Steering wheel vibrating

While I was driving around Europe, I found that the steering wheel would vibrate quite badly at around 85-90mph. I obviously thought it was a wheel balance problem, but strangely it doesn’t do it all the time. Sometimes it’s really smooth at that speed. Is that normal with an out of balance wheel?

Also, in Switzerland, at the end of a 9 hour drive, the car was making a slightly alarming droning noise. The pitch of the sound was directly related to road speed. The tyres are OK, so I guess the noise has to be either weird tarmac, or a wheel bearing.
I left the car for a couple of days, and the noise seemed much reduced until I had done a few miles. It seemed as though the noise was getting worse as the car warmed up, which suggests a problem with the car as opposed to the tamac. But the noise hasn’t recurred since I left Germany.

Any thoughts?

But the noise hasn’t recurred since in left Germany.

Any thoughts?

Car doesn’t like german speaking nations? Possibly chassis made from recycled Lancaster bomber?

That explains why the steering was pulling to the left as we were passing the dam on the Grimsel pass

I think it was preparing to release one of the wheels as a sort of make-shift bouncing bomb

Brendan, what sort of noise was it? mine recently after being stood for a couple of weeks was whistling, it was the pads not returning properly. I stripped the brakes, cleaned the pins and everything was ok.

Hard to explain, it was a droning sort of hum. Can’t be the brakes because braking made no difference to the sound.

Recently had my S into Nick Whales due to steering vibration at 90mph - thought I had lost a balance weight. Another Exige in there with EXACTLY same problem. NW checked wheel balance on both cars - all ok. Understand they are now awaiting comments from Yoko re tyres as in addition to our 2 cars they have one further reported problem. I will email NW today (thanks for reminding me!) if I get a response I will post. kimbo

That’s really interesting, Kimbo. I can’t wait to hear what they say.

I have the same irritating problem with the tyres on the front at the moment. I’m convinced it’s not the balancing, in fact I know it ain’t cos the guy who does it uses a stonking machine, which is suitable for F1 tyres. I’ve even changed the wheel bearings!

My money is now on the tyres, but in saying that, they’re due for a change, so will have to wait for the next set!

Pesky and Kimbo: Do you always get this problem at around 90mph, or is it intermittent? Mine doesn’t always do it. It only seems to happen on motorways, and then not all the time. I don’t know if it’s certain bits of road set up a weird resonance, or maybe it related to tyre temperature


Seems to start at between 85-90mph on mine.

Brendan are you running yoko’s or toyo 88r’s?

Looks like this could be a common problem. I only get mine on M42 (thats the only motorway I use!!) and yes it does come and go. Will check my emails and see if Nick Whale has got back to me. kimbo

Checked emails and here is reply from NW !!!
[color:“blue”] [/color]
Ian has spoken to Lotus, awaiting reply.

We will chase up on Monday as Lotus closes at 12 noon on a Friday.

He has discussed another vehicle with similar traits and the outcome was, there was no outcome !!

I have the same irritating problem with the tyres on the front at the moment. I’m convinced it’s not the balancing, in fact I know it ain’t cos the guy who does it uses a stonking machine, which is suitable for F1 tyres. I’ve even changed the wheel bearings!

My money is now on the tyres, but in saying that, they’re due for a change, so will have to wait for the next set!

You sure your not just hearing yourself singing along to the radio???

You sure your not just hearing yourself singing along to the radio???

Hadn’t thought of that…but then again why would I, cos I don’t have a wireless in the Exige!

Gav, I’m running A048s.

This is beginning to sound like a case of TADTS

Pesky, you’re showing your age; what’s a bloody wireless?

Wirelss, you know, internet with no wires on your laptop.

I also get weird vibrations on occasion, which goes away. I always just guessed it was a combination of road surfaces, tyres, and heat in them or something.

Pesky, you’re showing your age; what’s a bloody wireless?

I’ve had them in all my previous cars. They’re great for getting news etc, but for music stuff, I usually listen to the 8 track cartridge thingy


I, too, have a wireless. Not in the Exige. At home I have it permanently tuned to the Home Service, or Radio 4 as I believe it is now known.In the Exige, and previously in the Elise, I use ear plugs.

In the Exige, and previously in the Elise, I use ear plugs.

Only fit them when the missus is onboard

I have also got the steering wheel vibration problem. It got really bad just before going on holiday so dealer tried many things; rebalanced wheels/tyres twice to no effect, swapping front wheels from a new car big improvement, changed track rod end (which was weeping) and did complete geo which got it nearly right but after another 3000 miles on holiday problem is back. One thing I have noticed is that unlike usual balance issues which seem to come and go at different speeds you can feel the vibration to widely varing degrees at all speeds. Lots on Elisetalk about this but no firm conclusion. Calling the dealer again today.