S2 Exige


Thats the one !

Ok, that sighting may be rarer than my Bristol Fighter spot.


I’m one of the SELOC’ers who drove the 111r at Bedford and put in this way I’ve phoned a dealer to get the gen on the S2 Exige.

I genuinely liked the 111R comparing it to other S2’s I’ve driven as well as the Exige. Obviously no where near as raw as the Exige but a very balanced car with a good even feel to the power until 6,000 rpm when it gets really going - not with a BIG shove IMHO but enough to let you know it’s come on full song - but it only had a few hundred miles on it so sure to get better.

The handling was the surpise - I’ve made no secret that I’ve never realy liked the way an S2 handled which is what drove me to initially look at the Exige when I wanted to move on from my S1 Elise but this was a completely different animal. I didn’t feel it had the understeer I’ve experienced in other S2’s it had a nice progressive feel in the very wet conditions which turned into just the right amount of oversteer with a bit of early throttle application when coming out the corner - no drama just nice and easy to catch and hold the slide.

The brake pedal feel was a dissappointment but when you got the brakes on they worked extremely well - it’s just the pedal feel that will take some getting used to as the travel is significantly more than mine !!

The car just felt it suited the engine but I’m no expert and this all just personal feelings

If they’ve improved the S2 Exige by the same margins and with LSS etc etc then personally I’m down for an early test drive.

I think it’s my turn to say “I told ya so”

I think it’s my turn to say “I told ya so”

Well Mark, having read the rest of the SELOC reports, then may I say I think you’re rather easily pleased!

Personally, I don’t think Lotus should be pating themselves on the back yet for merely a slightly better product - new engine & tweaked handling.

I want a compelling case to spend �15k on something better.

I still haven’t seen that in a car that’s heavier, hard to heel’n’toe in and doesn’t look as good. There’s still nothing there over a Honda engine to me. But I hope I’m wrong when I drive one.

I WANT A CAR THAT CAN (almost) JUST BE DROPPED IN TO A BRITISH GT RACE! I think I’ve got one currently.


Ian must admit am still v sceptical, 100kg of extra weight with same bhp doesn’t rock me , Servo and abs seems major turn off. Having said that can’t wait to try the new kid on the block

OK a little bit gung ho but it’s not the steaming pile of poo that everyone was predicting, comments such as [not exact quotes] “I’d never consider a K” and DavidR even wanting a test drive, I think the overall consensus is positive and that this a good thing that Lotus are doing.

As Udlis said there already is the Exige for those who want that… And blimy didn’t it sell well 270 road registered so we could add a few to that and say maybe 340 - 400 were made over the ~4 years…

Anyone in a business would not make that mistake again! It’s for a different market, there’s already the S1 Exige, Westies, Cat’s, Radicals et al. There isn’t a large enough market to warrant something like that again.

If you really want that, pull out the Servo’s on the brakes, rip out all the lining and carpets, you can proabbly pull out all the ABS easily enough then you’re back to the S1 feel It’s how any other car is made into a track focused car…

and say maybe 340 - 400 were made over the ~4 years…

As near as damn it 600 were produced between 2000 & 2002.

Anyone in a business would not make that mistake again! It’s for a different market, there’s already the S1 Exige, Westies, Cat’s, Radicals et al. There isn’t a large enough market to warrant something like that again.

Quite, that’s why the latest car should be called an “Elise Coupe”.

Mark, I think you may have got us wrong (me at least). I was never expecting a worse product, just one that I had no inclination to buy. Nothing’s changed there yet.

I’m also not sure the Exige was sold for 4 years, just a couple I thought, that’d be about �5m revenue a year, not completely stupid business for a small company with a car already designed for its own race series. But I agree there’s less of a market for that now, especially when new cars cost more to develop. What I remain unconvinced about is that by just adding carpet, e/windows, making it look less agressive, etc it’s going to make it sell any more!

TVR have just created a track car in much the same vein as the Exige. Drive it to the track, have a blast and drive home. They obviously think somebody’s going to buy it (and it does look great!).

Why buy a new car and take bits off it to get you back to where you are today?? You can spend the same money and make an S1 Exige something really special!


Autocar out today with lots of Lotus articles - image of proposed 450bhp Esprit replacement also test report on new 111R pitched against VX220T. Big thumbs up for the 111R they seem to like it a lot describing it as ‘more hardcore/more refined’

Oh yes, and interestingly (and it may be just a typo ) on page 19 in the what’s coming when section I give you - Lotus Exige/Elise 190, V6!!! in Summer 2004

On pg 46/7 they state:

“It costs four times more to convert a Lotus buyer than to keep one”

I don’t remember Lotus spending too much on me! Or making another car I actually want.

ALTHOUGH it looks like they’ll have something by 2007! Plus maybe even something for the whole family!?!!


As my original comments were used I suppose I should reply.

The new cars engine is way better than the K-series it’s a no-brainer, I’d pay the extra �2k over a 111S for the extra power and the extra gear.

The handling is better than a S2, loads better, it doesn’t understeer like a pig and is more progressive, still no where near as good as my Exige but that ain’t exactly standard (although it is still on crappy P6000 tyres).

The brakes work VERY well, but the feel is rubbish. The Lotus guy even joked with me that they had spent years telling everyone that no servo is best and they now have to change their comments. They do need work, and I was slightly surprised at the ABS kicking in. This I wouldn’t like, I don’t like ABS in any car (specifically didn’t want in the Freelander we currently have).

However, would I buy one? No. If I had an old S1 I would Honda power it. If I had a S2 I’d keep it a year or so and trade in for a 2nd hand 111R, not worth the depreciation hit (twice!). As for the Exige, looks boring, the Lotus driver shrugged his shoulders when I told him this, says it all really.

However if I was looking for my 1st Elise and could afford it, this would be the one I’d buy.

Plus maybe even something for the whole family!?!!


As well as the Exige I’ve had a four seater Lotus for some 15 years . It is still the best handling/ride/practicality compromise that I have ever driven - it still puts modern euroboxes to shame in all dynamic qualities except stopping while having enough space for a family weekend away . The kids have grown up now but I can’t bring myself to sell it after all this time - and by 2007 it’ll be the grandchildren in the back…

Lotus already know a thing or two about four seaters so by 2007 it’ll be really good I’m sure.


Mark many thanks for your comments - very informative from an Exige owners perspective - am testing an 111R this w.e.