Top day at Croft

What a great day up at Croft today. Cracking circuit, great company, great cars and lots of fun hooning .

Many thanks to those who made the effort on the organisational front…Pesky, IDG, Mark etc etc

When is the next one!!???!!!

Seconded - thanks to the steering committee for a great day.

I believe there were noises being made about another, later this year???

Yes agreed, thanks everyone, had a brilliant day, awesome to see so many Exiges on the start finish straight for the photo shoot, 39 I counted. Would have liked to have seen a few more S2’s there though (where are you guys). Met loads of new Exigers and put some faces to the many names we chat to on the board. and finished the day off nicely enjoying a curry with Pesky.

Had an interesting day inspecting all your cars, and lots of fun watching you all getting to grips with the conditions . If there is a next time, I’ll be out mixing it. I think the lack of S2’s can be put down to last minute faults with their electric windows, cd autochangers, air con…

Thanks to all the Exige owners I shared the track with yesterday - I was in the black Impreza. Luckily it was wet to begin with so I was able to keep up with some of you, but once it dried out, not a chance!!!
Apppologies to those I held up on a few of the slower sections, but I had the camera running was tring to get some close-up action. I will post the footage once it has been edited.
If anyone has any photos or footage of me, then let me know at [email protected]

Seconded - thanks to the steering committee for a great day.

I believe there were noises being made about another, later this year???

What a day, the usual mix of fun, pleasure and pain

We have to do this more often - so where the next one ?

How about Castle Combe, or maybe Pembrey ??

It would be nice to do Castle Combe as I never get to race there these days. Only problem I can see with that is a few cars might struggle with noise.

Driving into work this morning it sounds like my car has picked up a few new knocks and rattles . Must learn to give the poor old girl less abuse on these days… can’t really see that happening though .

wheres the PICS at then?

castle combe, hmmm not far from me.


Must learn to give the poor old girl less abuse… can’t really see that happening though .

My wife would have left me !!!

Well done everybody for a fine turnout!

A mighty big thank you to all involved in yesterday (and those who sorted Wed and the the hotel) …a fantastic day to introduce me to what i’ve truely been missing out on.

Biggest thanks goes to those who let me pax…esp Sean…i owe you big time!

Guess i got to make a few phone call ins etc and hopefully see me on a track soon…

cheers again…

p.s. before my pc crashes again for the umteenth time has anyone found digital camera and a pair of oakleys…i always loose something…guess i’ll try a seperate post if i can

Top day, top people - big thankyou to all who made it possible…Best fun I’ve had in ages

awesome to see so many Exiges on the start finish straight for the photo shoot, 39 I counted.

Would have been 40 if I had not zoomed of early - at least I made it for the morning! whens the next one ???

One or two Exiges…


So… anyone made a quick comparison on Audi vs Honda? Mike, Pesky, Randy…?

Alright that’s enough back slapping. Looked like a great day, but the $64K question is Uldis was there in the King K, Randy represented Honda and Mike was flying Audi’s flag. Any conclusions drawn? Mr Admin no doubt wants to know!

Conclusions are…

Scuffers can’t keep up with me in the supercharged S2 when I put slicks on .

Scuffers couldn’t keep up with a snail on crack, but I hear what you’re saying. NA is the way forward

Well, not many exige drivers could keep up with you randy.

Didn’t you exchange cars between you? That would be interesting…

Who’s Scuffers?

It was trackday, not a test/raceday & the prime concern is that everyone (from novices to racers) have fun in as safe an environment as possible. Any “comparisons” would be completely meaningless, as so much depends upon driver ability eg Randy, Uldis or Russ would lap quicker than me, even if I had a 50bhp advantage (I mention them specifically only because I’ve been on track with them numerous times & they have a race driver’s ability to match their race driver’s mentality )

A proper test could only be carried out by one or more drivers, each driving all the variants of the car on the same day & in similar conditions, & that’s assuming the cars are set up with similar brakes/suspension.

Anyway, what sort of comparison is expected? Top speed, quckest lap time or what? If it’s the former, well you need a long airfield to test it, or if it’s the second, was the track clear on each lap etc etc.???

Anyway, it was a cracking day, & those who were “exoected” to be fast, were