where to put my gauges?

Top rail - right of the Stack ?? - hopefully

top rail but left for the three gauges…right will be available prob later on but will only be a double…also I want the actual shape to be similar to the stack and no double pod matches it as of yet…but yes hopefully a right of stack will be here oneday…also some track guys said they would prefer gauges in centre of car so thats why i based it there…

This is the best looking gauge pod I’ve ever seen, but I don’t think it’s marketed, and it’s for LHD anyway.



Trickster, I’m looking forward to your new design!

Just received the panel in the post and its tricky damn good…ohhh and its better by the way, pics to follow very shortly


I agree with Brendan… your photoshop work is excellent btw…


that does look excellent… where is it from ?

Someone from Germany placed that on ebay many months ago. I think it’s a one-off

that is very nice indeed… hmmm. I think the plan has changed yet again.

there might very soon be this part available for RHD cars if anyone is interested?

Try this one guys …let me know what you think

That looks awesome. Where can you buy those from???



As Sean says that looks superb - guages just where you want them.


I really like them!
But having two dual SPA gauges (monitoring 4 functions) don’t really need the third one.

Get the funny feeling you’re not going to offer a two gauge model, are you?


Looks like an OEM fit - excellent. I take it you have to take out the whole of the front facia piece? My only concern would be whether the far right gauge would be obscured by the edge of the steering wheel.

[image]> http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i102/Trickster2006/CIMG0901.jpg> [/image]

Looks like an OEM fit - excellent. I take it you have to take out the whole of the front facia piece? My only concern would be whether the far right gauge would be obscured by the edge of the steering wheel.

Hi Steve
yep the whole of the rounded part of the dash panel …the new one will just replace as stock …being honest the far right gauge is obscurred to me, i cant see the bottom right corner of the gauge ( the pic you show is spot on) …but if I move like literally an inch its fine …originally the gauges were further to the left by 2 inches approx …but then there is a strut in the dash right in way (of course murphys law) …so I had to adjust where they sat by that much …so i sacrificed vision slightly on the one gauge ( thats why the voltmetre went there)…my whole idea for this was to make it as stock as possible with no sacrifice on build quality at all …the gauges in there unfortuantely arnt the ones I originally had , the bezels were much more stock but after not being able to supply a third gauge with the bezel I wanted I had to replace all three to keep them the same …BUT they are going off tom for another change as the ones that arrived were not what i ordered …if I bite the bullet i’d put in spa ones and then drill a small hole in the front of the gauge part inbetween the gauges to mount an led for warning …but thats a way off if I ever get around to it …at the moment i’ll just enjoy looking at these ones with the amber led backlight and have a happy grin at night thinking mmmm Im happy with this


As Sean says that looks superb - guages just where you want them.

Thanks mate

I really like them!
But having two dual SPA gauges (monitoring 4 functions) don’t really need the third one.

Get the funny feeling you’re not going to offer a two gauge model, are you?

Yeah yeah I know …but hey get a clock …keeps you on time to meet the g/friend…I have been waiting on a company to produce a 2 pod right hand side of the wheel for months now …I recd the prototype on that a couple of weeks ago and it doesnt work!..i will prob do somthing on this myself BUT as Yvo "on the seloc post) has said they will be doing something soon like this I may not now …no point in me competing as It costs so much on the outlay …but we will see

You are running a standard size steering wheel, I think mine is a few mm smaller and so probably wouldn’t suffer the problem you do.

Sorry to sound a little negative - I was wondering why you hadn’t moved them a little to the left…but you have now answered that!

Will you be offering these for sale?

You are running a standard size steering wheel, I think mine is a few mm smaller and so probably wouldn’t suffer the problem you do.

Sorry to sound a little negative - I was wondering why you hadn’t moved them a little to the left…but you have now answered that!

Will you be offering these for sale?

Hopefully yes they will be available but its very dependent on how many people want one as that will keep the cost from being horrendous …Ive a quotes of up to �525 to make this up …so far its looks like its come down to approx �250 …but the only way to make it "cheap " is go the abs(plastic) route and im trying very hard to avoid that …even if didnt have the panel caste and bought them off Lotus they are �90 apiece and its doesnt become viable to have the gauge pod part cast, welded and polished out then painted again …once again it puts the cost into the high realm …i do try keep things as reasonable as possible and its then there for more people to enjoy …not everyone has ������s to spend on extras …

that absolutely looks awesome

can’t make my mind up if i prefer 3 guages on left or 2 guages on right but both look like OEM… superb

can’t make my mind up if i prefer 3 guages on left or 2 guages on right

would both be too much?