
Anyone else looking forward to seeing the new V6 Exige


+1 No

Yep :smiley:

Yeah, I am too.

End of the range. I’m keen to see what it’s like. I doubt it will go down in folklore as the one to have (unlike, arguably, the S4 Sprint Elan ).
On an even less affordable note, I hear the new in house built V8 roared for the first time. Due in the Esprit.
Roll on the Elan- due 2017 ( sorry , complete thread deviation)

Is it official now?

I read it in Club Lotus mag after they spoke with Dany…so it must be!

I hear it’s going to be a compound charges setup with twin turbos…
800 whp on pump gas… :crazy:

[quote=frank]I hear it’s going to be a compound charges setup with twin turbos…
800 whp on pump gas… :crazy: [/quote]

Can’t get Hennessy off your brain, can ya! :smiley:

is this really official now?? wonder what is the list price going to be!!??

Sort of , Frankfurt for the official first showing , it is going to be supercharged from the start as promised , dealers got my name down for one depending on price .

So Moomin, what’s the launch price you’re realistically expecting?

Wonder how many they’ll sell if the cost is north of �50K?

I am told from �47-�55k but I think that’s a dealer stab at the price , if it’s over 50k then I’m out so fingers crossed .

We’ve got our name down for one; as our 2010 Cup 260 with a few girlie bits was just under �49K can’t see the V6S being under �50K but fingers crossed

I’ve spoken to three people at Lotus now and have managed to get the following out of them:

  • Sub 50k

  • 0-60mph in 3.9 seconds

  • Uses the supercharged V6 from the Evora.

  • They were testing power steering but not sure that it will make the production model.

  • Bosch tuned the ECU and when handing it back to Lotus, they said the car was “crazy”.

  • It’s known in the factory as the “Widow-Maker”

  • It will be unveiled at the Frankfurt Motorshow.

[quote=C8UER]I’ve spoken to three people at Lotus now and have managed to get the following out of them:

  • Sub 50k

  • 0-60mph in 3.9 seconds

  • Uses the supercharged V6 from the Evora.

  • They were testing power steering but not sure that it will make the production model.

  • Bosch tuned the ECU and when handing it back to Lotus, they said the car was “crazy”.

  • It’s known in the factory as the “Widow-Maker”

  • It will be unveiled at the Frankfurt Motorshow. [/quote]

    Crikey it sounds great - where do I sign up!!!

This is very bad reading…for my bank account.

I don’t want to have to change all 3 proper cars next year!!!

You thinking of having one then , thought you was going for the M1 .
Dealers sending me pics/spec/price on press day , I have everything crossed now - not just my fingers :slight_smile: