S2 Exige


Ian only managed 3k out of the rears (altho’ included one Elvington trackday )- hope JCT didn’t fit a part worn set Toyo’s on for normal road use now, 48’s for trackdays only in future

A048’s does seem a bit mad but there’s a new Beemer (not sure which one) that you sign a disclaimer saying if you crash it in the wet it’s all your fault… Must be because of the tyres.

But I agree they may miss everyone but lets face it the Exige hardly sold very well. No where near well enough to try that route again They must have lost out with the S1 Exige so don’t wanna lose money again.

You seem to be the one with the most unbiased piint of view, and you know what?

I think you’re right. They need to sell cars, that’s their business. Hardcore drivers at this level already have some satisfying cars.

One level higher you go for Radicals and the like, or just start plainly racing.
The new clients are going to come from the Hot Hatch ranks and/or normal sports/saloon cars, where a certain finish is the norm.

We will be the “oldies” amongst the Lotus owners.
White hairs (if any), talking about the good times. Trackdays, when there was no need for a trackday license, stubbornly hanging on to our ancient Rover engines.
Scorching drives (hot cabins anyone?) in summer, when men were men.

Ahhh!, those were the days…

All this while still (barely) but proudly passing the newer S3, S4 or S5 at the track…


All this while still (barely) but proudly passing the newer S3, S4 or S5 at the track…

But stopping more often to relieve our aching bladders

All this while still (barely) but proudly passing the newer S3, S4 or S5 at the track…

But stopping more often to relieve our aching bladders

and chatting to our other good old boyz for 40 mins every hour …

but what name would you put against an S1 Exiger who has posted over 10,000 times on here

Hey Simon

how about a sexiger … you almost said it yourself anyway…

PMSL!!! Especially the sexiger Although by that time sure the only wood you’ll see is the bit you carry around to prop the engine cover open

Still we’ll have to wait for the Lotus Catherter / Colostomy bag especially designed for the Exige and finished in matching atlantrica

I guess my unbiased view comes from relatively new Lotus ownership… Well that’s what I reckon

I think you’re right. They need to sell cars, that’s their business. Hardcore drivers at this level already have some satisfying cars.

True but I really wanted to WANT this car, if that’s biased. I have some pride in the badge on the front of my car. This just doesn’t seem like progress and Lotus use to be at the front of that.

If you take the car selling line, a business one, then why go to the expense of creating two very similar cars and pricing them right in Porsche territory. There are very few cars out there which you can drive to the circuit and drive home. They’ve turned the product into a car that’s good on the track but for people that won’t go there that often, neither one thing nor the other. Don’t you agree that Lotus need something hardcore? If I was looking for my car now, rather than a couple of years ago, and this was what was on offer, I think I may have ended up with a Porsche or TVR.

Personally I think Exige sales are seasonal, we see that in our 2nd hand values and the final few Exiges flew out the showrooms in the Spring of 2002.

Just my thoughts.


ps. It’s the BMW M3 CSL with the ‘dodgy in the wet’ Cup tyres. Apparently add them to your normal M3 and get a very similar driving experience.

Just saw a Mk2 Exige

And oh dear … I have to say it looks better in the flesh, and in a lighter colour - was titanium or something like that anyhow.

So they are about

Andy, Where was it?

Bromsgrove - just turning to go up towards M42 Island …

I wonder if it was going to Matty’s

I’ll have to ask my mate

Yonks ago I was looking at buying an S2 but as soon as I saw and drove an Exige there was no competition - the new S2 Exige does not tempt me to swap mine. The beauty of the Exige over the Elise is the raw looks (plus the mechanical bits!) - the S2 Exige just hasn’t got it

I notice on the SELOC BBS that a couple of Exige owners have tested the Toyota powered 111R at Bedford today - they seem to be well impressed with the performance and car in general but expressed concerns on the brake feel tho’. It would be good if they could post their views on here - guys???

C’mon then whoever your are, let us know

Mind you, the standard Exige brakes aren’t anything to write home about

Mind you, the standard Exige brakes aren’t anything to write home about

True, but the servos and ABS gear can’t help feel and may make upgrades harder.

I want to see one! I’m still hoping to like it!


I was playing GT3 last night and did rather mavel at how good the Exige looks, even against the Elise.

I wonder if the new Exige has made it into GT4?!


I notice on the SELOC BBS that a couple of Exige owners have tested the Toyota powered 111R at Bedford today - they seem to be well impressed with the performance and car in general but expressed concerns on the brake feel tho’. It would be good if they could post their views on here - guys???

Until MarkA turns up and tells us himself, here’s what he thought (from SELOC):

"At the RMA track day at Bedford today (Less said about the organisation the better at the moment).

Lotus brought along a 111R for people to try out, so felt I had to really.

Power wise it felt similar to the Exige although probably a little punchier at high rpm as the VVT kicked in, there was a noticeable change. Car felt quite composed, and probably the most nicely balanced S2 I’ve driven (not hard as only driven a couple).

Difficult to push hard as only had a few laps and it was very wet, back end comes out nicely though .

The most impressive thing about the car was the brake stopping power, found myself coming back off the brakes as it was scrubbing off too much. They work very well. Shame the pedal feel is absolutly abismal.

If I was in the market for a new Elise, it would be that no question, wouldn’t even conside a K-series now, don’t know if I would chop in a S2 for one, much prefer to have a Honda fitted for less money than it would take to change."

He wasn’t the only one complaining about the brakes.

It sounds like next weeks Autocar may be interesting.


Exige S2 Spotted,

Sunday 01/02/2004 on the A46 in Warwickshire.
Dark silver with black rear wing and front splitter.
It looked good but it certainly doesn’t have the kind of visual impact that the S1 Exige has. I thought that it was an S2 135r to start with!!until I saw the rear wing.