Snap-On Tools!


You must be a pain in the arse in a sweetshop

one technique to try and wring a good discount out of them is to spend a decent amount of time looking and trying out tools and pile them all up to one side. At the end resort the pile into those that you are interested in and then ask him to add up the cost. If that is the list price ask him what the discount is for the bulk order.

If he has invested quite a bit of time in you and thought he was getting a big order he may be willing to give you a reasonable discount rather than see you walk and to have wasted all that time and effort.


Well obviously there were this months ‘special offers’ at excellent prices, but of course I didnt need any of them…the items I wanted werent on offer therefore he said I’d have to pay full whack…all he seems to do is type in the catalogue number and it tells him if its on offer, if not then its full price!


Do you think that as im unlikely to be spending tens of thousands with me him as im just ‘a punter off the street’ he just thought he’d quote full price?

In my experiance you just have to play the game. I wind my guy up somat rotten. If he don’t throw a car panel cover or somat little in with the deal each week, I tell him, Nah come back next week. They do have room to move, just get down and dirty with him. Remember he is used to dealing with pikey mechanics that will try to fleece him for all they can get, so you gotta be tough.

They do have room to move

quite a bit in reality, as they are a franchise so they can sell for whatever they like - no boss or company rules to work to.

My brother pays cash and the Van man drops the VAT, so a 17.5% discount is possible.

…just get down and dirty with him.

How very…Liberal!


quite a bit in reality, as they are a franchise so they can sell for whatever they like - no boss or company rules to work to.

Well that might explain why some move more than others then.


exactly - being self employed sort of frees the mind, surely a sale at a reduced level of profit is better than no sale at all, especially if the buyer is a casual buyer?

Going to have another go at the Snap-On man tomorrow, im sure he must be able to give me some sort of discount but cant understand why he hasnt offered me any!

Ok chaps, I took your advice and have just spent a few quid on Snap On stuff and had it delivered…the van looked great on my drive, sad isnt it, whats sadder is that all of my mates want to come around to have a look at my tool kit…this stuff is a work of art in its own right, so much so ive got the tool cab in my office as as piece of furniture…well if truth be told it wouldnt fit in my garage!
Its expensive stuff but as the saying goes ‘you get what you pay for’!

come on then, how much did you end up spending??? and what are the rental charges

Don’t forget to include it as a specified item on your house contents insurance, if it means the existing limits of cover are now exceeded.

Don’t forget to include it as a specified item on your house contents insurance, if it means the existing limits of cover are now exceeded.

Pesky, you think of everything…great point, it never crossed my mind, thanks for that!

come on then, how much did you end up spending??? and what are the rental charges

About 2.5k …and…about 2.5k.

only a few hours left to get a bid in on the ultimate Snap On tool

I have to say I was disapointed at how much it went for in the end.

I only have one more to sell now.


I have to say I was disapointed at how much it went for in the end.

I only have one more to sell now.



Youve got a PM.


can’t find the item in the catalogue, so were they dealer gifts?

No they are not in the UK catalogue. I didn’t get them from this part of the world. They are awesome though, they are really heavy and a quality solid bit of kit. Anyone into Snap On stuff NEEDS one of these!!!

Anyone into Snap On stuff NEEDS one of these!!!

Group buy?