Southern Convoy?

No Warwick services is the one after Silverstone when heading North on the M40 Ian.

Me and Phil will meet up at some point, maybe half 11 I’ll check with phill

Was that where we played hardware porn with the the armed coppers?

I think so,…it’s between j12 and j13 northbound on the M40.

It was :slight_smile:

Here - Google Maps

I was hoping to meet up with you all at Telford services. My nipper can’t get the afternoon off work though, so I will see you all at the hotel later.

Telford looks the best option for me as I have stuff to do and a long way to come. See you before 1400hr

Ill be at the Telford services at 13:00 getting a coffee ready for the drive there.

I’ll see you all there. Central Heating’s on the blink and got an engineer round in the morning to fix so wont get away till lunch time.

You aiming to meet us at Warwick Phil/Chris? (We’re currently behind Starbucks)

Ignore that, seen your following post. We’re just waiting for Tim I think.