Who's doing Silverstone on Thursday?

Hmm, nice day for it!

Good of Wilma to turn up!


The fastest Datsun in the world

That’s right (but less of the Datsun )

Aye, it’s some mota isn’t it

I believe Scuffers was out in his new beastie too

He was.

And a close up

[image]freenet Webhosting - Die All-in-One Lösung für Ihre eigene Website - freenet.de


OK - I should have been there, I had booked a place to be there, I wanted to be there - so why did I end up in a meeting til after 7pm out by Heathrow Really gutted I could not make it,…my employer owes me big time.

Just back from Berlin - missed my damn return flight ended up in Manchester …

Good day then Ian

Good day then Ian

To be honest, it wasn’t the best trackday ever (and I’m not just saying that to make you feel better about missing it).

Firstly, there was NO grip, zero, none, zip, nada, squat (unless you had 3 tons of downforce at 170mph! ). I needed more than bigger mirrors, I wanted a rear gunner! It came down to who had the best grip and even with A039s and soft Nitrons it was madness. TarmacTerrorist’s S2 on A048s got on no better. I honestly believe Benja’s completely standard 177bhp on std LSS suspension would have been quicker (although it certainly wasn’t a day to be learning Silverstone for the first time Ben). These fussy F1 cars and their smooth tarmac. He who gripped won yesterday!

I only had one spin of any significance. The track started to dry briefly and coming on to the Hanger Straight I got the power down too early and my rear right must have gone off the drying line - whoosh! - an instant (and rather impressive I thought) 720o (or maybe even 1080o, I was dizzy). I thank the Black Exige behind me for taking to the grass. All ended happily although fours cars had spun in 3 bends!

I can’t say I was that impressed with EasyTrack. They claimed the day was Open Pitlane but then kept calling everybody back in to break it up; v.annoying! Also the driving standards were very poor. There were lots of stopped sessions (every half hour or so) but I was amazed no body hit each other. The variety of car speeds was vast. The Caterham learners and a 360 were STUPIDLY slow, that just caused huge queues (that EasyTrack/Silverstone didn’t deal with) and then idiots (particularly one in a RS4) decided that he’d just try and blast past everybody - grrrr

One poor Boxster owner was the only real dent of the day (that I was aware of), approaching Bridge in a spin he appeared to have managed to round every corner of the car on the bridge’s supporting wall. He was out and fine, looking at it in bemusement.

But that Nissan - jeez! You could see it coming before you heard it, by the 50 foot tree of water spraying up behind the car. An amazing thing!

Highlights of the day:

  • Holding some great drifts/slides
  • That Nissan!
  • Chatting to MarkA, Simon, Randy and the mechs
  • My 720o
  • Silverstone is a classic GP circuit
  • Meeting Mr Terrorist
  • The Fish’n’Chips (better than Coq D’Argent)
  • The Edwards (C service, thanks chaps)
  • The First Class train home, with free wine (the ticket was only a tenner!)

Still, MUCH better than being at work!


Excellent write up.

It was a very pleasant surprise to also speak with you yesterday evening, when I phoned the marvelous Edwards Boyz


I think this sums the day up

I honestly believe Benja’s completely standard 177bhp on std LSS suspension would have been quicker (although it certainly wasn’t a day to be learning Silverstone for the first time Ben)

Still smarting from not being there tbh if nothing else for the chance that my boggo standard car might have been the tool of choice It may have been the last chance because it ain’t gonna be boggo standard for much longer

BTW Great write-up Ian Shame it was not taking place today because: a) I could do today and b) the weather is perfect

[quote] I thank the Black Exige behind me for taking to t
he grass.

Dont worry Ian i usually spend most of my time at trackdays mowing the grass

Oh I never cut the grass when it’s wet!

Don’t take my word for it on the Nissan, see for yourself - video

And yes, before anybody asks, that is me at the end being done (like I’m standing still) just after Bridge.

[Gratitudes to Randy]

Good day then Ian

To be honest, it wasn’t the best trackday ever (and I’m not just saying that to make you feel better about missing it).

Firstly, there was NO grip, zero, none, zip, nada, squat even with A039s and soft Nitrons it was madness. TarmacTerrorist’s S2 on A048s got on no better. (although it certainly wasn’t a day to be learning Silverstone for the first time). He who gripped won yesterday!

Now he tells me!!! Was nice to meet you also Ian :thumbs:

The A048s were completely fecking usless. I would have probably gone better by taking the tyres off and running on bare rims, they instilled no confidence in my driving what so ever. I did what I could with adjusting pressures and also tried taking to the outside of the racing line on some corners with no standing water just to see if there was any more grip to be had, but nothing, all it did was get you a little closer to the scenary…

I suffered horribly all day really, understeer followed by snap oversteer, at one point I was doing a 360 pirouette exiting the left right chicane that leads you onto the short straight before Bridge. Thankfully I managed to keep it on the black stuff and carried on with my journey unlike the poor guy in the BoxsterS (I saw it on the way out, it was a mess wasn’t it), although I will admit, the veiw of the crash barrier in the side mirrors as it wizzed around woke me up somewhat, I needed to remind myself afterwards that objects appeared much closer than they actually were…Hmmmmmmm

Agree with Ian though on the running of the day with easytrack, could have been done better. There were far too many cars out on track given the shity condtions, of the 75 or so in attendance they were letting 50 out at a time and then using the flag after 20mins, even I got stuck behind people and I was driving miss daisy, they may aswell of done sessions and given everyone abit more room on track that and also even up the abilities of cars and drivers. It was a shame really for my first visit, I would imagine in the dry some of the corners are absolute belters and you can really push the cars and your own abilities to the max… Note to self: Do Silverstone GP in the summertime next year you moron.

I cant deny it, watching the nissan lemans race car going round was nothing less than spectacular, but…(Randy, nowt agaisnt you, in fact I propose that you are either extremely brave or completley bonkers. After seeing how many hands went up in the morning breifing when asked - Who HADNT been around the track before? I would have been packing up and going home). I personally considered the car was in the right place, at the wrong time. Far, far to fast to be running in amonst what are essentially road going cars imho, even against the likes of the radicals etc, the closing speeds must have been stupid. No doubt about it either, the effect it will have had on some drivers as you approached must have been extremely off putting, if not then I can assure you the spray certainly was as you went passed (nothing short of being overtaken by articulated lorry). Dare I say it…some dodgy overtaking manouvers given the basic rules of TD’s and the conditions on the day.

As I mentioned at the begining though, stupendisley awesome to watch and I think I will have to come along sometime to one of your race meets to see a full pack of them going around (in the wet, even better ).


Excellent reports guys. Almost as good as being there.

I had a very similar day back in January. A very damp and green Silverstone GP circuit. Came away from that day hating my car. Understeer, Oversteer, wombling free… Spins. You name it. Zero grip.

Have learned to love it this year though.

If you guys fancy reading more about Randy’s Nissan and the series it competes in, click below. It’s the series my old man also races in too, so a bit of plug really!


We’re hoping to have this out at some stage next year… maybe…

[image]SELOC | Lotus Enthusiasts Club

[image]SELOC | Lotus Enthusiasts Club


They just don’t make like that any more.

They just don’t make like that any more.

I presume you are referring to S1 Exiges?

Alex - thanks for posting the pics - just love the Group C cars

There’s something surreal about rolling a Group C car into a domestic garage!