Special Birthday

Mike Stripe long time Lotus man and an early Exiger is rather poorly at the moment and it’s his 65th birthday on Friday 13th (No jokes). I hope you can post many greetings here and pics too as I know he will read them.

Happy Birthday Mike Love Chris, Margaret, Phillip & Katie

Happy Birthday Mike, we’re all thinking about you.

I saw a fantastic Lotus Cortina at the TLF meet today but when I went to get a photo for you, I couldn’t find it, dammit!

I have first to admit I didn’t know the gentleman when I first read this, but as I looked around the internet it soon became obvious that Mike Stripe is one of those splendid chaps who just “gets on and does” without making a song-and-dance about things.

So ‘Happy Birthday Mike’ - have a great day!

Happy Birthday Mike (I am actually wearing my Exige Polo as I write this)… :thumbup:

Have a great birthday Mike

Happy Birthday Mike

And I am wearing an “EXIGES” patch on my overalls.

For anybody that does not follow Mike’s multi activities … amongst many other things he is a link between the older "Classic " Lotus scene and our young whippersnapper upstarts.

Best Wishes to You and Carol.Hope to see you soon.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

All the best Mike - sorry to hear that you’re under the weather at present.You’ve certainly had some health battles over the past 12 years or so, & your resiliance [awkwardness??? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: ] has been nothing short of inspirational

And to be honest, I thought your 65th was next year, not this! :open_mouth:

Keep smiling :mrgreen:

Rob & Ying

A couple pics from our memorable trip to Angouleme Circuit de Reparts in 2010 - guess who trumped? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Have a good one Mike. Wishing you all the best.

Dear Mike,
Have a very Happy Birthday. I hope you are restored to rude health as soon as possible to enjoy more japes with your many Exigers friends.

Happy Birthday Mike.

Happy birthday Mike!!

Sadly my friend Mike Stripe died on Thursday night surrounded by his family at the Myton hospice in Warwick. Mike was a true Lotus enthusiast for 25 years or more and an early owner of an S1 Exige. He soon discovered exiges.com and all of you!!
His Lotus knowledge was second to none all the way from Colin Chapman’s Austin Seven through to modern day with his Evora and beyond. He was secretary of the VSCC for many years and knew all of them also, they were racing lots of old Frazer Nash, Bentley, Alfa etc. but it was surprising how many started with a Lotus

He missed his birthday which is today

A very sad day!!

Chris Mayhew

Sad news, Thoughts and prayers with his family and friends…
RIP Mike

A very sad loss of a great man who was such a good friend to many of us here.

Another tribute to Mike News

A sad loss.

Very sad to hear the news this morning that Mike Stripe has passed away.
An amazing Chairman and wonderful man! Condolences with his friends and family.

A true gentleman!

RIP Mike

A sad day indeed.

Such sad news, condolences to Carol and family.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :slight_smile: :frowning: :clap:

If you’d like to know a little more about him… http://www.jecoxford.org.uk/event/event139

Not that will tell you much at all of the amazingly humble, giving and for many years courageous man that he was. (And I hate writing in the past tense)

Although he did once cut holes in a S1 rear hatch to fit funnels! Which will clearly be the nature of the award we should dedicate to him. :smiley:

Will miss you greatly sir.