Top day at Croft

whereis Pembrey ?

South Wales, just outside a town called Llanelli, approx… many miles from yourself, saying that we have someone from Scotland coming down in his 911 GT3 to the track day, so if you fancy a run down !!!

Just got back home… Thanks for a great day everyone…
After my second lap when my car was spinning around I got a bit scared and took it pretty easy rest of the day, was actually looking more in the mirrors then on the road…hehh… but thats ok…I acived my goals for the trip, which was to get some more knowledge about the car, meet other exigers and feel the awsome power from the honda conversion…(not the audi )… and not to forget my main goal , to get the car back in 1 piece… Ill get some more practise here and I will hopfully come back stonger next time … But If anyone saw what happend to my car when I was spinning around I would like to know, because all I remember was that I was spinning around for ever, while worrying about my car if she would survive or not…


it was good to meet you, and we’re glad you made the trip and got back in one piece

anyway, i didnt actually know you had a spin untill we spoke afterwards at the hotel and on the straight as well LOL… you are going to be famous for that

Anyway, hopefully whoever was around you at the time will tell what they saw, but i guess it was just too much left foot on the wet track eh…

hope to see you again soon


Was good to meet you and I really hope the spin didnt put you off more track days …

I followed you later in the day for a couple of corners and you were braking at the apex - this means two things:

  • You lifted off the accelerator mid corner
  • You shifted the weight to the front even further by braking

Both have a bad effect, making the rear go light and loose grip, on a dry track when travelling relative slow you can get away with it, in the wet the back will overtake the front before you know it.

I came round the corner where you spun off and saw you in the grass, to me it seems thats exact what happened there.

Well ive got to say i had a FANTASTIC day!!!

1st exige day ive been on,everyone was very friendly,and its always good when everyones on the same wave length…

I was the guy that was there with SEAN B…

When Sean said he was giving up the cosworth for a exige, i wasin 2 minds to if he was making the right choice,but BLIMEY,WAS I WRONG!!!

The little pocket rockets that you guys have there,are TRICK bits of kit!!! Fair play to you all,VERY IMPRESSED!!!

Im looking forward to meeting you all again,and taking part in another exige day…


Pete, it was nice meeting you…

Everyone - I was hoping to take out more of you guys but since I volunteered for the camera car duty, I had the recorder in the pasenger seat, cable tied to the harnesses until well after lunch…

On the bright side, you will get to see how the car goes when the DVD comes out…

Of course, that also means you may be able to hear all my heel and toe changes, which I hope will sound OK !!!

Roll on the next outing !

First track day and what a terrific time. Now I know what I have been missing and was great to meet you all. I am hooked and back at Croft end of May.

It was my first track day aswel and i thought it was a good laugh. I dont think i did to bad for my first attempt, although Uldis kept flying by and i coundn’t keep up with Sean B either. I need more practice. It was good fun chasing Pesky round though.

You have a PM Chris…


You didn’t get chance to get out on track much Pete. Wont Sean let you play in the Exige? Id of took you out in mine if i had more time and never had to keep running off for fuel.

Hi Chris

Well, I thought you were going well - enjoyed our 4 or 5 laps

Was ya video camera running? If so, can you do a cd for me please (I’ll pay for it)?

sorry to say Pesky i didn’t have the video on (tape had ran out and i didn’t notice) gutted. will always have the memory in my head though.

I had a great time too. I thought the night before was excellent, so well done to Ian and the others for organising that. I had never been to Croft before, but thought it was an awesome track. A nice blend of fast and slow corners.

I’m not a fan of track days in the wet, but once it started to dry out I had a great time.

Had a good tussle with Randy. Although he was on slicks, I managed to stay with him for a good half a dozen laps until he pulled into the pits. I think my gearbox made up for his extra bit of power and extra grip over my 48’s. I did learn a few different lines as well whilst following!!!

The other good tussle I had was with that silver Evo. He was on slicks and at the time I had Gareth Lloyd (one of the instructors who is also a mate of mine from the cossy world) Gareth had just been out with him and he reckoned the car was over 400BHP. I was right on his bumper for a good 8 laps or so, before he ran wide and i nipped past on the final hairpin. He didn’t like that much and he was all over me for the next couple of laps before out dragging me down te straight and then pulling in the pits, I then actually got balck flagged for racing. Thank god I had Gareth in the passenger seat and he got me off the hook.

The only cars that came past me all day were the two honda supercharged cars. I have to say that 340BHP S2 was very fast down the straights as was Christians car. Fair play guys, I don’t think my ickle K series did to badly for itself though.

Roll on the next one!!!


i kept up with you for at least 2 seconds Sean, i even past you when you went nice and slow for me on a cool down lap . I want a new gear box now, a bit more power and some driver training and ill be there along side you

Only just got time to read this thread! What a fantastic day. Shame it was a little damp in the morning but the dry track in the afternoon ment that we could get the slicks on and give the new honda power a good workout…WOW…it was awesome. no poroblems with the engine or the install. thanks to everyone who commented on our work.

Big thanks to Pesky, the Track Sport guys, Ian Goodall and anyone else who was involved in organising the whole thing.Good job chaps.

So when…and where will the next Exiges Festival be held

Well I did enquire if Tracksport could sort us out for Silverstone. However, the greedy GP circuit owners would make it about �350 each. Donny was then mentioned…let’s see what unfolds, best not to rush these things.


Don’t fancy silverstone… Bit dull IMHO…

Donny however would be 100% YES!!!

Sean, doy ou have the UCR then?

I never met Randy on track, but as I was going out on track (1/2 lap in) I was overtaken by the silver EVO, (hey, I needed to warm up the tyres ), and kept on his tail until about 6 laps later when he pulled out. I stayed on.
I could see where I was faster (esses, sunny in, out and the curve before the hairpin) but wasn’t going to try a dodgy move (didn’t know him and didn’t have an instructor with me ).
On the straight he eould pull about 1 car length, easily back on the first braking.

Damn!, never met one of the supercharged ones on track

Had a good tussle with Randy. Although he was on slicks, I managed to stay with him for a good half a dozen laps until he pulled into the pits. I think my gearbox made up for his extra bit of power and extra grip over my 48’s. I did learn a few different lines as well whilst following!!!

It was fun trying to get past you and I can happily say you have the widest Exige I have ever come across!! The overtaking on the left rules almost went out of the window a couple of times . The only places where I could make big chunks of time on you were out the back of the circuit as I could carry a fair bit more speed and the last 20% of the straights where my extra power came into play.

Funny thing was I was planning on coming in on the lap I caught you but when you proved a challenge to pass a I decided I had to stay out until you were firmly in the rear view!! Very childish but bloody good fun