Who's doing Silverstone on Thursday?

Anybody else doing the LoT/Easytrack Silverstone day on Thursday (3rd Nov)?


I will be there with a couple of mates, first time around silverztone GP for me so hoping it will be dry…

I ‘should’ be there. First time at Silverstone for me too so I will be found operating as a mobile chicane for much of the day

It’s a GP circuit, so there’s quite a lot of run off.

Bridge is great in the dry, but the forecast is not great currently.

I think it’s a great circuit!


Bridge is great in the dry, but the forecast is not great currently.

I hate Bridge…

Bridge is great in the dry, but the forecast is not great currently.

I hate Bridge…

Yeah I wouldnt go round there as a passanger

Actually I most likely wont be going round there at all this year


What’s up as you are booked?

[Yeah I wouldnt go round there as a passanger

Mika H managed about 15 spins and still didn’t hit anything at bridge in the wet.

What’ve you got against it Mike?

It’s one of those bends that really suits the Exige, downforce (drag, bygones) and sticky tires. Not even Phil Bennett in a R500 was quicker than me there!


What’ve you got against it Mike?



Previously discussed HERE
I have a video but not yet for public consumption I’m afraid…


What’s up as you are booked?

Work is very up I’m afraid Trying to find a way around it - will know Tuesday

PS - Ben - nice ideas your wasted

Ah yes, I remember.

Bridge still gives me tingles. I think I mentioned it before but I was on the inside when Villeneuve (Jnr) came round in a drift at 120mph…in the wet! Magic.


Due to weather forecast (see here) have just fitted 39s and turned down the damping.

Definately gotta be in Berlin Thursday

Looks like weather may be ok after all as well


We can call you and give you the sounds if it’ll help?

Sounds like there’s another place free for tomorrow if anybody fancies joining me?


Sob - Ian is right I have had to drop out as well Really gutted

Paul at LOT indicated that there was quite a big reserve list so the place may have gone already - hopefully to another Exiger to keep Ian and TT company. If not Ian we are relying on you to fly the S1 flag mate

Things are looking up, got some news early that may make the whole day far more interesting! Although obviously I’ll still miss you boys.


Do you mean the other Exiges member who will be there with his car?

I’ll see you guys at lunchtime after I escape from work, no Exige yet though.

Do you mean the other Exiges member who will be there with his car?

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