Travelodge - Donington 23 Sept

TonySuits me sir! Ooooooooh [image][/image]

Great Pesky, that’s 1! [image][/image]Brannan, sorry, not trying to muck up your plans, our posts crossed!

erm…decisions, decisions…to tell you the truth, I’m not too interested in Touring Car Championship myself. so, I don’t know yet what to do…

quote:erm…decisions, decisions…Ain’t life a bitch! [image][/image]

Brannan,decided to go with the flow and meet Tony in Madchester 'cause as mentioned before, I’m not very keen to see the Touring Cars. no hard feelings, ok ? don’t you want to join us bearing in mind that you live in Leeds and could easily join me and the rest of the gang ? would be gas…if not, looking forward to seeing you down in Donny…cheers,Bruno

If anyone wants my mobile number so we can meet up at the TraveLodge (or at the track) send your number to to [email protected] and I’ll send you mine by return.(I already have Pesky + Tony’s number)[This message has been edited by Admin5 (edited 21 September 2001).]

Sounds good to me.

BrunoExcellent news!We look forward to seeing you in (sunny) Manchester on Sunday [image][/image]Have a safe & enjoyable journey to the UK.

No hard feelings guys!Just don’t know what to do with the Exige spare set of wheels with slicks as my other half don’t want to be racing Woops Sorry! Pottering round the countryside with them in her Elan.There again it would slow her down for once if nowt else.We will have a finkCheers

quote:Just don’t know what to do with the Exige spare set of wheels with slicksBrannan, I don’t know if you’ve seen the many posts regarding slicks, but the almost unanimous consensus of opinion is that for many reasons they’re a bad thing, and there are potential safety issues with using them. If you’ve not seen the posts, you might want to look them up so that you’ll at least know the issues regarding them if you do use them.

Thanks for the concern TonyI partly agree with you all, I was at Elvington when Steve first tried his and I don’t think he was holding much back either as he rubbed his kerb side out like I did, however I have committed myself to trying them at Donny and then asking TurboTechnics to fit the uniball during her 260 upgrade.So thanks guys, I have evaluated all of your comments and safety will remain an issue at all times.Bran [image][/image]

I’ve invited Rob Yeomans of TurboTechnics along to answer any questions you guys have about our Supercharger conversions.

Pesky,cheers mate. well, the journey will be bloody long and I suppose, I will be deaf after 8 hours driving…I will set off tomorrow morning. so, won’t be able to post anything anymore.Tony,thanks for all the infos. gosh, don’t know wheter I will find that place. have no mobile…just spotted a road name…Moss Side…??? I mean…isn’t that a bit rough arround there…he-he…David,see you at the lodge, ok ?by the way, spoke to Dave at Emerald. he said he might come to Donny as well to see how your car and the other TT-Elise are doing…Brannan,what’s happening on Tuesday then. are you coming along or what? have send you an e-mail…cheers,Bruno

Please Mr [image][/image]2 of us are still well up for it!Just let us know ya plans

Brannan,due to the fact that I didn’t hear anything from you last night, I didn’t ring James at Lotus. I will talk to James’s answering machine telling him that there are now 3 people coming. well, he can’t really reply 'cause I’m buggering off tommorrow morning. his phone no. is 01 953 608 547don’t know where to stay on Monday night. I guess you do…???

quote:Originally posted by Tony Whitter:

erm…decisions, decisions…Ain’t life a bitch! [image]>> [/image]

Easy Decision guys See you at J21 2pm on SundayPS : Tony I trust that Manchester to Chesterfield must mean the Snake Pass …yours hopefully

MaverickThat’ll cost you - either a pressie for the missus, or divorce [image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]CU tomorrow.[This message has been edited by Pesky (edited 22 September 2001).]

So thats 2pm J21 M62 Right Guys?Any body else up for meeting Bruno @ Ferrybridge j33 M62 10am see ya there

Brannan, check my map reading out, but I think that is J21, M6, not M61.

Of course I meant M62 !Blame it on the Becks