Special Birthday

So sad to hear that Mike has gone. I knew him all too briefly but I’ll never forget the lunch we shared not all that long ago when I handed over a stash of Motor Sport mags to Mike to fill gaps in his collection.
What stories he had to tell.

Happy birthday Mike it’s been a honour

How very sad. I lost my wife suddenly on Sunday May 1st. Such sad times.

Tim I’m so very sorry for your loss buddy, may she rest in piece.

Sad times, God bless.

Yep sad times indeed.

Mike was a statesman for Exiges.com, for Lotus, for historics, for Motorsport, for the forces. I’m so happy that he made it to Anglesey; to pass on the red-caliper, to address our community one last time, to be in the paddock where he was so at home. Happy birthday Mike, we’ll miss you.

So sorry for your loss too Tim, I can’t even imagine where you’re at. Thoughts with you bud.

Tim, we were so very sorry to hear the news about Diane. She was a lovely, lovely lady & we always enjoyed her company whenever the opportunity to meet up arose.

Keep strong & enjoy your future time with your friends here, your Evora, & of course Sherman.

Best wishes

Rob & Ying

A sad loss. I’ll make a point of seeking out one of the Exiges polo shirts and wearing it tomorrow.
Very sorry to hear your news as well Tim. A tear in my eye as I write this.
Best wishes to all that have been touched.

Deeply saddening on both counts.

My sincere condolences to Mikes family and friends. I’ll always remember the laps of Anglesey we shared in the 2-11, he seemed to love every one of them!

Tim, don’t really know what to say when someone has lost both their partner and soul mate. I hope you have your family and friends close by to support and help you through this hard time.


A tough thread to read this. I havent had the pleasure of meeting many of you, but have always appreciated the warmth, and positive support that comes via Exiges.com and the community environment so sad to hear of the passing of Mike and particularly tough to read of your loss Tim. It reminded me to appreciate everyday I share with my family once again. Best to you all, thoughts with you Tim.



Very sad days, my thoughts go out to all those who have close ones lately.

Very sad… :frowning:

I have just randomly logged in ‘on here’ after much time away…

Very sad news all around… about Mike and from Tim…

From ‘down-under’… thoughts of many happy days with the very best…



Miss you Pete :wave:


How you doing Pete?

So Pete. Any developments on your possible return to “Lotus Land”?
How’s the health.
Keep smiling :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Guys… miss you too! :wink:

Don’t want to drift this humbling thread…

Will post elsewhere soon…

Cheers, Pete.

Been off air for a couple of weeks & have just come out of hospital myself.

So sorry to hear about Mike as well as Tim’s wife.

Heartfelt feelings to all.
