Wanted 220 to 260 upgrade


I really want to buy a 260 CN upgrade package, if someone has one for sale, or is even thinking of maybe selling one.

I have an 08 car, so my ECU is FBW.

I know I need the following:-

ECU, with CN flash map on it

440cc Injectors

Uprated fuel pump

My car already has a TRD air box and filter, with an uprated exhaust.

So what have you got ??

Cash waiting :clap:

There was one on here recently, try a search

JFK’s one ?

I have PM’d him, but he had said in the advert he decided not to sell it, but I have PM’d him anyway


Try lotus for a 260 ecu … then just add a larger fuel pump and 440 injectors …
Should only cost a grand tops I reckon

Bought my injectors and fuel pump on eBay, then getting the ECU reflashed.

Spoke to CN, they have said need ECU £500, and a reflash is £350.00, Injectors 440cc are about £120.00each, Fuel pump £150, and Fuel pump adaptor is £100.

Is there a reason why my current ECU couldn’t be reflashed ? Does anyone know ?

Yes because Lotus want to make more money by selling you the ECU. I think Lotus kicked off when a few were relashed at the factory by mistake.

Mines booked in for a 260 upgrade with Lotus Newcastle next Friday :slight_smile:

How much is that costing you ad_s?

My CN 260 upgrade was just over £2k which included a new 2/11 ECU and TRD but also included annual service. Looks like about the same price as now as mine was the 2nd one they did 2 weeks after the Boothmeister’s.

I have all the original bits in a box somewhere.

The best £2k I spent on the car

Do tell ?
What cost?

240 to 260 is £1500ish that includes fuel pump, adaptor, ecu and software, fitting and vat. I already have a trd and the bigger injectors

I paid quite a lot less than that for the hangar 111 260 remap, fuel pump and a 2-11 intercooler (I also had the bigger injectors already). I was told the map is the same as the ‘official’ lotus map, as both come from komotec. Think the map was £600…

Phil will text you

That’s a good price.

I already have the TRD, Sports Exhaust, and the Forge bigger intercooler with additional cold air piping.

So mine would be:-

Fuel pump

Is that what Christine says? :laughing:

She didn’t believe when I told her that the extra power was the Shell Vmax

:laughing: I wont tell her how much my planned garage refurb is going to cost :laughing:


:laughing: I wont tell her how much my planned garage refurb is going to cost :laughing:[/quote]

Do you and have you told tell her EVERTHING Lotus mate! :smiley:

It was Christine’s suggestion that the garage needs ‘sorting’.

What she means is the loft above it needs cleared out of crap but my interpretation of ‘sorting’ is units and flooring :laughing:

Oh and yes Pete :laughing: