Steering wheel vibrating

Same here. Since most of my driving is a combo between B-roads and highways, I noticed that the vibration always occurs after I change from the B roads to the highway. After a while (sometimes quite some while) highway driving it’s gone. Just feels as if the rubber has to settle in for straightline driving (re-balance).

Same here. Since most of my driving is a combo between B-roads and highways, I noticed that the vibration always occurs after I change from the B roads to the highway. After a while (sometimes quite some while) highway driving it’s gone. Just feels as if the rubber has to settle in for straightline driving (re-balance).

Sounds like Yoko have been having these guys make their tyres

Latest info. on vibrations

Dealer spoke to Lotus field engineer and conversation went something like this;

Dealer “I have a customer with a persistent vibration problem…”

Engineer “at about 80”

Dealer “yes”

Engineer " You won’t fix it"

Story goes that engineer’s personal view is that the engine (I assume mounting) needs more damping. If this theory is correct I can only believe it’s setting up some sort of resonance. You’d think it would relate to engine revs so maybe I’ll see if I can tell any difference when in different gears. All seems more than a little unsatisfactory to be given the TADTS treatment (Brendan you were right)

Any thoughts from those more knowledgable ???

Ive had numerous issues, each time it came down to wheel balancing, the machine would balance it but then would still have issues when they were back on the car. If re-checked they would be unbalanced! Even if they were balanced, taken off the machine then re-checked!
Eventually I got them done by my dealer who had a new �40k machine that bently insist they had. It sorted it first time, but that was six months ago and its just started to creep back. The theory of varying density in the whell casting was mentioned but I dont know if that would explain all the issues.

Ive had numerous issues, each time it came down to wheel balancing, the machine would balance it but then would still have issues when they were back on the car. If re-checked they would be unbalanced! Even if they were balanced, taken off the machine then re-checked!
Eventually I got them done by my dealer who had a new �40k machine that bently insist they had. It sorted it first time, but that was six months ago and its just started to creep back. The theory of varying density in the whell casting was mentioned but I dont know if that would explain all the issues.

The weird thing for me was it went from a bit of a wobble to viciously bad after front wheels were balanced on a top end machine! I would be interested to know what Lotus use as mine was fine from new and swapping another set of new wheels/tyres also nearly completely fixed it.

Rob, apperently there is such a thing as a twin-plane machine but nobody seemed to have one. And the daft thing is I watched them being balanced, taken off the machine, then back on and they came up unbalanced. My dealer LRV have the very expansive machine for their bentleys but didnt have an adaptor for the exige wheels, but eventually they got them sorted. All the other machines no matter how top-end couldnt seem to deal with the problem. Dont know what is different about the bently spec machine but im guessing it is a twin plane thing. I must admit it took me in all about 6 months to sort and was glad when it finally was. Try looking up your local bently dealer! I gather over the years bently has had issues with wheel balancing! Also the dealers know of the problems with the wheel balancing, the factory engineer tried the ‘we cant fix that, tadts’ with me.


I have the same issue… was convinced it was tyre temp, as it was worse when the tyres were cold, and someone had said that A048’s are a little ‘square’ when cold… maybe the combination of engine as mentioned above made worse by tyres ?

Rob, apperently there is such a thing as a twin-plane machine but nobody seemed to have one. And the daft thing is I watched them being balanced, taken off the machine, then back on and they came up unbalanced. My dealer LRV have the very expansive machine for their bentleys but didnt have an adaptor for the exige wheels, but eventually they got them sorted. All the other machines no matter how top-end couldnt seem to deal with the problem. Dont know what is different about the bently spec machine but im guessing it is a twin plane thing. I must admit it took me in all about 6 months to sort and was glad when it finally was. Try looking up your local bently dealer! I gather over the years bently has had issues with wheel balancing! Also the dealers know of the problems with the wheel balancing, the factory engineer tried the ‘we cant fix that, tadts’ with me.



Thanks for the info. I thought the machine used for mine was twin plane, I watch the display and it indicated out of balance on two axes.Found some more info on it at I didn’t have time to take it back to the place with this kit but might give it another go with these guys and explain more about the issues.

Also agree that the whole set up is so sensitive that anything not perfect can set it off or amplify the effect.


anyone considered using something like

Mine does it as well.

I’m almost convinced it’s the AO48s as the speed at which it occurs seems to creep around a bit after a visit to the track. It started around 80mph and after an easy track day it migrated to around 90mph. After another track day at full chat, it seems to come on somewhere close to 100mph.

The fact that it wanders a bit and doesn’t appear dependent on gear (or rev.s) seems to point to the tires.

Its definaetly a wheel balance issue as I have suffered the same a couple of times now. Ive found the symtoms can vary from a constant vibration through wheel to a vibation that comes and goes in a regular pattern as you hold a high speed.

Best thing to do is to try and find a tyre garage with a wheel balancing machine that uses finger plates to hold the wheel to the machine rather than a centre lock (it basically holds the wheel to the balancing machine via the 4 bolt holes rather than a tapered centre boss giving much more accurate results).

Avoid the likes of kwik fit etc. as they are a bunch of muppets and dont have the slightest clue how to do the job properly and they dont use finger plate machines. if you have one near you a dedicataed alloy whell centre should have this equipment

Just in passing the guy who drives on the M42. Make sure its not caused by the cheap concrete road surface which the M42 has in parts.Its my local motorway too and when they built it they finished parts in concrete because they were running out of money I believe.In any vehicle you can’t miss the difference in road noise.

Hi, dont believe it is a wheel balance issue as i have mine balanced twice now by plans motorsport and i still get the vibration. I think its probably the tyres.

what you have to remember is that the front end of a lotus is very light and any slight imbalance WILL be felt.

I also have same problem at 70-90mph.

and I am starting to believe that it is more of A048’s issue.

Brandon, but I run 888R’s!

I had this problem too. Tried alignment etc many times and it made no difference.

The problem turned out to be my front left wheel was damaged; I’d hit a pothole and the wheel was bent out of shape. Had a new wheel fitted and not had vibration since.

Same problem just out of the dealer… brand new exige s 0004Km in the odometer I took it straight to the highway and welcome to the “lotus world of vibrations”. At the beginning the vibrations started at 70-80 MPH, now after 400KM the vibration starts at around at 90 MPH, it is a living vibration… I live in Mexico and I tough that was due to the great… highways we have around here but now that I read this… at least now I cannot blame the paving in Mexico.



My update…

Just had a new set of AO48s fitted and asked that their senior tech. perform the change and balance. No vibration, no shimmy, no issues - steady up to 100mph.

I believe “chuffed” is the term I’m looking for.

Another vote here for a damaged wheel.
Have someone check out if it’s out of true (sideways) as I had once a slightly buckled wheel and it did the same.
In a new car it could even be the inside face of the wheels mounting surface with uneven paint that would make it seat uneven.

Hey Andrea!, so you’re an Italian living in Mexico?