
Looks like it has a glass back with mesh round , no roof scoop :frowning:

Donā€™t worry, itā€™ll still be ā€œ2 secs a lap quickerā€ than previous Exiges around Hethel". :smiley:

It looks interesting, and Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll want one, but is it really an Exige without a roof scoop or vents behind the front wheelarches? Iā€™ve always seen them as signature features.

[quote=moomin]You thinking of having one then , thought you was going for the M1 .
Dealers sending me pics/spec/price on press day , I have everything crossed now - not just my fingers :slight_smile: [/quote]

Nope Iā€™ll not be having one. My 1M comes (hopefully) at the end of next month. I need something with 4 seats and ISOFIX for my 6 week old girl :slight_smile:

The Exige does look interesting though. Although judging from the photos, I hope that itā€™s not too conservative. An Exige is all about the big wings, vents and scoops. If they make it look like a big Elise or mini Evora I think a lot of people will be disappointed :frowning:

And donā€™t forget the wing, another ā€œsignatureā€, Brendan :wink:

:blush: How could I forget that!? It needs a fook-off big wing :smiley:

What about a Honda, Nitrons, Forge gubbins, air to water i/c & some carbon tat?

Itā€™ll never sell without all that stuff on it. Maybe Lotus will fit the engine & all ancilliaries onto the car with quick release fittings to aid the shed building community :astonished:

LOL @ Tim :smiley:

Realistically though - the finished product may well look much different to that ā€œspy shotā€ā€¦ :wink:

What is that fugly back bumper all about?

A disguise. Look at the light panel shape for comparison. Iā€™m sure the finished product will look as dramatic as the leaked stats might suggest it should.

With any luck the cabin will be big enough to fit my dog in it :smiley:

I hope so !

A disguise. Look at the light panel shape for comparison. Iā€™m sure the finished product will look as dramatic as the leaked stats might suggest it should.

With any luck the cabin will be big enough to fit my dog in it :smiley: [/quote]

Still married then!

With any luck the cabin will be big enough to fit my dog in it :smiley: [/quote]
Still married then! [/quote]

Thatā€™s no way to talk about his wife! :astonished: :wink:

doesnt do it for meā€¦

that engine is all wrong for the characteristcts of a car of that sizeā€¦

sure its fast, but if i want fast id buy a GTR