solved, thanks

Jim if you could also please delete/edit your post. Because you quoted Sean you now need to delete the content from your post too. Thanks.

Absolutely NO CHANCE.

I’ve taken a screen-grab and that will be sent to my solicitors in the morning. They will be in touch with the owner of and we’ll see where that goes. I am determined that this time, Sean and will be made to understand when you post a patently untrue statement like Sean’s, there will be repercussions!

This isn’t about my “fragile ego” - this is about defending my business/my livelihood from people who have an anti-2bular agenda.

Sean has denigrated my product and he MOST CERTAINLY seeks to damage my business/my livelihood.

It’s not the first time he’s posted crap like this - but it’ll certainly be the last.

I have no problem with Daniel posting on an internet forum about my delay in sending his order - I deserve that ass-kicking.

Sean has NEVER bought anything from me but he and his fan-boys on here think they can damage a very hard-won reputation with ignorant lies.

You people think you have a nice little club on here but with Sean posting his snide comments, you’re no better than the rest.

Jim, maybe take a step back and take a breath?

A one line comment on a forum, that isn’t that big in the grand scheme of things, is going to damage your business by how much? I honestly don’t think your solicitor will advise you to do much of anything in reality. The only thing that will be achieved is your solicitor will get a little bit richer, this forum will become a little poorer - and I don’t mean in monetary value - and you and others will get a little more stressed.

There are decent alternatives available off the shelf.

Eliseparts repackable silencers are excellent quality, cheaper, and available off the shelf!


I’m from Switzerland, my native language is Swiss. I speak some english as well. I hope this is not leading in some missunderstanding!


Thanks Jim. I was just asking, not ass kicking :wink:


The intension of my post was to find out if anyone knows anything about Jim. Is he in holiday? Ill? Has he some internet-/e-mail trouble? I couldn’t get him on the phone, neither could I get an e-mail answer within a couple of days. I was worried, that’s all! Not ass kicking, not blaming, not finger-pointing, nothing. Just asking.

Everything is fine. I got an answer. I got a shipping tracking number. All good. There is no need to behave like that. And I’m not pointing at someone particular. I’m just looking at this thread and thinking: S"#t what is going on?

I don’t say that everyone has to love each other. It’s ok to find someone else dislikable. But in my opinion, that does not belong to this forum.

We’re all car nuts, we love a car that was built only 500 and something. We are petrolheads, we are Lotus enthusiasts, that’s all part of our lives. Why should we beat up each other? That’s totally stupid and childish. Emotions sometimes tend to boil up. But then you also have to step back and think about it: What is it we were talking about?

As the post starter, I would like to ask the administrator to delete the whole post, if Jim and the others agree.

Washed my car today, looking forward to mount the new exhaust soon and going to the Mille Miglia in May :sunglasses:

And now, I’m going to make T-Bone steaks and beer ready. Hope you will do the same and hold up the spirit of the community.


Best laugh I’ve had all day :laughing:


PR disaster :laughing: Carry on

Stop it please, bite your tongues. I’m sure you have each others phone numbers so take it up on those. We understand banter and we understand passion. And, we can all be as guilty as the next person. We don’t appreciated this behaviour on


  1. Jonnyfoxy

1 jonnyfoxy
1 jfk


And Jim thinks I am the one giving him bad PR, you don’t need any help in that department matey.

As Tim says, ‘Carry on’

Yeh, you grab onto Tim’s post Sean - still coming after you for posting downright lies.

OK bud, I was trying to help. You’ve been a contributor on for more than ten years Jim, so you know that there are no moderators. If someone takes exception to someone else’s contribution they are asked to remove it - it’s an approach that’s worked for the lifetime of the forum.

2bular has been mentioned on this forum 1852 times since you told us about your new company ten years ago. Thankfully the forum has always welcomed contributors like you with products/services that benefit the community. No advertiser fees, no hard and fast rules, its just one of those mutually beneficial things.

The only negative sentiment I’ve ever seen posted about you/2bular is gripes about delays (which you acknowledge) and the long-running technical disagreement between you/Sean as to whether an exhaust silencer should be repackable or not. I understand that you have a business/livelihood to protect but I’d urge you to consider the relative impact to your reputation of your posts this weekend.

I’m genuinely saddened that you’d take a litigious stance to the latest quip in this technical disagreement and threaten the forum which has I’d imagine generated significant business for you. Further, I’m surprised that given the nature of your grievance that you’d openly denigrate a competitor’s product.

I’ve emailed David (Admin5) and requested that he delete this thread. Until he does so, as is the custom on the forum, could I graciously request that you remove your negative comments about Geary’s products, thanks.

1 jonnyfoxy
2 jfk
3 Benja

Just my 2p but In my experience i have found Jim to be a sound bloke and the exhausts he’s made for me have been fantastic , he even replaced an exhaust free of charge that had developed a problem over a year after I fitted it .

no axe to grind - but you judge folk by what you see :slight_smile: - wow this thread :open_mouth:

I am after a new exhaust for the Exige but I know who I will not be buying from :slight_smile: - he may manufacture a decent exhausts, but…

Have you been taking internet lessons from Scuffers Jim? :smiley:

As has been said, there really is no need for this, especially on this forum.

Best stick to the american forums if you want to post in this manner.



Please remove your posts, you are doing yourself no favours, do not forget this is an open forum that is crawled by all the search engines, it is not good for any of us to make any form of litigious statement about other peoples products.
Group hugs all round, please move on everyone…

Try Chris Tullett. A bit more expensive than Jim. He does at least have a working Alexander Bell