Southern Convoy?

Where when how?
Me and Steve will be travelling up on Thursday morning from Southend on Sea about 9am.

Could be up for meeting up somewhere along M54/A5/Teford way, depending on times.

I’m up for meeting up on the way, first year for a while I’m not taking the trailer

Last year’s plan worked pretty well maybe we should stick to that again? It did not seem too rushed and the timing had enough slack to accommodate the usual chaos,…like your missus getting us onto the M54 Ade :laughing:

11:00 Arrive Northbound M40 Warwick Services
11:30 Depart Warwick Services
13:00 Arrive Westbound M54 Telford Services
14:00 Leave Telford Services for a gentle run to Snowdonia

Does that work?
Last edited by Benja on 24 Mar 2015 07:22, edited 1 time in total.

Works for me. Will meet you at the M54 services, all being well.

Telford services sounds like a plan … hope to see you there …

I’ll bring the wife’s Beetle, be like an Elise on steroids!

I’m in

Btw Sean is banned from convoys, he’ll have to make his own way there. He’s just too disruptive.

…and not have to wait four hours for me and Ian like you had to do a few years back :blush:


I’ll take the wingman status…but I wasn’t the one that missed the junction! :smiley:

Hurt doesn’t suit you, get in the fight! :wink:

I’m a lover, not a fighter.

I’m in

Looks like this is the plan this year then, unless there are any last minute alterations :slight_smile:

I’ll be meeting up at Telford as all being well I’ll be picking up my shiny blingy machine from the Edwards :sunglasses:

very nice, look forward to seeing it!

Sorry to be missing it this year…car in too many pieces. :confused:
Have fun and dont get too cold! :mrgreen:
Will be with you next year wont I Martin? :stuck_out_tongue:

Warwick is the Silverstone turn off, right?