it has swapped ends a number of times and adapting from a RWD to FWD driving style has been interesting! If the back end comes round you nail the throttle to pull it round - a bit different to the exige but still amazing F-U-N !!!

edit to add, there will be some Leon Supercopa’s at Britcar on Saturday, those things have proper aero and about 350bhp, bonkers for a front wheel drive!

What’s wrong with them in yellow?! :wink: I hear they change colour over time all by themselves anyway. :smiley:

Hmm, could £10k on top of this (to keep it £50k) make this in to something interesting for the track?..

or this?..

Are you feeling alright Ian :question:

Trackday Weapon? I guess a lump-hammer could be considered a weapon…

Good luck at Donny Bruce :sunglasses:

I’m WELL bored in this meeting, went off piste. :smiley:

RWD, big power, strip out some weight, fit big disks, stiffen it, etc…

BING… Do they sell old Aussie V8s?!


Little over budget and need to consider shipping.


…but there’s more here that will keep it in budget - Showroom | V8 Sleuth

Come on, surely I’m playing the game now! :smiley: