The Next Northern Meet

Shall we go for about 11.30am at Tan Hill then on Sunday 24th?

Sounds good to me.

Good for me too

Yep should be good for this stll.

Great stuff, praying for weather

I’m sure you will get some. Plenty of it going around just now :slight_smile:

Yep, typical British July.
Having said that we’re staying to the east of the Lakes at the mo and weather has been ok. Bit cloudy, a few rain drops but nothing to worry about. Tomorrow, however, looks a bit dodgy.

Which way are people travelling to the meet?
Anyone going down A1 and then on via A66? Or M6 and then A66?


I will probably be going Bishop Auckland, Barnard Castle then over the A66

Just to let everyone know that I haven’t been in contact with Tan Hill, or booked any tables for a bite to eat.
So I presume we will just turn up and if you want some pub grub order it at the bar, as I don’t know how many peeps will be rocking up :wink:

Weather looks reaonable. Looking forward to a run out.

Rain forecast for Sunday:

Light shower at 1pm according to BBC, using postcode for Tan Hill Inn.
I’m sure we’ll survive :sunglasses:

There is always one! :laughing: Its normally tim though!

:laughing: :laughing: Gav

hi all just thinking not good to change the northern meeting for tomorrow instead of sunday. Saturday looks like the better bay for the weather.

looks like rain on sunday

just a thought.

Andrew simon Hudson

Saturday is no good for me , as I am working Andrew :frowning:

hi peter yes that ok I be there

it just light rain

see you all sunday


Trying desperately to post some pics of the Northern Chapter meet at the Tan Hill Inn. Does anyone else feel that Photobucket is a load of bollox?

This may give a flavour of our outing today, especially for Tim_Marra
