Sprinting Exiges?

Me again!

I have been sprinting my Racing Puma for the past 3 years in the ASWMC (South West Sprint Championship), and have been up against Mike many times. Of course he’s faster than me what with my FRP only having 153bhp and weighing in at 1170kgs! Hopefully that won’t be the case next year when the new beast is unleashed! Lets just say huge turbo and light weight and leave it at that for the minute!

Anyway I was looking at www.rallygallery.com and found some pics from the Scorpion sprint, I was interested to see another Exige is also sprinting:


Is it anyone here? Just wondering how many of you track your Exiges or actually enter them into MSA Sprint events?


and another at the Abingdon Carnival…


and Cheiftan sprint!


This one is Stephen Laing

Looks like I am answering my own question here

and have been up against Mike many times.

Oo er missus!

Seriously though, nice pics.

Many of us (probably 30 to 40) are regular trackdayers, but only a couple actually race. As far as I know, only Mike, AndyD & Tim Stephens compete in sprint events, but no doubt I’m wrong!


If you look in the bookatrack gallery you can find a video of me sprinting the Exige at Curborough - dont laugh too much ok


and have been up against Mike many times.

Oo er missus!

Don’t be so rude

Seriously though, nice pics.

Many of us (probably 30 to 40) are regular trackdayers, but only a couple actually race. As far as I know, only Mike, AndyD & Tim Stephens compete in sprint events, but no doubt I’m wrong!

would be good to see a few more at the SW sprints, that’ll give Mike a challenge


If you look in the bookatrack gallery you can find a video of me sprinting the Exige at Curborough - dont laugh too much ok


Cool vids

I downloaded the oops one first I didn’t laugh, these things happen when you are driving any car on the limit, all part of the fun, annoying at the time tho!

Curborough looks fun, it might be worth a visit next year if it doesn’t clash with the championship, might see you there


A double lapper is best at Curborough - more track time, then you turn right just after the start finish and do top part of the course again - usual times about 65 seconds

That’s the problem with me, track time.
I would REALLY LKE TO RACE, but need to find something that can make me stay on track at least 1 hr at a time. Well, at the very least 30 min.
Endurance sounds good then, with no driver change

If anybody needs a co-driver for a race, I’m always available.


There is always the 24 hour classic at Nurburgring - a collegue in Germany was looking for a co-driver last year - he races a lightweight E-type …

Also I went there for a driver training - did 500 miles in 3 days around the place - you have to go !!

And here is Lisa


would be good to see a few more at the SW sprints, that’ll give Mike a challenge

Thing is, Lisa, some of us are competitive, but some of us are not! Next, throw in a limited budget. Result - most of us prefer to spend �150 to �200 & get 2 to 3 hours driving on a trackday, compared to what, quite a bit of hanging around, then a few minutes action at a sprint event.

So, let’s put the boot on the other shoe - why don’t you come along to trackday where there is an Exige presence? You seem to like our cars, & you are obviously a petrolhead, so I’m sure that there would be no shortage of folks happy to take you on track as a passenger.

would be good to see a few more at the SW sprints, that’ll give Mike a challenge

So, let’s put the boot on the other shoe - why don’t you come along to trackday where there is an Exige presence? You seem to like our cars, & you are obviously a petrolhead, so I’m sure that there would be no shortage of folks happy to take you on track as a passenger.


http://www.rallygallery.com/whole_events/abingdon2003/sprint/abingdon2003_sprint_78_img_1645.jpg >

What happens without Yokos!

[Although I understand you can’t uase them in some Sprint classes as they’re too sticky]

And here is Lisa

That’s me in May 2002, I have a matching blue helmet now

Thing is, Lisa, some of us are competitive, but some of us are not! Next, throw in a limited budget. Result - most of us prefer to spend �150 to �200 & get 2 to 3 hours driving on a trackday, compared to what, quite a bit of hanging around, then a few minutes action at a sprint event.

So, let’s put the boot on the other shoe - why don’t you come along to trackday where there is an Exige presence? You seem to like our cars, & you are obviously a petrolhead, so I’m sure that there would be no shortage of folks happy to take you on track as a passenger.

I could say the same about limited budget, the sprints cost approx �65 for the day, thats for 4 runs, two practice and two timed some lasting approx 95secs each, depending how fast you drive it I know at the end of the day I won’t be needing new tyres, won’ t have wrecked the brakes, or put uneccessary wear on the car, I use it everyday for work so I need it to be reliable and in one piece! These FRP’s are expesive to put right

Thing with track days too is that you’re not against the clock, so have no idea what times you or the other person are doing, not as much fun as a sprint!

I’ll gladly come along to a track day and have a ride tho…in an Exige that is I would have come along to Donington but that was a weekday, so couldn’t

I also have no idea what makes you think I’m a petrol head that likes Exiges

Thing with track days too is that you’re not against the clock, so have no idea what times you or the other person are doing, not as much fun as a sprint!

Like I said, some people are competitive, others aren’t.

Personally I’d much prefer to spend a day, at a circuit, driving for 3 hours or so, rather than spending a day only driving for 6 or 7 minutes.

See “Meets” thread for upcoming trackdays - surely you can sweet talk the gaffer to let you have a weekday away from the grindstone.

Angelsey - this [color:“red”] [/color] Saturday

Andy, I will definitely go to the Ring sometime (I hope soon).
Bt it’s one of the tracks where you need to be a very long time before you get the hang of it.

Let me know when you friend comes to one of the UK tracks (or when he needs someone again, I’m sure we can do something), maybe we can meet and see if he likes my driving .
But definitely I will go to the Ring soon.



I would be honoured to give you a ride…
What about Oulton on Nov 15th? (Easytrack)
I will also try to do the one in Oct 18, TrackAction.

Dont spose your reg is L15A SX is it? Saw that on a FRP that was really going for it… chased it down the M10 but it vanished at the first roundabout !