“I pity the fool!”

Here is your Car John…


They have two buddy, the Gulf one looks proper shite, I couldn’t stop picking fault with it.

I looked at the gulf 2-11 a year ago and thought it looked rough so can see why it’s still for sale.

Yep it been through the mill.

Just buy my left hooker John, 2-11 with non of the draw backs and its bang tidy!

A rather tasty car Gav but it has to be a pucker 211, I’ll have Gary & Yvonne’s when they get bored :wink:

Jonny I understand your lust for a 211 - My nephew Phil has an original launch edition 211, been on a few Anglesey Exiges days, was at Chatsworth MLOC bash earlier this year :slight_smile: - I would buy one in a flash if I could get in and out of it - they are truly epic machines :slight_smile: - best Lotus car made to date - except perhaps, of course, the S1 Exige :wink:

His car is a beauty Si, it’s one of the reasons for my itch. Can’t really buy for a year or so but hopefully some day soon.