The Next Northern Meet

Just thinking about organising our next meet. :slight_smile:
I was wondering if peeps could let me know what dates in July would suit.
9th, 10th, 16th and 17th are no good for me though :unamused:

I am hoping Dave will have his new 360 Cup and Adrian will be able to bring his yellow V6 :thumbup:

How about the weekend 23/24th?

Tan Hill?

:thumbup: Seems a good idea Adrian

Where the fook is Tan Hill? :confused:

Do you not remember Ted Moult and his Everest D/G advertisement from the 80’s Steve :laughing:

Close to Brough and Muker

Just here

Can do the 24t hopefully.


Went to Tan Hill for lunch one day and Mrs T inadvertently let a sheep in through the front door. :unamused: It chased its way through the bar to the alarm of customers and exited through the kitchen. Much hilarity.

We had stayed at a pub just down the road from there the night before on what was the first outing with Mrs T in the Exige after I bought it. It was raining, foggy and miserable. Weekend bags were encased in bin bags in the rear of the car to keep out the rain. Mrs T not impressed.

As to July meet, should probably be OK for 24th.

And . . .any news on this one, folks. I’d love another trip to the Tan Hill.
I seem to recall the landlord at the time (it’s almost 10 years ago now since I got the S1) working in the motor industry in the Midlands and was away all week, only returning to man the beer pumps at the weekend.

I could do the 24th if my Europa if allowed :slight_smile: reckon another 4 around Carlisle would also be in attendance too.

Any further thoughts on this?

This ^^^^^ :clap:

24th seems a good time for the meet.
Hopefully this will be suitable most peeps.

Great for me… Still available. Shall we hatch a detailed plan?

Sunday 24th sounds great.

We can have a look at the Everest double glazing when finished looking at the cars :wink:

And the sheep barrrr :laughing:


24th is good for me too

Great, boys.

Hello Peter
Its Andy, i fancy coming to the next northern meeting. just wondering what time is the meeting.
hoping to meet all the lads. and thommo s1 exige love them.
by the way peter love your new exige. very nice.



I’m sure Pete will be along soon to give us a clue re timing. Maybe a run before, Pete?