solved, thanks

Does anyone know what happened to 2bular/Jim Valentine?

I’ve ordered and paid an exhaust in October, had some e-mail conversation, exhaust is heavily delayed, and I did not get an answer to my last e-mail. He does neither answer the phone.

I would appreciate any information from you, if you know anything? I’m waiting so desperately for the exhaust being shipped to me in Switzerland… Thanks

Not surprise last time i emailed Jim and got a reply after 6 months so I am not sure if i should get a exhaust from 2ubular or i should get one somewhere else.

You have to just keep mailing him every day … it took me over 6 months to get a system as well …
I think the further from Scotland you are the longer it takes :wink:
My system didn’t fit without some mods to the clam and the performance is “ok” … I cant get very excited … its an exhaust nothing more and nothing less … I have seen and purchased better and worse

outch :open_mouth: I’m from SWitzerland, this is at least alphabet-wise close to SCotland…

Thanks for your replies, it seems then at least that there is a chance…

1 year 7 months to get mine.

Guys seriously are there any good alternatives?

No but I need it to get the car road legal :frowning:

He has always been a victim of his own success, making him too busy, he has tried to outsource some of his work but the quality is not good enough then so he ends up with issues.
Try pm on here, I think his username is 321freeflow :wink:

Not off the shelf stuff
But there are alternatives out there…Tullet for one OJZ Engineering is another

thanks all for your support :sunglasses:

just got an e-mail from Jim that says that the parcel is booked and I should be able to track it now :sunglasses:
will let you know as soon as I can!

Only another month or so then …

Deleted for the greater good and as not to damage Jim’s fragile ego.

Anything I say on here is just my opinion. But an opinion gained by experience non the less.


Ohhh dear …

A cheap laugh for you and your fanboys Sean - but I’ll do my best to make sure it’s a VERY expensive laugh for is not a commercial entity Jim and has enjoyed unmoderated banter for more than a decade.

Sean/Dave could perhaps delete their posts if they’re winding you up.

I’d say making a big fuss would be more detrimental to your business than a stupid post from someone who can’t even spell silencer.

indeed, efforts would be better placed answering comms than making trouble for the broader community

Ignore our yampy brummie :sunglasses:

Well if we’re talking packing, try 1 track day. Quicksilver said that it was my fault I tripped the Donny meter at 105dbs in an NA. 20 or so track days with a decat 2ublar and still only tipped the meter at 93db before I sold the system on.

In Sean’s favour, he’s just taking the piss and Jim’s he’ll go the extra mile, always.

Must be because I live 11 miles from Scottish border :wink: but I have never had an issue with Jim’s service or products.

My S2 box from memory, I got in less than a month from order and was still passing noise metres (just) after 4 years and he supplied me one for my Evora again in a few weeks only last year.

Pesky said Shrek was one of the best sounding S1’s he had heard - yup another 2bular.

All friendly banter on Jim, non of us should be taken seriously :lolno: