Why is touring on the Exige S2 so popular in UK?

That would be the cup holders

Oh no, that’s the “Premium Pack” and thankfully only available on the Elise.

Because you look a nova twat on the road with harnesses plus you get lecky windows.

Well harnesses don’t look stupid in an S1.

Because you look a nova twat on the road with harnesses plus you get lecky windows.

Can I assume you dont have the sort after harnesses in your Exige?

Ooo harness envy

Mine was pre-specced with touring pack and pp had a several month wait.

Have had harnesses on my two previous Elises (still have the S2’s harness bar here in the office) but don’t want them on the Exige due to the reduced rear visibility. It’s going to be on road far more than on track and I want the freedom an inertia seatbelt gives for moving about to check blind spots and looking up through Alpine hairpins. Up in the hills the roof means I can’t look back up over my shoulder to see what’s coming downhill like I could in the Lizzies.

Wouldn’t have chosen the sun visors but glad it came with them. Despite received wisdom they work very well for me - I always seem to be driving into the sun.

The AC proved to be a godsend for Le Mans this year as my hayfever was really bad. Stuck it on recirc, closed the windows and could enjoy the drive - and more importantly see to drive. Unless stuck in traffic don’t tend to use it much in summer as I prefer having the windows open but in the winter it’s seen a fair bit of use demisting.

Well harnesses don’t look stupid in an S1.

Why? have S1 Exiges got privacy glass.
They are a bit Max Power for me on the road.

But very useful if you track your car a lot

I feel much safer with them on. A lap belt seems like a feeble effort in comparison. Sod looking good!


I thought that anyone influenced by Max Power only had 3 point inertia reel seat belts but used harness Pads to make it look like the had the real thing!

I thought that anyone influenced by Max Power only had 3 point inertia reel seat belts but used harness Pads to make it look like the had the real thing!

And put stripes on their car

I feel much safer with them on. A lap belt seems like a feeble effort in comparison. Sod looking good!


I must be the only one still with lap belts…

I love my harnesses, but only use them on track. I have the 3 pointer for the road. Best solution

I thought that anyone influenced by Max Power only had 3 point inertia reel seat belts but used harness Pads to make it look like the had the real thing!


I must be the only one still with lap belts…

Nah, me too Uldis. I miss full harness on track days though - they definately make you feel more secure

Nah, me too Uldis. I miss full harness on track days though - they definately make you feel more secure

not just…you are more secure and a diagonal belt will always cause this type of injury



Harnesses for me both on the road and track.

I miss full harness on track days though - they definately make you feel more secure

That’s cos they are

I must admit that I really don’t like going out on track in anybody else’s car (Uldis ), unless they have harnesses. The only exception I make, is a blat around in Russ’s Lambo, but then again, I am used to his driving - although he does his best to unerve me (& on occasion , he has almost been sucessfull!)

For road driving, harnesses are fine - until you’re in town, & they are a liability at junctions! I tend to slacken them off in town, but realise that is not a good idea if you have a front ender!

There is always this for trackdays

what is it? It says it is not a safety device.

It locks the seat belt so stops you being thrown around eg on track