Top day at Croft

Just making a little bit of mischief

Anyway from what I heard I’m still happy to be Honda’ed

Who’s Scuffers?

He doesn’t exist forget Randy or I mentioned him. This post should self destruct in due course…

I see…

Anyway from what I heard I’m still happy to be Honda’ed

Me too

The audi was exceedingly quick, and so was the Honda…

Remember that it had been detuned a fraction at my request…

Hopefully there is at least 30 minutes video, with forward and backwards views, and you will be able to see the difference between the cars…

The only time I had a chance to do a direct comparison was when scuffers was in front of me coming out of the hairpin - obviously he got his foot down first, and the gap (in metres) between the cars did not increase, so we were pretty damn level, if you want the truth…

Mind you, we are planning the next upgrade opf the audi’s performance as I type !!!

So I guess it’s a case of playing a little bit of catchup Mike

Just jesting

The audi was exceedingly quick, and so was the Honda…

Remember that it had been detuned a fraction at my request…

Hopefully there is at least 30 minutes video, with forward and backwards views, and you will be able to see the difference between the cars…

The only time I had a chance to do a direct comparison was when scuffers was in front of me coming out of the hairpin - obviously he got his foot down first, and the gap (in metres) between the cars did not increase, so we were pretty damn level, if you want the truth…

Mind you, we are planning the next upgrade opf the audi’s performance as I type !!!

What detune have you done to your car? Why?

What further audi performance upgrade is that?

Come on, tell us…

In a straight line there wasn’t much between the supercharged Honda and Mike’s Audi to be fair although it was noticable how slow the Audi gear change is. Basically both are bloody rapid in a straight line!!

Over a lap it’s not about power though hence I could loose both of them even though I was comprehensively beaten on the power front.

I didn’t meet Uldis on track but did a couple of pax laps with him and the engine definately better than a standard VHPD.

It should also be mentioned that SeanB gets his going very well.

We are now running 1.1 bar boost instead of 1.5 bar, which obviously takes less time to build, and this helps to combat lag and give even more controlability…

Interestingly, this has made very little difference to the power, according to the venerable Mr Walker, though I wasn’t there to see the actual results, and the power chart has yet to drop thorough my email letterbox !!

It seems I am not getting enough air through my intercooler leading to some higher than optimum intake temperatures, but Bernard has some new air scoops (carbon fibre / bling) that we expect to sort this…

The next stage of mods are very much a developmental thing, and, like a chocolate cake, you will just have to wait till it is out of the oven and cooled down !!

Excellent day, loved the circuit!!! Would love to go back… And certainly will

Top day… So where are all the pictures??? I didn’t have a camera but saw plenty so c’mon, goto PhotoBucket and show em all off

Just got back - boo!

Car now works - yay!

I’ll post pics and stuff later.

Top day chaps!


Was a fantastic day, Croft was a fantastic circuit.
Didnt get to meet everyone and introduce myself but hopefully will at the next one, sorry was too busy driving and filling up with petrol
Those pesky radicals


Thanks to evryone for a great day. I really must get out more if I want to keep up…


Thanks to all the Exige owners I shared the track with yesterday - I was in the black Impreza. Luckily it was wet to begin with so I was able to keep up with some of you, but once it dried out, not a chance!!!
Apppologies to those I held up on a few of the slower sections, but I had the camera running was tring to get some close-up action. I will post the footage once it has been edited.
If anyone has any photos or footage of me, then let me know at > [email protected] >

Yes, I missed my Scooby for a few minutes at the start there!

I’m afraid I can’t help you on the pic front, but try this -


Your soopercharged Honda was the absolute biz down the pit straight - reminded me of F1 in its pomp - esp when you passed the GT3 - AWESOME

Hi there!

Late posting here but got back yesterday and decised to change the wheels and wash all the car, even the engine and inside the wheelarches!

Top day! , and was very impressed with everybody’s driving, very courteos, careful and well, it shows, no incidents.
If only all trackdays were full of Exiges.

Had a few pax laps with Randy and was very impressed with his driving. He must have been the quickest one out there (but I guess I will never jump the curbs like that!).
One thing I noted is that I need some better shocks now, his single adjustable Nitrons were set up spot on, the best set up car I’ve been in.

Wanted to find Him or Mike Lane’s car or one of the SC Hondas on track but unfortunately (and I was out there a lot!) we did not cross paths.
On a couple of occassions I saw the Maidstone SC Honda S2 on the other side of the track for about 4 laps, at about the same location, but that’s about as much as I can tell, don’t even know who was sriving it.

But some things I can say are:

-Ferodo DS 2500 work pretty well, about as powerful as Pagids but a bit easier to modulate (same stopping power and resistance to fade but less grippy if that makes any sense)

-Kumho ECSTA V70 are sweet! about as much grip as the 48’s but less dramatic breakaway. Easy to balance understeer and oversteer with the throttle and I might say capable of a slightly higher slip angle (for the same drive forward).
But they start at 5mm thread and tramline a lot on the road.
But are cheaper

-I need to sort out my oil cooler lines leakage asap! Will get it done next week

-Got the new oil cooler fron Sean, will do that next. Thanks Sean!

-Didn’t really need to install the CAT (as I had) because I was not even tested for noise at the track! (without the CAT it revs quicker above 7K rpm). Was anybody else tested?

But cracking day, it was great to put more faces to the names.

The car was going great and it was good to see that.
From what I see, there is a point (if you’re interested in a quick lap time) in the power/torque curve above which more power does not necessarily mean a quicker lap.
I’m pretty happy with mine now, just need better suspension, better oil cooling and (having sorted the fuel delivery) more power is easily available with Jim’s exhaust.

When’s the next one?

After the initial pants weather had a fantastic afternoon, though never sorted my understeer.Thanks Uldis for your advice re tyre pressures/adjusting front suspension-was definitely getting better.Fantastic grip from AO48s in dry.I really need some more advice re setting up the Dynamics suspension though- any expert advice/wisdom/experience would be appreciated.Also what tyre pressures were best? Has anyone out there got any knowledge of/bump/rebound settings to use?Fab day-thanks to everyone who was involved organising it.Would love to do another one-soon!Thought the high powered Exiges were mind-blowing…

Really a great event even if it was pretty pants for me with a poorly car and a misbehaving camera,…not good. Thanks to the Edwards Boyz for sparing some time to have a look and to Martin for taking me out in their Honda car. Thanks also to Ian and Christian for pax laps and for the various offers of keys. More on my poorly car in another thread…I’ll also get to processing some photos (the ones I recovered ) later. Roll on the next time, where I might actually get to put in some lap time

Just add my 2p worth… as well

same as everyone, i had a fantastic day… shame in some ways that there was too many flavours of exige to cope with I’d really have liked a pax lap or two and to have done more gabbing to more people, but spent most of my time on track and arrived pretty late the previous eve… maybe next time .

In particular i’d have liked a pax with Randy, Mike Lane, Quo and SimonS and also to have chatted a bit more. Only a few of us left on the Thur eve - and i fell asleep in the bar… must be getting old.

I could also have done with another day there to try out better lines and braking after having chatted and compared notes with a few of you fast guys… agian, maybe next time.

Special thanks to da Edwards from me for my new diffuser – now with some nice flattened edges following the drive home

Drive home across country was stupendous yesterday - only took me about half an hour or so longer than the drive down using M74 and main trunk roads like A66, some nice roads in Teesdale.

Please lets have another one before the year is out

I can’t fit 39 Exiges in as we haven’t that many spaces left, but how about Pembrey on the 7th June, we are having our track day then and would be delighted to have some of you there. Only �120 for the day.