Travelodge - Donington 23 Sept

Just realised that there is a round of the BTCC on at Donington this Sat/Sun. Because of the inevitable volume of traffic, I intend to arrive at the Travelodge between 6.30pm & 7pm.CU guys there [image][/image]

quote:Just realised that there is a round of the BTCC on at Donington this Sat/Sun.Does that mean that the Motorsport Elises will be racing? Could be a reason to get there early! [image][/image] IAC, fancy a mini-convoy from the north? [image][/image]

If I can out of Sunday morning footie,(11 year son, not me [image][/image]), I’m up for an early trip to Donington!How about you Russ?

well, I’m coming in to Hull at 08.00 AM, so I’m up for it.David, have you booked the rooms?

Put my name down ! I will attempt to get my pass altered, but it will not be easy. [image][/image]

quote:Originally posted by Tony Whitter:

Just realised that there is a round of the BTCC on at Donington this Sat/Sun.Does that mean that the Motorsport Elises will be racing? Could be a reason to get there early! [image]>> [/image] IAC, fancy a mini-convoy from the north? [image]>> [/image]

What time were you guys thinking of and any particular route ?

MaverickHow about M6 to J15, then A50?Travelling down M6 to Stoke area is perfect for me, Russ & Tony W. As you’re the “local lad”, I’m sure that we’d be happy to follow you to Donny [image][/image]Time: How about 9.30 @ J15 layby?Over to you guys!

I can’t handle the love you guys have of mmm-mmm-mmm - you know what�s! And the A50 is almost a mmm-mmm-mmm too! While I might be persuaded to go with the flow, there are some stunning roads over the tops to Chesterfield, although admittedly the run south from Chesterfield to Donnington isn’t the best. The Chesterfield route isn’t much longer mileage wise (if at all) and provides an opportunity to really enjoy the cars. Why use those nasty, horrible, mmm-mmm-mmm things?! Mutter, mutter… [image][/image]

Pesky can use his cruise control on the mmm-mmm-mmm.

I’m with Tony 'cause by Sunday morning, I will have done enough of this mmmmmm-mmmmmm-mmmmm business…so Tony, where are we gona meet up but I need to know from DAVID wheter he has done the BOOKINGS? give me a shout, will ya?cheers,Bruno

Bruno, I’m still trying to find out what time I’m released from nursing duties on Sunday! Also, I’d be interested to see if the other guys are up for it (but if they’re not they’re in for some serious ribbing! [image][/image]) so I’ll have to let you know nearer the time. However, although we could meet you at Chesterfield, it wouldn’t make much sense for you to join us for the run to Chesterfield as the run goes west to east towards the direction you’d be coming from, unless you wanted to do it just so you could turn round and do it again! [image][/image]

BrunoIf you are still coming into Hull @ 8am we could meet up on your route at the services here say 10 ish, that would be 2 Exiges and one Elan (my better half) and any other northern Folk that want to join the convoy!

Whoa there, Tony W [image][/image]I bloody hate the M things too [image][/image]I was hoping that Maverick would know some “good” alternatives from Stoke to Donny, as he’s the “local lad”. However, if you already have a suitable route, let’s all(& I know I speak for Russ too)follow you.At least we’ll have a chance of keeping up with you in the Exige, whereas attempting this when you’re in the Lambo, is at times scaaaaaary [image][/image]Please don’t wear the nurse’s uniform on Sunday [image][/image]

Bruno, yes I’ve booked you a room (sorry for not confirming earlier). [image][/image]The DMAIL1 discount thing didn’t work though [image][/image] so it’s going to be �39.95I aim to get to the Travelodge around the 7:45pm

David, cheers, nice one…any news about your beast?Brannan, we will just do that, 10ish sounds good. hope they let me in after all this trouble in Yankland…I suppose, you mean Ferrybridge services, don’t ya ?watch out for a BRG Exige with strange number plates and a completely knackered driver…I have never been able to sleep on that poxy ferry…by the way, do you still want to come on 25.9.01 to Norwich ? I have to be there now at 10.30 AM for a factory tour. now, does anybody know wheter the Motorsport Elises are racing ? if yes, why not meet up in Donny at a specific time or even in Chesterfield, as Tony suggested ?cheers,Bruno

quote:Originally posted by howardb:Pesky can use his cruise control on the mmm-mmm-mmm.Hey up Howard - Carole (aka cruise control) won’t be with me on Sunday [image][/image]

ok, since nobody responded the Motorsport Elises are not racing that weekend. they were at the N�rburgring last weekend. so, is it worth going to see the Touring Car races ?

Guys…the route is fine with me but the issue may well be the timingAway on business until Sunday morning so not too fair to arrive home for ten minutes and then shoot off to DonnyIf your traveling later in the day and there is enough time for me to get further north to a suitable starting point then great [image][/image]If not then I guess its my loss [image][/image]

BrunoFerrybridge services it is then! 10 ish on SundayWe will be going to see the British Touring Car ChampionshipAs for the 10.30 AM for a factory tour Tuesday 25thOur plan so farLeave Donnington for the M1, Don’t worry only 3-4 junctions of mmm-mmm-mmmLeave M1 at 21a or 21 and head 4 the A47Stay overnight around hereWe have the name and Tel number of a place to stay but just don’t like telling the world where gorgeous will be parking over night, No offence folks!Then in the morning its A47 all the wayThats our plan so far, please feel free to come along or do your own thing! [image][/image]

OK guys; let’s throw a ball in the air! As Bruno says, the Motorsport Elises are definitely not racing on Sunday. [image][/image] I’ve checked with Lotus and with Donnington; tickets are available on the door for those who want to watch the Touring Cars, at �20 per head. However, I’m not too interested in watching the Touring Cars, and getting there that early would be difficult for me anyway. So…How about: folks near me, or who want to join us, meet at or near my place (M6 J21) around 14:00 on Sunday (I’m on route for at least Russ and Pesky). We’ll then do the run to Chesterfield, to arrive around 16:00 and meet up with anyone who wants to meet us there (Bruno?). We can then continue to Donnington to arrive around 17:30.As I said, the run from Chesterfield to Donnington isn’t too brilliant, and anyone who must can hop on the mmm-mmm-mmm1 at Chesterfield, or follow us down the A-roads to Donnington (Donnington is also on the mmm-mmm-mmm1 give or take). However, once you have cleared Greater Manchester (admittedly a bit of a pain) the run over to Chesterfield that I use is IMHO worth doing (traffic permitting).So, what do folks think…?PS Bruno, if you want a fun route to Chesterfield from the east, email me and I�ll point you at some roads that I know over there.