Who's doing Silverstone on Thursday?

Looks delicious, you can almost see the stratos hidding in there somewhere. Love the dedicate plumbimg it has installed btw :jobsagoodun:

Don’t take my word for it on the Nissan, see for yourself - > video >

And yes, before anybody asks, that is me at the end being done (like I’m standing still) just after Bridge.

[Gratitudes to Randy]

So you can kick start a Nissan GC racer then

Seeing as it’s nearly panto season.

“He’s behind you!” - clicky


Sorry for using an old thread but thought this may be of interest.

Makes Randy’s collection look small


doing some overtime then Mark

excellent pic

You’re not going to tell us that shed is in Sunderland are you

Impressive collection

Not at Sunderland unfortunately. It’s at the Zama plant near Tokyo. Trying to see if I can go for a look when I’m over there next week, not looking hopeful though .