How many were built and how many were NA? Do you think the NA would demand the same premium as the supercharge car now they are no long in production?

Oh, no! He’s got another plan. :crazy:

Good lad Jonny.

Why not buy an ex-racer at the end of the season?

Aka 'pre-shagged ’ :laughing:

I fancy something fairly new actually, not right now but would prefer NA if only to sit on a few parts should one come along at some point really. Also I’m doubting that many were NA anyway…

Seriously dude, you need to get over this NA thing. If it hasn’t got at least 4 litres and/or 8 cylinders, it needs to be blown!!

An overpowered track car means nothing to me mate :wink: Smiles for miles at a speed (and throttle response) I’m content with.

Its not about being over powered, its about not being in the way!! :wink:

Sequentialtastic Exige is sooooo you! :thumbup:

If NA is your thing, then seriously try a honda.

Maybe Ian will take you out in his

Would be a pleasure. :slight_smile:

I’m a 2zz man fella’s thought you’d got that by now :smiley:

Oops!!! :astonished:
I’m in no way taking the blame for this or for encouraging you!

That said, if you’re going to DO IT, get a supercharged version and then leave it alone. I’m sure Gav will be along shortly to provide more accurate info but believe there were around 350 built. Lotus numbered the first 300 and didn’t bother with the rest. There can only be a handful of Not/Applicables in existance, in 5/6 years I can only ever remember seeing 3 or 4 advertised. Typically around 3-5k cheaper IIRC. A 250bhp 211 is not over powered.


driven 2ZZ based cars and they just feel like someone forgot to put the VTEC in (yo) until 7k, and eddie muprhy had been around the back

Yeah, I remember driving an NA S2 and getting out and saying to John that I thought it was broke.

I know on the limit, is on the limit, but…

Are we all really having this same conversion again!

I suspect we are if it appears to wind you up! :smiley:

Talking about being ‘wound up’, you should see if anyone has a wind up 211 you could buy. Might be more your bag mate

You boys are sharing a NA 4-pot car in a few days yes?

I pity that poor little Caterham :open_mouth:

Me too!!